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Current Shop System, does it suck?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by D3X, 26 Apr 2017.


What do you think of the Current Shop / Item System?

  1. Needs work.

  2. Good.

  1. aKifer

    aKifer Active Member

    27 May 2017
    Well, id they don't bring it back this game is dead in a year. Let the whales reach the top, the most skilled will quit and newbie that don't earn a fortune will have no incentive to continue (since not only tbere is no little league for them, but also the current system is perfect for high lvl farmers). Battle bay is going to become an acquarium of moby dicks where lv t3 legendaries will complain about lv4 legendaries
  2. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Legendaries are becoming more rampant, it's really throwing off the balance between skill and pay2win. Really, most of the P2W players are moving up the infamy ladder and they are approaching the top. Not a lot, but there's a few movers and shakers, which is significant since the number of players at the top is only a handful. Says a lot!
  3. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    The difference between level T4 epics and T5 rares and legendaries isnt really much at all....
    Lets call those players the dolphins.. skill will beat them

    The whales, like winkle though with T4 legendaries.. yes, that is a gap that cant be closed, but that is a very very small pond.
  4. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I agree with the T4 Epics, but Legendaries are much more powerful than T5 Rares. T5 Rare max is like a T0 Legendary (which is 10 levels below a legendary if it exists.)
  5. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Pretty sure T5 blast is about 800 dmg and T1 level 1 legendary is 830 or so. Defo not gamebreaking imo
    (From memory, might be wrong ofc)
  6. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Could be your captain level skills that are changing those stats. Once you purchase the legendary, the stats bump up even more.
  7. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Ah ye, good point.
  8. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Yep, but once you train your crew and get bonuses, you will end up getting the numbers pretty much same (like rare blast t5 dmg 800 gets bonus and goes to 900 dmg. Then legendary t1 will go about the same so no big different before legendaries gets to t3 as it surpasses even epic t5 then). Only different between epics/legendaries and rares is perk slots as more perks gives way better guns, especially with epic perks.
    Just pointing out so please don't get upset :)
  9. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Good.. I found the thread. T5 Max Rares are equal to a Level 1 T1 Legendary, and once you upgrade to T1 Max (Level 10, it's beyond a T6 Rare or level 60)


    Big Torp
    Standard Mortar
    Flare Gun
    Renier Fourie and monobrow like this.
  10. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    (Shameless repost from other part of the forum - suppose it belongs here).

    @Miika Seeing as the old patchnotes didn't make the new forum, I'll drop this here:

    Are we still pretending that the shop/item acquision changes made gathering gear easier? Or are you ready to admit that it has severely cut down on players ability to find epic duplicates?
    Since that patch (which was how long ago? 3 months?) I still havn't managed to assemble 10 green epic pieces & my lvl 32 ship is stuck with mk 2 epic weapons.

    I wish you'd at the very least be upfront about it, rather than the "oh, but its much better for players now" you told us off with back then.... I've tried it for months now & these changes combined has made progress much slower & the game requires tons more farming now if one is to have any hope of lucking into an upgrade. [Unless we buy pearls -- Which is the point, I get that.. Just be honest about it then].

    Stars -> Farm 150 stars (or have pearls to make up for shortage) = Buy random epic every now & then.
    Shop -> Full epic item for sale for around 1.5mill. They we'e rare and what appeared was random, but you also had the option not to purchase it.
    Reaching 3/4k infamy -> Well done, have a random epic item.
    Weekly/season rewards (+quests) -> Rarely a full epic as the weekly login reward.. I was low level so shit weekly quest rewards (unsure of what high level players got).

    Stars -> Farm 15 stars, buy 2 uncommons + miniscule chance of something useful. Would require 1 epic piece for each Star Crate to equate before, I'm sure we can agree this is not the case?
    Shop -> Once every few days a 10th of a random epic appears for 280k. It's one of the only sources for epic gear in the game, so you have to buy it if you want any hope of progress. Meaning spending 2.8million pr random epic. Almost a doubling of the price & now you have to buy epics you could not care less about.
    Reaching 3/4k infamy -> Well done, recieve a 10th of an epic.
    Weekly/season rewards (+quests) -> 3 premium chests pr week = 3/10th of an epic. Perhaps the one part of the game that was changed in players favour / remained constant.

    I know there is zero chance of going back to the old system, but it sure would have been nice if you guys would have just been honest & upfront about it --- Giving you the benefit of the doubt in that you actually thought what you said was true; how about talking straight now & admitting how horribly wrong it was?

    Kind regards - A frustrated player constantly playing against legendary p2w players & the people who picked up the game back when getting to epic mk4/5 was actually possible.
    Jammo, Totoro, Rock'N'Rolla and 3 others like this.
  11. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    This is pretty much my findings exactly but reworded. Thank you.
  12. Joe Chen

    Joe Chen New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    wow, that was the old system???
    man that is freaking nuts. what was the reason for changing it? because 150 stars is too hard to get?
    i'm barely a week in and already notice how hard it is to upgrade GREENS, much less blues, or epics. you don't get enough same items, and "pieces" are a 1/10th chance at a lottery. 1/10th chance to get something useful (let's say 1/10) = 1%. that means i'm spending 280k on a 1% chance i'm getting something i'll use lol.
  13. lovemachine

    lovemachine New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    In a successful game both f2p and p2w players are important roles . Of course , p2w players generate most of the income for the game , but f2p players are the base of community and keeps the game versatile (also somebody has to be the puchbag lol).

    That said , I personally think rovio was too greedy on the system too , yes you made an incredible mobile game , but it cost way way more then most pc games to get even close to the top , not to mention f2p players also provide ad income EVERY GAME , I'm sure that's more than a lot of other mobile games already.
    On the other hand, as long as there are many players around , the devs will not and should not change the system , because all they consider is profitable income(if you may) so honestly the only thing they are afraid of is you quitting , they don't mind how sad you are as long as you are still playing that is .
    If you ask me the best way to change the system , I'll say simply take a brake.
  14. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    i wish they had a "trading corner" at the shop. not human to human trading but just a trading shop feature. for example, you can trade two or three epics that you dont need for one that you need, that sort of thing.
  15. ECTO_1a

    ECTO_1a New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    Say it with me "Pay to Win" money talks and bull$hit runs a marathon
    Jammo, GhostYasuo and D3X like this.
  16. ArctiC

    ArctiC Active Member

    18 May 2017
    I started this game after the global launch and find it extremely hard to find duplicates of my current weapons. It feels like Im stuck at one point in the game and no matter how hard I try there is no way I can progress in the game. The developers seriously need to consider other options or this way the game is going to be short lived. At the beginning I used to play for around 3 hours everyday but that number has definitely reduced to 1 or 2 games per day.

    Now I just wait for the quests to accumulate on resources and hope that one day ill be lucky enough to find epic duplicates from the stupid crates the game has to offer. I invested around $100 on this game and now I just regret wasting my money. I definitely want to see the game improve and just put an extra effort providing my feedback to the developers.

    I think an update has been long due and something needs to be changed in the system.
  17. Rokstrmahesh

    Rokstrmahesh Active Member

    29 May 2017
    At start game seemed interesting, now I'm at tier upgrade, I cannot find duplicates of that rare weapons, costs too much in the shop, winning battles gives fewer rewards.
    They cleverly planned the upgrade system so you'll get stuck at point thinking to spend money, I'm going to quit if there is no change in shop system.
    I'm an F2P player yes this is a pain in the @**
  18. ArctiC

    ArctiC Active Member

    18 May 2017
    With 95% votes againsts the new shop system, I just wonder what developers fail to see...
    ECTO_1a likes this.
  19. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    I personally don't mind anymore if p2w players get their duplicates from shop because they do find those eventually from container anyway so they do get huge advantage when f2p and p2p players are stuck on item evolves because of lack of duplicates. Therefore open shop would be better as everyone could progress at least after collecting pearls for epic duplicates or gold for rare etc. Getting stuck just simply takes the enjoyment of finding next duplicate for certain item. I have been stuck with epic flare gun t1 for almost 6 months now and all I heard is "you'll find it eventually"... do I? Do I have to wait for 2nd duplicate for next 6-8 months again, seriously?
    There needs to be less RNG. For example possibility to re-roll combinings or being able to choose one from 2-4 options.

    I have sent around 50€ and really not going to spend another before I get some realistic ways to evolve items I want to use, not those which the RNG chooses me to evolve.
    "Cheers" :(
    Kitterini and lolawola like this.
  20. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    95%*10000 increase in profits are putting $$$ in their sights.

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