Miika post one 2 week season snap shot for mk6. And next thing you know.... it supports or destroys Used versed underused argument?
Some must not get the science of scalability. Even then. MIIKA was doing this as a way to end the conversation. With fake data.
Here's why. On any given 2 week period. For any ship we can see a new ship spike up. Its 2 weeks. Mk6 defenders live in Ace league. Lets day during that 2 weeks there were tons of defenders guild quests. Then every Ace player in a guild grabs their defender and goes n plays it.
Lets change to a Meta data everyone of us with pen and paper and a calculator can follow.
League standing for top ranked player aka Nitemare league. 4k and higher. At any given time. 500 to 800 players.
How many of them are defender only players. How many Mk7 defenders are there in Nitemare?
This number is consistently Month after Month after Month. The worst.
The developers know this.
They know also the top 200. To top 100, to top 20, etc. Its brutal for defenders in Nitemare.
So one really has to question the agenda posting a 2 week snap shot for only ace leaguue defenders. When the larger point for All defender players has been...fix the oversized Hitbox..it is way too big.
And end game ballance issues are off. Ie buff some defender attributes.
Players arent stupid. We all know what the best players are using. No Defender only player has been top 10 in 6 months. That fact alone tells all new players. Play a different boat. 5 boats now equal 4 boats for the new player. Because why take the time to grow all the shields...if you cant be the best?
Its not a skill issue. Or Benjen as a defender would have been number 1. He couldnt break top 15. For 6 months. So he switched to enforcer and easily made top 5. Same player. Same skill. Different boat. Walla. Top 5.
This artificial ceiling because of these limitations that defenders deal with creates 2 hoices. 1) we eventually quit the ship. Like grey storm did, and mammoth did, and countles many others. ...2) Or quit the game.
Both of thes choices are bad for developers.
A player switches ship. Creates imballance on the bay. Do we need more shooters?
A player quitting the game that historically has already spent $5,000us or more...thats bad news. The best players abandon the boat causes lower level players to think about abondoning the boat. To new players going with a simple scan of top 20....nope. no defenders. I wont play the boat. This is how a boat devolves.
This is why to fix it.
They fixed Enforcer for the same reason. Too few nitemare players were using it.
They changed fixer for the same reason. Too few nitemare players were using it.
This is a top driven game. Who and what the best players use. Influences even the first boat a new player might try out after their shooter training wheels get taking off. You want variety on the bay. Make certain nitemare is ballanced. BUFF the defender attributes. And shrink the oversized Hiitbox which is much larger then the visual shown on screen.
@Miika @ZeusClick to expand...