Read the whole 3 page thread in one sitting. Fascinating! Many hits and a few missing.
Just reading
@Nicolas 's post and want to start there. Crazy how two players can have polar opposite experiences! Like the power cell, some complain about too many, some about not enough! He thinks progress is too fast, yet I feel it is too slow. I have put in 15 months so far and have very little maxed, which is a shame. RNG, 50 types of game economy etc, all can cause disappointment and stalling of one's progress. I also have just earned one legendary from pieces (and one unlocked) to show for all my hard work. I would say that this progress is a big deterrent and reason why people leave early. If I had max everything in 6 months, yes I would need more content. I am not saying we do not need more content because I would like the top players to continue too. But the amount of players leaving the game because they have everything has got to be infinitely small compared to the early and mid gamers who quit. I see no reason why Rovio should not be throwing more parts at everyone.
I understand why you would want to compare this game to competition. Yes they are both pvp or team fighting. But different strokes for different folks. I picked up BB because it was not another COD war game. 5 on 5 boat combat is such a refreshing take on things. And the waves are perfect. Remember when it was the same call of duty core but it went to space? And what happened? Everyone hated it. It was practically the same game with a different skin. Biggest thing competition has going for it that I see is the skins and personalizing. It is endless and people eat up that stuff. We love LOOT! Add it in! Colors, skins, an official guild flag. Charge some bucks for gold plating, etc.
Which brings me to my next point - 5 on 5 boat combat can be two types: realistic and arcade. I feel that the agility took a realistic boat feel and made it too arcade-like. I think that is why people are most upset, but I have yet to see it voiced in this way. And I am giving it a shot and feel some aspects have merit, but maybe rovio's biggest mistake was it happening too fast. It could have been rolled out in 25% increments every two weeks.
New weapon is great, please continue with it. But I caution that every time they do something like this it effects all skill trees and other weapons. One way to keep adding new content is to release variations of the same weapons. Instead of the legendary perks like wildfire for torp, new torp weapons could be released that had less damage but added flame. Etc. Release different point variations of existing weapons. What would a 2-point cannon do or a 1 point explosive? They would use the same skill tree. Or why not have a weapon specific progression tree? The more I use flare, the more skills I can unlock. This gives some purpose for working with a new weapon. And it would remove this lame retraining!
Another note of caution with adding new content. Weapons or a ship. Resources are so scarce that more does not = better. If I had more resources I would have some flexibility to level up that other ship or wep I dont play much. Right now the only reason I am diverting funds to other weapons is because I am having a duplicate drought. I dislike that i have to focus on one until it hits 50, and only then I will be able to spend some time with other new stuff.
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