Except for one thing. You have a choice of when to engage. Viscount, you need to understand that it's not the simple attack-defend cycle that really defines speeder. Battle Bay looks like a 1v1 to a lot of speeders, even some of the best speeders in the game get tunnel vision. One only has to zoom out to really understand what the speeder is supposed to do.
It's going to be that very lightweight guy in a crew of heavies, and while the heavies on his team come over to dish out some damage, this lightweight guy sneaks in, opens the back door, calls out, "Hey, yo, noobs! Come and get me!" And runs away. But he only decides to enter when he sees an enemy heavyweight limping back after a fight, and then he strikes hard, when he's least expected, and where he's least expected.
Though this practice tends to fail many times, if one decides to learn the subtleties of the kite and bait, and how to erase one's presence even when they're visible on radar, they are greatly rewarded.
The only problem is that the prey learns as well

But as it stands, the prey is dumbed by the gifts of agility they have been given

So you can, at least in the short run, greatly profit from what used to be mid-game tactics.
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