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Yet, here we are again....!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Jenarall, 11 Aug 2018.

  1. Jenarall

    Jenarall Member

    28 Aug 2017
    The Royal Caribbean.
    Do you care about your players? Are you humble enough to listen to feedback? Although I know I probably won’t get an answer from anyone from the team (I mean they don’t care anyway) I’m just gonna put this out there.
    Why am I? An Mk6 Ace player, being constantly matched with 2 Mk7’s in the Nightmare league? Why is it so hard to fix this problem? How hard can it be to let Mk7’s trash it out with Mk7’s and Mk6’s with Mk7’s. We can fleet people with an 800 infamy difference, but tell me Rovio, do you expect someone with infamy 1500 to go up against someone with 2600 infamy? Likewise how does it, in your mind deem it fair putting someone with 2600 infamy to a nightmare league person over 4000 infamy, toting multiple legendaries? Please I need an explanation, I really want to enjoy the events, I really do, but it is hard to enjoy something so broken.

    It is sad at this point that it is a guarantee that there will be more events, you’ll hear the community outcries like this and simply ignore it. I miss the days when BB was actually fun, but this? I don’t know what this is, and it’s not like it can not be fixed, but I think the team simply do not care, and it’s sad to see such a great game go down like this. This is very frustrating and takes away from the enjoyment of the game, please listen and do something about this problem, it’s one thing not being able to change the outcome of things but it’s another thing knowing someone can but simply chose not to.
    Maybe this sort of game isnt what Rovio is supposed to affiliate itself with. And if that is the case then go and try to to revive the dying angry birds franchise, as far as I can see you guys simply build great games and kill great games.

    The Friendly Fixer and R4Z0R like this.
  2. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    If you want to have fun, reduce your gearscore. By all means don't reduce it till you become a sealclubber, but just enough to avoid those mk7s. Hint : Blue items like turbo has too much unnecessary gearscore for this event, each epic perk on it gives +20% gs, its really deadweight. Use a weaker turbo with lesser perks + other weaker blue items, or a weaker yellow item if ur yellow class.

    This will be a temporary fix till rovio comes up with something.
  3. Valkhadin

    Valkhadin Active Member

    1 Nov 2017
    Show us your main setup!
  4. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    I think you should check your oponent GS, not infamy, event matchs you base on your GS, not infamy. IMO, todays event is quite matched evenly base on gear score. The previous one i usually see 600 to 1000 difference in GS
    Valkhadin likes this.
  5. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Technically this shouldn't be possible if the Devs did Gear Score correctly.

    Good advice though. I'll add this: Shields also offer unnecessary Gear Score relative to weapons, and that is how Seal Clubbers game the system. Think about it... Is it more valuable to spend your Gear Score on an Epic T5 Ex-Canon issuing an extra 316 HP vs a Rare T5 or an Epic T5 Big Shield with an extra 259 HP vs Rate T5? Is it even a choice? The shield loses those HP with a single shot, but you can keep shooting that Canon over and over with the 300 HP advantage on each shot, potentially resulting in thousands of HP difference. Like Turbo, Shields are also vastly over-rated in terms of Gear Score.
  6. Jenarall

    Jenarall Member

    28 Aug 2017
    The Royal Caribbean.
    Yeah but why should I have to sacrifice my gear to avoid Mk7’s, the system is poor, why work so hard for your shields and turbo only to have to unequip them to even have a fair gameplay? That logic does not scream sense to me, thanks for your contribution nonetheless.
    The Friendly Fixer and Ultrah like this.
  7. ●H€ll-Blad€●

    ●H€ll-Blad€● Active Member

    29 Sep 2017
    great advice for seal clubbing assuming u r also a seal clubber
  8. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Well you assumed wrong, knowledge can be used to make your life easier, you don't have to go all the way to the dark side with it.
    Sifa, Djradnad and YerJokinArnYer like this.
  9. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    You will be able to avoid mk7s, but unfortunately you still can't avoid cheaters who use a low MK boat and leggys.
    FearsomeChicken likes this.
  10. Jenarall

    Jenarall Member

    28 Aug 2017
    The Royal Caribbean.
    Can we all agree that Rovio should have just stuck to its dying Angry Birds franchise and fade away with it? they obviously do not know what to do with Battle Bay. This amount of players should not be complaining like this for every event, they're making the events only for one set of players- The Nightmare leagues with Mk7's.
  11. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Well.. As others have explained the matchmaking in events is not based on infamy so I'm not sure what is the issue here - matchmaking system itself is doing good job by giving you opponents who have equally strong gear and overall power level.

    How can you say the match is not fair if you both have equally strong gear?

    Looks like your infamy is lower than average at your gear score so have you thought if there's something wrong in your own gameplay or strategy? I mean, others are able to climb much higher with similar gear.

    Also, you may feel events are not fair for you but have you thought about normal battles? Obviously you seem to have much higher gear score than other players at your infamy range so maybe they feel their battles are also unfair when their gear is so much lower than yours..?

    At least in events you both have equally good gear so it's fair on paper and only skill matters. Nobody here can help you improve unless you provide some actual battle replays or ship setup info etc.
  12. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Mk6s at 1500 infamy and mk7s at 2600 infamy .... o_O
    Aether_Zero and What's Up Player like this.
  13. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018
    MM is way off, im a mk6 with 7700 GS and all of my games im facing guys with 8.5k above, is this some kind of a joke?
  14. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    I'm having much fun beating 2000-3000 infamy players :p:D
  15. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    I've been wrecking mk6s all day in ranked. I'm Ace 3, 2.2kish infamy and Mk5.
    On the verge of going to Mk6 after season reset. Till then, I'm gonna smash some more folks in 2v2

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