Sorry, signed out from this thread a bit ago. Just popped back in and saw the responses. I don't disagree at all that the shop isn't perfect yet. Even if the numbers work out on a spreadsheet, it doesn't feel good. And that's a major issue. And yes, I was trolling a little earlier. Sorry, I couldn't resist. But in all seriousness, skill will raise you in ranks, that is undeniable, as proved by plenty of nightmare league players who still use rare weapons.
But it's pretty clear that the shop is not going to change.

Latest update shows that, no tweaks at all to shop system. If the poll and 15+ pages of ranting hasn't done it yet, I don't know what will. Keep fighting for change if you want, but I assume the devs have their reasons and a whole lot more high level data than I do. Meanwhile my 1000+ common and uncommon power cores will collect dust for eternity, and I shall continue to do my rain dance to appease the rng gods.
I wish they'd respond here more often with some of that data so I don't have to play devils advocate... but whatchagonnado?? It's a done deal apparently. I've suggested reasonable changes, none of them have happened. Time for me to move on.
I suggest other tweaks and changes all the time, and it's very satisfying to see the suggestions I made months ago seeing some light now. Hopefully more in the future. Also it's good to see the devs trying to balance the game constantly. It's a never ending fight I suppose.
When / If this game becomes an esports candidate, there will need to be level caps for any official matches and ladders. I think Clash Royale does something like that... but I'm not a big esports guy so I dunno for sure. But right now, no, it isn't esports ready.
There's still no other game on mobile that leaves me with sweaty palms after 5 minutes quite like this game. So where else are we gonna go? Settle in, buck up buttercup, and battle on.
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