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Why did you choose your main boat(s)?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by ViscountSniffit, 23 Jan 2018.

  1. ChickenSurprise

    ChickenSurprise Active Member

    13 May 2017
    Healing you up
    Always a fixer, cause I have awful aim...
  2. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Lol I would have been happy with anything apart from carronade and napalm.
  3. DrLuigiPhd

    DrLuigiPhd Active Member

    23 May 2017
    I started fixer up to mk 3 and just wasn’t getting duplicates for green items I needed (looking at you duct tape) so I switched to shooter. Now as a mk5 shooter at 3000+ infamy it’s tough to switch to the yellow boats even if they are mk5s. Fixer is left back at mk3.
    Just upgraded my first ship to mk6 and I chose enforcer. I enjoy the play style and with 3 yellow items I think I can keep up with my shooter at my infamy.
  4. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    Initially started out as a shooter and found my infamy bouncing back and forth so progress was rather slow. Fortunately i was still quite low before I decided to play fixer (in general I play supporting roles as it's my preference to contribute that way and do something different than pew pew) so didn't suffer the change. I found infamy climbing to be an awful lot easier and the role more fun.

    The flip side is that I'm probably way higher than I should be and my ship is like tissue paper. Plus I'm at least a 6-7 weeks off before being eligible for MK6, if not longer still..
  5. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I started with Shooter because it made the most sense, and it still fits my desired play style the best.

    While using other boats (Fixer, Speeder, Enforcer), I've also realized how important Shooters are to anchor a team in a match, to the point where if my side feels a little light on Shooters relative to the opponent, or my Shooter teammates are not good players (so many!!), there's about an 80% chance of loss. You may disagree with this at your infamy, but that's what it is at 2k infamy.

    In the mean time I'm fiddling with Speeder and Enforcer. I'm still perturbed at how weak an MK5 enforcer is relative to MK5 Speeder considering I can equip Speeder better than an Enforcer in almost every aspect. Speeder can take a 2-point red item, a 2-point blue item, and if you want to sacrifice a yellow slot, even a 2-point yellow will still leave you with 2 yellow items, same as Enforcer. Meanwhile Enforcer's only advantage is two 2-point yellows (only Tesla shield and frost launcher qualify). If you sacrifice an Enforcer red slot to equip a 2-point weapon, you would be better off running the Speeder with the exact same configuration with the sole exception of Tesla Shield + Frost Launcher. It's a baffling imbalance, and no wonder people gravitate to Speeder.
  6. achillesRising

    achillesRising Member

    14 May 2017
    Always have been a Fixer, always will be.
  7. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    The game had never given me a shield of any kind so I had to switch my shooter to enfo at 3k with a t1 tesla shield.
    With a rubbish turbo and no shield, and my nerfed double tritorps, shooter wasn't going anywhere for me.
    Since I had a half decent bandage (rare t4) enfo was the most forgiving setup I had, and really not much of a choice at all.
    That 2950hp enfo was a little monster with its twin snipers and grenade..
    I have a good small shield now, and my big shield is coming along too.
    I've stuck with enfo though and recently speeder, since I don't have the red gear to fill a shooter up yet.
    Perhaps if the devs ever make the necessary changes to the ridiculous retraining system I can play all 3.
  8. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    I'm now a speeder/defender hybrid while sometimes playing shooter/fixer.

    I started as shooter (it made the most sense with most weapons). Then I started playing defender, and it was fun because of how I could tank and get up close to enemies. I didn't touch speeder (I wasn't as skilled back then) or fixer. But then I got a bunch of really good blue items and yellow items so I switched to defender/speeder. I can't go back to shooter or my infamy will drop, cuz I don't have enough good high tier weapons to go on it (I would be forced to use an uncommon). So I play mostly speeder now :D Ex + Blast is sooo good.
  9. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I chose my ship solely based on what RnG gave me at that time.
    I went back and forth between shooter and defender throughout the whole game. Mk1-3 was shooter but then game never gave me enough big shield dupes to keep up with everyone else.

    Switched to dual cannon defender mk 4 with all level 20 uncommon standard shields and went up to 1500s.

    2 uncommon level 30 cannons weren't cutting it in 1500s so I switched back to shooter mk5 with all Torps and one sniper.

    Took it to ace 3 but never got my Swift or triple torpedo or sniper dupes and mortar spam was too much to handle (10+ Mortars on each side). So I switched back to Defender Mk5 with dual railguns and triple turbo for max speed (yup, 3 turbos on mk5).

    Took that defender all the way from ace 3 to ace 1 because I was basically untouchable by mortars.

    Ace 1 came and everyone started critting me for 1500+ and there weren't many mortars around. So I switched back to typical big shield, standard shield, bandage, turbo.
    Started facing big boys so I decided to retire my rail guns and pick up ex cannons and I'm still playing them.

    I remember this thread back in the day when we were all scrubs. Me and my friends were all Ace 3s and @TheAntiSnipe and @ViscountSniffit we're still warrior? League.

    And this troll thread where I somehow went past 4k with mk5

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