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New Player Experience

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by N00BST4R, 6 Nov 2017.

  1. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    I would say go torps but if you don’t like them...
    If you like cannons
    1. What kind?
    2. Try combining them with flare or fire bomb or maybe napalm (for example, flare + dual bc would deal damage quickly when in close range, so you wouldn’t need to stay alive for long)
    Have you tried railgun? It’s hard to aim but it has unlimited range so you can shoot from far away.
    Grenade in my opinion is more of a late game weapon, since most of the dmg comes from the fire, and the buffing talents are at isak levels 15+
    Then it leaves just mines and missiles (carro isn't that good on early shooter).
    I would really suggest torps. Big torp does good dmg and splash is great too. So can you tell me what do you not like with them?
    Hope this helps......
  2. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Nothing stops you from running the same weapon in multiple slots too. Use what you know!
  3. N00BST4R

    N00BST4R Member

    2 Nov 2017
    I'm a pretty big fan of the standard Cannon & Blast Cannon, maybe b/c I'm most familiar with them; I seem to find the most consistent dmg using them.
    Maybe it's b/c I don't have any upgrades for them yet, and miss a lot. I'm not a grenade dead-eye, but I generally feel like I can land that semi-consistently. I've pretty much decided to play the Defender since I can get 1800hp on it which I think will give me the best chances of surviving for now. It also seems to suit my play-style a bit more which is a bit more brute force and less finesse.

    Thanks for the help; I do enjoy BB, but trying to find a way to have fun.
  4. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Have you tried using torpedo projectile speed perks? Big torp is really slow, amd there are 3 10% speed buffs too
    But defender is good, just sneak up close and fire :cool:
    Check out bunta’s rng series, there are 2 really good defenders who use flare + dual explo and grenade + explo. They just tear up everything in front of them:p
    N00BST4R likes this.
  5. N00BST4R

    N00BST4R Member

    2 Nov 2017
    Thanks for the advice, I really do appreciate the community's support!
  6. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Skill does not help in this situation, when i started 2.5 months ago, i want to 1300 infamy in less than a month but since the guild update when i got stuck below 500 infamy , it has taken me days to get back up.
    I tell u that this mass migration of harder ships downwards is due to guild quests.
    Some do it intentionally just to vs easier people while doing guild quests. Many just drop unintentionally as they use weapons not used to them. Take me i went away from my shooter whose weapons could do 2000 plus dmage to a speeder with a carronade on it ( i admit it is not the smartest thing i have done but yes) , now i am paying the price.[/QUOTE]
    Last edited: 6 Nov 2017
    noelips likes this.
  7. N00BST4R

    N00BST4R Member

    2 Nov 2017
    I did this when I tried mortars, torpedoes, and a few other weapons. I dropped ~200 Infamy and reverted to using my bread'n butter cannons and quickly regained all I lost. However, seeing Mk4 & 5 in sub 500 Infamy seems pretty ridiculous to me.
  8. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    it is all due to guild quests, i am sorry and it is ridiculous but nothing can be done.
  9. N00BST4R

    N00BST4R Member

    2 Nov 2017
    So do these players purposely lose to stay in that Division / League? I was able to beat ppl who seemed to try ~100 - 250 with relative ease...and that was even weapons / ships.
  10. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    no they stay down to help their alliances to gain guild tokens in guild quests.easier opponents means it is easier to use unfamiliar weapons. Leagues have nothing to do with this. Although some go down and then rush up at the end and repeat.
  11. N00BST4R

    N00BST4R Member

    2 Nov 2017
    <sigh> I'm no expert, but seems like the Leagues would benefit from weapon / ship "ceilings". I also play Fortnite on PC, and depending on the zone a player is in, it has ceilings for how powerful someone can be. So, a Lv100 player will still be powerful when helping someone in the starter zone, but they do not receive 100% of their actual power / stats. Honestly, I'd be willing to let someone use a Mk5 in Challenger, where they probably have no good reason to be in the first place, but reduce the effectiveness of all the weapons and HP by a set percentage. This still gives them a distinct advantage without being completely broken...
    I am a SAILOR and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  12. Cyn

    Cyn Well-Known Member

    20 Jul 2017
    See the thread https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/high-level-ship-in-low-infamy.14076/ which presents an explanation on why there are high MK ships at low infamy. There's a combination of players that either spent money to accelerate builds without taking the time to develop skill; and then there are others that are simply unskilled at the game and plateau no matter how much time they spend playing and upgrading ships and equipment.

    Go to the boards of games that are based on similar fighting concepts like Call of Duty and Overwatch and you'll see similar complaints. Some players log in thousands of matches, use great equipment or characters, and just don't advance. They maybe lack the intellect, strategy, hand to eye coordination, common sense, situational awareness, any number of things to advance. There doesn't seem to be a fix for that. For some people, they just don't have it, and they never will. My post is not meant to belittle anyone or laugh at anyone, I'm simply stating facts. Personally, my rise in infamy as been a slow, gradual process. Some of the more advanced players would probably suggest that I'm not quite where I should be given my ship and equipment levels. But I win more than I lose, and I consistently match up with and against players with higher MK ships and better equipment than me.

    Because of that dynamic, and the fact that this game has been out awhile, you are simply getting matched with those types of players with advanced ships and equipment, but lack the skills to advance. There are a lot of different recommendations on how to fix this, but all of them come with their pros and cons.

    The simple fix would be to force players to match up against others with similar ship and equipment levels. But this would also mean that those players lacking skills with advanced ships and weapons would lose a lot, and would likely quit the game. And in the case of those players that paid money to boost ships and equipment, would it be fair to them to basically penalize them for their lack of skill?

    If you're a free to play player that's upgrading slowly, the best you can really do is simply take your lumps. Your infamy will ping pong up and down. You'll peak, and face advanced ships and equipment that make it difficult for you to stay alive in the game. You'll hit that valley, where you're mopping up the floor with your opponents.

    I created a second account that is entirely free to play. Its now an MK3 in the 900-1100 range. Most of the players in the matches are MK4s and MK5s, and anything less than an MK4 is usually targeted first, so I know exactly what you're facing. I just saw an MK2 in the mid 900's that was snuffed out within the first 45 seconds with a Sniper Crit and a Railgun blast. That couldn't have been fun for him either. But the consolation prize in all of this, if you're facing players with stronger ships and equipment, its telling you that you're probably more skilled since you're advancing further with less to work with.

    Oops. This wasn't meant to be an essay.
  13. N00BST4R

    N00BST4R Member

    2 Nov 2017
    @Cyn I can understand that, but in COD / OW if a player logs a thousand games he/she never earns competitive advantages. I guess there's some argument for COD having more unlocks / perks, but I used to play that a LOT & prestige - idc what a player had unlocked; skill > perks. I can't out-play someone who has twice the item slots, 3-5x HP, and T2+ items though. My idea is to implement League caps where players could still access all of their items & ships, but limit items to nothing above T1 Lv10 & Mk2 HP ship values; at least in Challenger. Obviously that would scale / change with League, and eventually be removed entirely, probably anything beyond Warrior - idk b/c I'm stuck in that mess right now.

    That said - how can someone NOT get out of Challenger when they have 2-5 times the firepower / HP...oh well
    I am a SAILOR likes this.
  14. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Nice ideas, should have shared them in matchmaking posts
  15. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    I think the fundamental issue is that hp to weapon power is not balanced. The average Mk5 ship base hp is about 2000. Weapons increase much faster, not by level, but because you go from 1 weapon to 3 quickly. Would it hurt the game if all ships got more hp? Matches might be a little longer but my matches either are over in 2 minutes or are a tie. Rarely have I ever thought I would have pulled a win if I just had a few more minutes. At Mk5 my enforcer has about 3k hp. That is wrecked in 1 mediocre big torp and a few pop shots. And if people got too many ties, the game could have a sudden death where you get a 2 min extension.

    Problem is people die too fast and get fed up. Poor performing player with 1000+ matches (crew training, wep levels, mk) is placed against new players. Solution is to simply add more hp. In addition Rovio should implement Mk levels where you buff your hp at each stage. So Mk1.1 to Mk1.5 then you become Mk2.1 etc. This increases the sense of progression for new and old players alike and allow for faster hp increase. You can have a small amount of gold for each Mk sub-level and then a bigger amount to go to the next Mk level which changes your turrent speed, weapon slots etc. And I would keep the captain level cap for each Mk. So instead of 3.5M for Mk5, it would be like 500k for Mk4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 and then 1.5M to Mk5.1. As an example using the current hp base levels, shooter gets 800 hp from Mk4 to Mk5, so Mk4.2 would get +150hp up to Mk4.5 (+600), then Mk5.1 would give you +200hp, slots, speed etc.

    C'mon Rovio, Git Er Done
    I am a SAILOR likes this.
  16. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017

    Advantage of long range weapons, mk3 fighting amongst mk5s at 1,4k infamy
    Cyn likes this.
  17. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    unfortunately that is what many players go through the only difference is that you lose most of the time(atleast it feels that way) My advice is don't take infamy too seriously yet and don't be too quick to commit to one boat, try all your options(boats, weapons, strategies, etc.) and find what works for you. Yes you are going to lose battles but over time it isn't going to matter right now work on aiming your weapons, finding weapons you want to use... if you find rare, epics, or legendaries don't scrap them even if you don't use them now you might want to later... when I was a bigger newb I scrapped 2 rare big torpedoes because I thought I would never use them but with the frost+torps meta I'm kicking myself... anyway my point is to keep your options open and get as many rare as possible upgrade the weapons you have now but keep in mind that in the long run rares or epics are going to be better.

    Here are some links that I think can help your gameplay...
    Last edited: 8 Nov 2017
  18. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Okay. Let me get in on this. Listen. Get to a guild. Play there for two weeks. The guild should be small scale and average. While playing, save up sugar and spend it on training. The guild rewards are huge. Youll get a lot of perks, some will be epic. Try for lv16, then you'll have a shooter mk3. Play about three-four more weeks, and you'll have a mk4. At mk4, you can touch a ceiling of about 1.3-1.4k infamy. Then you gotta start working for mk5. Mk5s are real tough to farm. By the time, though, you and your nephew will be feeling awesome because you went through a journey together! Keep at it, keep wrecking!
    Last edited: 8 Nov 2017
  19. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Hey, that's what I told @The Grim Repair ! She didn't reply though:(
  20. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Okay. You are a mk2? Mk2s have a cool advantage. You don't need turbo. The base speed is good. Equip a shield, and you'll be nice and tanky.

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