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The game gives fixers no credit for doing their jobs

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by AFatMidget, 21 Aug 2017.

  1. AFatMidget

    AFatMidget New Member

    21 Aug 2017
    And it sucks, a lot. So much so that I created a forum account just to complain about it.


    Like come on, the guy above me did 200 more damage than me and I did 6.8k healing, yet he's apparently a more valuable player, according to the game.

    This has happened far more times than this one alone, and I sincerely hope it gets fixed.
    Currently the game provides absolutely no motivation for players to go fixer, besides the quests,
    which would explain why there's often times 1 or no fixers on a team.
  2. Shvitz McGergen

    Shvitz McGergen Member

    14 Jul 2017
    Then don't be a fixer?
  3. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Your image is not working (for me at least).

    But I'm guessing the player above you had Firebomb, Napalm, Flare gun, Carronade, Frost blaster, or Frost launcher, am I right?
    The Otherguy likes this.
  4. Hellcat17

    Hellcat17 New Member

    25 Jul 2017
    Players recognize it. Good fixers get lots of friend request, You can find good players to play with and fleet up and gain infamy. That's enough reason for me to be a fixer
    JustPlainSowad likes this.
  5. Taevion0

    Taevion0 Member

    7 Jun 2017
    No i agree healers need more recognization and the star awards logic needs to recognize that too
    The Otherguy likes this.
  6. AFatMidget

    AFatMidget New Member

    21 Aug 2017
    Apparently the image doesn't work, here's an imgur link showing the stats from one of my games which was supposed to be in this post: http://imgur.com/a/bfJOR

    Being a fixer is an extremely important part of the team strategically. As you can see from the stats, I was able to negate the damage done from 3 of the 5 players on the enemy team. Also, often times I don't get a fixer on my team, and it gets annoying not being able to regain my health, and so I relieve that feeling from myself and others as well through being a fixer. It's just that it's disappointing that supporting the team results in being unable to gain as many material rewards as a normal person would.

    I realize that other players recognize a fixer's efforts, but the reason why I made this post was to show that the game itself doesn't recognize a fixer's efforts, shown by the rankings showing what it sees as the most valuable players.

    Also not shown but known: You get more rewards when the game views you as more valuable, such as stars (what I see as pretty important), gold and sugar.
  7. AFatMidget

    AFatMidget New Member

    21 Aug 2017
    You know, sadly they mostly had good weapons. They did have a carronade though.
  8. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Then why game created with fixer... ask admins to close the game....
    Stop annoying others...may be you donno, there are some serious players.
    who are not like you...!
    respect others game play.
  9. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    He got lots of extra assist points from freezing players with the carronade. There are extra ways that will get you a higher place in the star ranking system. These include; Burning, stunning, frosting and more of which nobody knows of :)
    The Otherguy likes this.
  10. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017

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