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Last Activity:
5 Jun 2018
3 Apr 2017
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18 Nov 1989 (Age: 35)

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Moderator, Male, 35

Bennunator was last seen:
5 Jun 2018
    1. Angga ganteng
      Angga ganteng
      Pliss help my,my acoubt in resisitabd
    2. AVID
    3. Luciferf117
      please notice my conversation page with you
    4. Patrick manoel
      Patrick manoel
      Hello my name and Patrick manoel, I have 2 accounts in batle bay, but both accounts are logged in the same email, I would like to unlink an account from the same email so I can link to my other email. the name of an account is (Hunter-of-ship and the other is Hunter ||), could you help me?
    5. ...darktail...
      And also can you please say to dobson I be offline for a while becouse..the game is not working on my mobile anymore..hope you understeand my situation....im disperate...soo much hard work! pls Help me :'(
    6. ...darktail...
      Before that happend the game was really hard to play bcuz there is soo much lag...And i fall from 3000 to 2400..and now i cant play it anymore...I REALLY want to Play again this game..I REALLY LOVE THIS GAME and i dont want toy account..So pls..help me i you guy CAN
    7. ...darktail...
      Hello bernunnator..remmeber me..darktail ....i have a BIG problem and i HOPE somebody can help me!...Im currently lv 36 And im playing this game about 1 year...My game Now..is not starting anymore...i can not play anymore
    8. Anand Vamshi
      Anand Vamshi
      Im Just Bought Blast Cannon Yesterday... please Give Me Balst And Sniper Of Rares... Im Not Getting Epic Explosive Also InHave Only 2 Of Them and Waiting Till Date... please Make a Way To Get Those ,, Help Me :(
    9. Anand Vamshi
      Anand Vamshi
      Bro. im Not Getting Rare Sniper And Balst Cannon Till Date... What I Wanna Do ,, Im In Ace 1 And Everyonses Weapons Are About 700 Damage And Im Here Dieng With 300 Damaging Cannon What I Wanna Do ,, How Do I Wanna Earn Infamy... please Help Me Anyhow...
    10. AuraZahndra
      I have an emergency situation and I need to change my user name/and or just have my account deleted to BB Forums. BB Forums pulled my real name from Facebook, which I didn't integrate. I have someone stalking me and via a simple Google search, this crazy lunatic is able to see my information via this site. I have written in and I have had no reply! I do need help immediately, please.
    11. sjbj6430
      How are the Star Rewards calculated. I was in a battle with all mk4 shooters. We won the battle. I had the most DMG and the most kills receveid 2 stars. Another player received 3 stars with no kills and less DMG, he actually came in third in DMG. We all survived the battle and all within 100 infamy from each other. Help me understand....
      1. Anand Vamshi likes this.
    12. Khalid
      I need help Bennunator I can't play the game anymore it keeps loading then disconnect by itself... How do I fix this ??????
    13. AVID
      i am not getting ads from 3 days..no one responding..
      i am loosing gold...
      i am getting back in training..
      please help..
      whats the reason..plz fix
    14. matyso2206
      Ahoj poradite mi jestli jde hrat vic jak s jednim pritelem
    15. Rukiah Ali
      Rukiah Ali
      Hey, my account was suspended for the reason:"death threat". I never made any threats. If "kill yourself" is a threat, please fix your system.
    16. Nagash
      The Pairing system in this game is terrible. Its obviusly u cant win if u fight against a mk3 if u r a mk1.
    17. Dipesh Thapa
      Dipesh Thapa
      Why this game automatically crash in the middle of the game
      REDBIRDTHELEGEND Just wondering when fleeting with 3 people might be a thing because not just me but people have 3 friends, do you also think you could add a game mode to test for 1 week maybe a 3v3 or fleet teams vs each other. Ps love the game and I will keep battling in the bay 4 long time to come.
      1. matyso2206 likes this.
    19. ~LeoGamer~
      Hola, una pregunta es posible jugar con otros 2 jugadores? En la misma flota? Espero y contestes que tengo esa duda y quiero jugar con mis amigos pero somos 3.
    20. Little mattie
      Little mattie
      Hi. I recent have problem paying for pearls. I've checked my billing account, ie available money, all ok. But I keep meeting message of payment declined. Can you help?
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    18 Nov 1989 (Age: 35)