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makes no sense + news on upcoming updates?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Bunta, 17 Aug 2017.

  1. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    1. It's just an instance the balance could found out at max tier 3 too.
    2. I did state that make them with all perks and training stronger than t5 rare and t4 epic(also instance the balance could be find out for epic too at Lvl 46) epic otherwise they would not be legendary but the gap should not be huge.
    3. I hope I get my pt through maybe I didn't add that all figures are just for ex in my post so that might have led to confusion
  2. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Oh I see !
    But then, shouldn't a T5L be faster than a T5E and faster than a T5R ?
    People who have rare items either got incredibly lucky or paid a little to get them.
    The in-game balance would be fine, but, the players who pay wouldn't agree.
    Why pay for something that does it for free ?

    But I kind of agree with you. a T5R with epic perks should go up to the limit cap. The T5E should be faster than the maximum cap and the T5L should be faster then the Epic one.
    It makes sense.

    I don't know if Rovio will change all of that to be honest, and if so, don't know how they would change it to make it better for everyone. It's pretty hard to balance something between free and paid. :)
  3. =Fee_KlocheTTe=

    =Fee_KlocheTTe= Member

    18 Aug 2017
    First time on BB forums and I read THE topic

    Sad to read @RNG Bunta retire for a while, hope you come back soon ;)

    Turbo is difficult to balance for sure, another thought about it, without changing max speed, why using 2 Turbos would not increase boat's acceleration (like in real life), it seems it does not ?

    As devs/admins are here, could they tell us what new game improvements they're working on ? :)

    edit : 1 turbo acceleration line/curve could be different to distinguish various levels of Turbo though, so T5L would be better than T5E
    Last edited: 18 Aug 2017
  4. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    imo T1L should've all perk slots open already
  5. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    No, T4E opens the 4th slot.
    T5R only has 3 Slots max. A T1L at level 1 is exactly the same as a T5R maxed.
    So the scaling is exactly linear between the rarities.
    Bunta likes this.
  6. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    I agree. The perk slots are fine as it is.
  7. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    it is not
    T4E opens 4th slot at lvl 31
    while T1L can be compared to a lvl 40 epic but it doesnt have the 4th slot open.
  8. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Definitely is, you're wrong.
    T4 Epic is level 31-40. 4 Perk slots are available at T4.

    T1L is only as good as a T3 Epic at level 20-25 or so. And T2 Opens the 4th slot for Legendaries, which would then compare them to T4 Epics. On the same scale.

    T1L (Lvl1) = T3E = T5R (Max) - 3 Perk slots.

    Go see for yourself:

    The only exception that I've found is the Tesla Shield that have slighty different scale.
    Last edited: 18 Aug 2017
  9. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    T1L = 3 perks
    T3L = 4 perks
    Maybe a T5L could get 5 perks ?

    It's perfect as it is

    BITTERSTEEL Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    i'm still far, far from the endgame items wise so I can't contribute to the discussion on that avenue, but as for how boring the game has gotten, I'd have to argue that it hasn't been this fun in a long time! Lots of new faces means that matchmaking doesn't take over a minute to find a game anymore (like it used to at my level).

    But I do understand why it may be boring to others.
    Game has been the same 5v5 One-Life Deathmatch we all know and love from when I started about a year ago. I know the Devs have their own ideas to add to the game, but let me pitch some of my own, with the hopes that it generates some discussion back at Rovio HQ:

    • Private, unranked game lobbies that we can play with our friends! I'm sure we can improve our skills exponentially if our experience on the Bay wasn't limited to a ranked match. This would be especially great from a content creator's perspective as we could create guides based on various maps, the advantages of each spawn, map movement, etc.
    • Guild related activities! This is pretty much self-explanatory. There's literally nothing to do with guilds except show off on the leaderboard. I know everyone has been clamouring for this for quite some time.
    • Different gametypes! I remember this being discussed before global launch; the reasoning against it was the fact that the playerbase was too small and there was no point in splitting the matchmaking queue, but is now not high time to add it in? Some ideas for gametypes include 1v1 or 2v2, or even equal ships with equal weapons, with strong weapons with limited ammo scattered over the map (like Halo or Doom). However, the infamy system would need some serious overhaul, as a single infamy across every gametype would not be ideal. For instance, someone who's really good in 1v1 might not be good in 5v5. Therefore, what about a separate infamy rank for every gametype, with a total infamy rating on your profile?
  11. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    wtf u talking about...
    i have a t1l explosive cannon at lvl 10 its damage it's 1kish, i have a t3e explo at lvl 30 its damage it's 800ish
    t1l it is not compared to t3e, also t3l opens 4th perk while t4e opens 4th perk, but how hard it is actually to get a t4e and how hard (and expensive) it is to get a t3l ?

    we all are back to point 1, this game needs more bang for the buck

    @BITTERSTEEL i am at 3k not and i just had a game vs GODLIKE and other mk6s... i deftly agree with your points, current only game mode available it's no fun seen this matchmaking.
    Imo another viable solution would be to make it faster and easier to reach mk6, rescale the sugar needed for it, which would mean more players reaching higher tier and filling nightmare league tier playerbase
    Last edited: 19 Aug 2017
  12. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    I agree legendary items need more bang for the bucks. Especially green, blue and yellow items.
    Weapons are "almost" fine when you think about it.

    But I have to disagree on leveling up faster.
    I went up rather quickly without the experience and my "teammates" paid the price sometimes.
    I needed the experiences.

    As of now, a lot of noobs are in ace league.
    If they were to go to nightmare league, it would be the same. But instead of having the purple "dot", they would get the golden one.
    Look at bittersteel (welcome here btw man).
    He has a lot of games under his belts, not so strong items and yet, he has mad mad skills.
    He deserves that spotlight.

    Leveling up costs a lot of sugar but the thing with this game is : the more you play, the more sugar you get. Therefore, you can level up very easily.

    I started a few weeks ago to stop caring about infamy. Just farm sugar as much as I could and, it's pretty sweet to have "unlimited" ressources.
    The system is fine. Although, they could add an option to "increase" the gold/sugar capacity.

    Point 2 is pretty much said everywhere. We all want more contents (maps, training mode, guild activities, etc...) and I'm sure he devs already know it.
    Point 1, i would like your insights.
    (IF), you have a level 40 turbo that maxes your ship, would you consider leveling it up if you get no more speed OR would you considering leveling it up if you get more speed ?
    Either way, I would love to know your reasoning =)
  13. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    @Bunta i am saying this because there is an abyss between mk5 and mk6\7, i can not be matched up with players with evolved legendaries lvl 40 and 12k hp while i am level 30 and i have 4k hp
    you know already it is lost before it even starts, so devs need either to fix the matchmaking or close the gap between mk5 and 6\7.
    i repeat 3k not players do not have fun in battles vs 4k+ not, getting 2k hits while disposing of 4k hp...
  14. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    You are not been matched against those players. Your 5 player team have been matched against their 5 player team, which makes is a huge difference. If you think you need to alone take down their top player and give up if you feel you can't then you are never going to succeed in the game. It's teamwork and you need to adjust your play style and strategy based on if you are the top dog or the smallest fish in the pond in the battle. With good team work every player in the game will fall in matter of seconds. Nobody is invincible unless you decide so before even trying.
  15. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    But it's the same with other games as well.
    I do understand how you feel though. Before reaching nightmare I was a mk5 going up against mk6 and the top players. Wasn't easy but I made it.

    You need to be patient, work as a team (difficult at times, that is a fact) and evolve your gaming.
    Even I gets frustrated but it's part of the game lol.

    Just play the game as a fun game and don't care about the rest. You'll see how different it can be =)
  16. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
  17. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    how can you talk about teamwork when you cannot do a premade team of 5 members, you can't really coord and you really don't know what's going on in the mind of your teammates, at least you can't at my tier.
    imo the figure of speech "top dog or small fish etch" just doesn't fit, then i could say it's like if i am racing in formula one with a toyota camry....
    nightmare players are exploiting this absurd matchmaking, they just chase down the "small fish" 2shot it down and it's 4v5, gg wp?
    what does skill and teamwork have to do with 2.2k cannon hits while i have 4k hp, should i just stay at my respawn and spam torpedos in random directions idk
  18. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Please keep the offtopic matchmaking complains away from this thread. If you have have something to say on that topic there are plenty of existing threads to choose from.
  19. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Maybe there will be further mk versions of ships coming out, like the recent mk7 release.
    Like we lose some speed and agility (turret/ship) with mk upgrades, more mk classes after 7 (if planned out) can have the values lowered a lil more (for some more health) so that the max could only be achieved by a t5 legendary.
  20. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    I hope MK8 boats bring more speed to be honest...
    If not, then turbo needs to do its job.

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