Miika..every comment you have made on the Defender boat. Is saying plain talk.
Move on Defenders. Stop asking for a fix.
Hitbox is fine. Boat doesnt need a buff.
Thats the only way we can read your comments.
Yes you might know the computer generation seems right on the coding for the boat on the bay. But all of us defenders experience getting hit by mystery torps, mines, weapons that we clearly werent hit on the visual design from. It was out side of our boat. So if tons of defenders run into this issue. Another way of saying this...is. the hitbox is too big for the bay. And too easy to hit the defender boat.
But...forget we said anything Mikka and devs. Sarcasm font enabled.
Gonna have to look to other entertainment choices.
I really wish this wasnt a case of the three monkees.
But Developers your comments recently on defender is coming off as.
See no defender issue.
Hear no defender issue.
And speak no defender issue...
Scratch that.
You have spoken. We the community should stop asking for a defender buff. Since its the most OP boat in the game. Average win ratio.
Oberst and myself should be the number 1 player in the world because that data says we should be the Tops!
We all know this aint true.
A defender boat being number 1 at season end. Everyone knows this aint happening.
But theres no issue. Moving on.
I am frustrated at this. And speak only for myself. But know other defenders feel the same way.
Slapped down by devs who dont use our boat. And who are in love with our boat being nothing else but a meat shield for their yellow boat favorites.
Community has asked for the boat hit box to shrink. Communiity has asked for an overall buff. No responses. Except. The boat is fine. And players dont know data. Good one devs. Fun times.
Last thread I am posting on this subject for a while.
@The Grim Repair @Zeus @MiikaClick to expand...