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Comments on Profile Post by Bradley Thorinsson

  1. Bradley Thorinsson
    Bradley Thorinsson
    And to be "selfish" you need a duct tape on that enfo, not a carro
    20 May 2018
  2. Da Carronade King
    Da Carronade King
    Multi Colour means rainbow. Nothing else. Maybe equality to all.
    20 May 2018
    TheFixer27 and The Otherguy like this.
  3. TheFixer27
    "Support Gay"????
    Is that like my new username?
    29 May 2018
  4. Da Carronade King
    Da Carronade King
    I don't know, what do you think?
    Though it would be a cool name
    30 May 2018
    TheFixer27 likes this.
  5. TheFixer27
    I'm gay~~~
    30 May 2018
    Da Carronade King likes this.
  6. Da Carronade King
    Da Carronade King
    Ok cool.
    He is a gay scrapper.
    30 May 2018
    TheFixer27 likes this.
  7. SupremeCalamitas
    I don't, personal interests.
    30 Jul 2018
    Da Carronade King likes this.