While it's still possible for anyone to progress, I can see how it's not fun. The infamy system combined with vertical progression leads to a fundamental flaw: the whole playerbase gets stronger over time, so new players get tougher and tougher matchups. A year from now there will be mk7 down there, and they'll be sending the newbies with their 100 HP ships against 10000 HP ones. So, I do agree with
@Stelmo . Entry level matchmaking needs an overhaul. I can see a few ways to do this:
1) Put new players in a "bubble", matching them only with other new players. This bubble could break when they reach some designated power level, for example an mk3 ship with certain requirements for item levels. They would then get thrown into the normal matchmaking.
Pros: progression remains intact; early play becomes as fun as it was for us veterans
Cons: when the bubble breaks, it creates the same situation as now, be it less severe
2) Accelerate low level progression, speeding up the process of getting to mk3 or mk4 (by speeding up the crew training and item leveling up to that point).
Pros: no "bubble" to break, difficulty progression is smooth
Cons: starting out would be the same as it is now and a certain amount of time playing as underdog would still be required
3) Create a numerical estimation of a ship's power, and implement minimum infamy levels based on that
Pros: new player experience improves a lot as high mk ships can't get that low anymore; perceived fairness improves across all levels of play as people will face fewer ships that are far more powerful than their own
Cons: 50/50 win ratio is broken, meaning that low skill players will start to lose more than they win, which will lead to a certain amount of them quitting the game
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