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Balancing 3.2 Ship agility balance (13/09)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 13 Sep 2018.

  1. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I still cannot get used to the Enfo. It has been absolutely ruined for me and just before the update I bought my mk5 Enfo and thought it was the best ship I ever had. Since then the game has lost a lot of its appeal to me, sadly. And the slider, well...many asked for it, but as I said before a bandage here and there and that is it. I had to use my Enfo for quest, but it is terrible. I should not react anymore on the forum, but I could not let it pass to give my opinion again.

    The whole dynamic changed of the game. 2 Speeders vs 2 Shooters is terrible now in those small maps also. Try to beat them.... No wonder you see now even more people using Shooters than before the update, which is getting soooo boring.

    Last edited: 4 Oct 2018
  2. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    For me too. I don’t want to quit the game, but I also don’t want to play, because the game is awful. So I’m basically just hanging around now, playing the minimum number of games to claim by daily boxes, and just hoping that something gets fixed.

    I’m getting really fed up with the constant balance issues, and the way they just get ignored for months on end. In a game where it’s incredibly difficult to change items or ship, but incredibly easy to drop hundreds of infamy in a day, it’s hard to tolerate items just being left out in the cold for months.

    Crew training is another thing which is just burning me out. It’s so stupidly hard just to try out a different build (even when you’ve got the gear). Retraining should be effortless, but instead it is made ‘not only annoying’ but impossible while you have any other training running (which is always).
  3. Mimmel

    Mimmel Member

    15 Aug 2017
    +1. I am also frustrated. I’ve been waiting for a blanching update for long, but seems its not important for devs and instead we got a sudden agility update. I don’t understand at all. There are many issues to be addressed like nightmare rese etc, but without fixing them we got something new, which introduced additional issues...

    I feel also less comments from devs recently and don’t see what they are thinking at all...
  4. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    That is the problem, 99,99% of the time we don't hear anything from the Devs, their plans, the things they trying to fix, nothing. In https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/why-would-battle-bay-devs-change-the-game.21981/ several people said the communication from the Devs side should be better, but still we are left in the dark. If that will change, then I think it will get better, if not, well then we will have these discussion every month and people will just throw in the towel, which many already did, unfortunately.

    That is the best way to discourage people.


    PS. I know I said I would take a step back and I am, but sometimes I just cannot let go.
    Last edited: 9 Oct 2018
    ShipCrusherCz and This Is Me like this.
  5. Greatgambler440

    Greatgambler440 Active Member

    8 Nov 2017
    Me too.
    Enforcer is awful now. I dont wanna quit my main ship. But dont have the will to play it either. They totally ruined the enforcer.
    So will be speeder from now.
    Also I stopped whinning as it dont botther them rahter it hurts me.
    So I now dont care what is how why and all shitt!!!!!
    They never widraw any update or nerf.
    So from past few week I am not touching the enforcer. Dont have the will.
    It hurts whenever I image the awful agility ruining enforcer.
  6. Jujujuan

    Jujujuan Active Member

    9 Oct 2017
    Have 2 accounts. Shoter and Enfo. My main weapons are pretty useles in nightmare since update.
    Epic Ballpark: Have been using it since lvl 20 till now (lvl 42). After playing a year finally reach lvl 50 (before August). Now, even Defender avoid it
    Rare Missile Launcher: Spend a month just leveling up Blastian for Missiles. Now Hit 1/20 shots
    Rare Granade (Enfo): Most of shots miss

    Was happy because 3 months ago had became top 5 in my country.
    2 days ago said good bye to my guildmates and left the guild. (I was the leadder)
    Really liked this game.
  7. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    You all are going to kill torpedos with this fixs (also agreeing with em). And then u all will cry for enforcer double tesla shield that can't be killed.
    Anyway I'm going to change speeder ---> enforcer, because it's the best ship atm with shooter. It's still possible to win without a great equip and get nightmare with speeder, but if I can do it without too much work (enforcer), why shouldn't I do it? And I agree with who said that now speeder need a buff like all the other ships.. it's just the same with a good gearlube equipped. Give us more speed or perks/skills (on the nos) to avoid good % of mine's damage.

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