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New Event: Combines TDM & CTF!!!

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by SykleDrop, 13 Aug 2018.


Would you like to play a Sunk My Battleship event like described?

  1. Hells yeah!

    4 vote(s)
  2. Yeah, but with a few tweaks...

    2 vote(s)
  3. Seriously? No; It’s a dud...

    0 vote(s)
  4. I like buttered toast bc my dad has a shovel.

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. SykleDrop

    SykleDrop Member

    30 May 2018
    Imagine: Rather than having a capture circle, each team has their own (similar to the CTF mode) BUT, it becomes a home ‘base’ or ‘mother ship’, if you will. The purpose of the match is to destroy the other team’s ‘base ship’. Home base would be a large ship or a ‘command post’ of sorts with something in the neighborhood of 25k(+/-) health.

    In this mode, there will still be the ship to ship fighting as teams must fight to protect their own ‘base ship’. Players that make it to the opposing ‘base ship’ will be tasked with destroying said ‘base ship’. Fixers can choose to either heal the players defending the base or heal the ‘base ship’ itself. Pulse, bolt and box could all heal the home base just as it would any given teammate.

    This setup would integrate well into the current mapping system and capture the flag mode. Rather than the capture the flag circle, those locales would be the setting for each team’s ‘base ship’.

    NOTE: Possible flukes I see this far are:
    Mine flooding. Players getting close enough could throw mines at the base but since the home base can’t move to avoid damage legendary mines could make quick work of it.
    *Possible Fix* Either do a 1 mine expl./xx secs OR put a small safe zone (equivalent to a 2-3 range) around the base where mines only land outside the zone (similar to the CTF circle).

    Distant Mortar Rain. Same as mines just from a distance with Bertas.
    *Possible Fix* Have the base ship moderately covered. Obviously players that can craft an accurate mortar should get rewarded for the effort so there should be certain ‘sweet spots’ where Bertas & such can fall, but the idea is to encourage skill shots rather than easy distance shots.


    Keep in mind: I’m not a developer & this is just an idea... but with enough feedback (assuming the idea is well-received, of course), we could possibly encourage implementation. Please leave feedback; good and bad; and any issues, improvements, possible loopholes, etc... Thanks for the feedback and happy hunting!
    Last edited: 13 Aug 2018
  2. MAHI11

    MAHI11 New Member

    10 Aug 2017
    This is interesting and at the same time quite innovative bro...but as mentioned above too, mines and mortars are an issue...!
    Firstly, I have a suggestion regarding mortars: why not mark a separate core zone/circle around the base ship from where only (i.e. after entering that zone) one can launch his mortars…!
    Secondly, how about making a rule that at any point of time, minimum 2 ships of both the teams (I am considering this event as of 5v5) should always be around their base ship for defending else the match ends automatically and the opposite side wins! Deaths will not cause the match to end as players will respawn near their base ship!
    Looking forward to ur feedback guys!
    SykleDrop likes this.
  3. Cavy

    Cavy Well-Known Member

    26 Feb 2018
    Not a bad concept sort of what some laser tag places do
    But a large stationary object will get destroyed before way too easily! as soon as I have clear open space between me and it my torps will cut it in half before any one on my team even sees it also can it catch fire? Game won’t last long when cannons are doing 2k damage a hit
    Maybe a smaller target driven by ai that a team needs to follow to protect?

    Also damage multipliers would be cool for defending boats in thier base ships range with maybe an added constant healing factor?
    SykleDrop likes this.
  4. SykleDrop

    SykleDrop Member

    30 May 2018
    You both have some pretty sick ideas! I really like the idea of having a prime mortar target range that would help with mortar rain.
    Plus the sick idea of an AI driving the base ship would help with the mortar protection as well... I also like the idea of damage multipliers/reducers based on proximity as well as recurring, controlled healing of base ship.

    If you guys don’t mind; check out the feed on this other Forum... I posted this one in response to a convo I was having with another guy; but there’s a feed in the Suggestions and Ideas topic that has a decent amount of input in it as well. I also made up a mock map. Here is the link: https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/new-event-combines-tdm-ctf.21472/#post-166925
    Last edited: 14 Aug 2018
  5. SykleDrop

    SykleDrop Member

    30 May 2018
    Some of the things mentioned here I also covered in a follow-up post on the other one. (Like the torps)
    Mainly; it involves minor tweaks to prevent direct torp damage and also adds 2 small base ships (3 total; 1 mother ship @ 25k; 2 small bass ships at 12k). This would eliminate fixer posting; help cut out draws; and cause just enough chaos to add some additional excitement!!

    ***PLUS - if you guys don’t mind; I’m gonna share your input with the other feed as well bc I think they’re both of substantial benefit.***
    KINGIVANOV likes this.

    KINGIVANOV Well-Known Member

    28 Nov 2017
    Over here.
    Love it
  7. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Make posts
    In your bed, computer, and screen
    just no.

    people will be using many torps, think of it.

    speeders will run in, place a mine since they cant get out (heavily covered) and fire a torpedo, die, and repeat.

    just use my idea, itll give 'way' more likes:

    vampire: 15% of dmg donw will be healed to you, that means that stray mines/napalm/torps will healyou a decent bit. (max heal from 1 thing / 40%hp)
  8. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Make posts
    In your bed, computer, and screen
    make the 'base' attack and summon mini bot ships, now itll be league of legends

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