One day... when my infamy and gear get a bit higher....
Interesting point about picking me out from my more... uh... relaxed peers. I hadn't given that much thought because at my infamy level I'm pretty much the only brawler ever. Even the boats geared for it would rather sit back and shoot their one mortar tube every xx seconds than bring the other 3 or 4 tubes into engagement. The most obvious differences to me are aggression, frugality, and positioning. I ought to start paying attention to that more since it'd help me for the same reasons it helps you. Almost always I end up being the scout for my team even when there are dual speeders. Go figure.
I, apparently, have a huge advantage at my infamy level because the vast majority of speeders simply don't expect me. I can tell because they are perfectly willing to engage me one on one rather than abandon the scouting mission as "mission accomplished" and return to safety. Even purely one on one I have a very good chance against a M+1 speeder. On a scouting mission, that speeder is likely to draw fire from the rest of my team also once I engage which, if nothing else, will constrain his avoidance choices. They pretty much always die.
I can tell the smarter ones because, like me, they don't "scout" so deeply that they cannot get out again nor do they automatically assume a lone shooter is "dessert"

They are the ones who successfully scout, maybe exchange a shot or two, and get back out again.
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