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When will the Nightmare Reset issue be addressed?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by envylife, 20 Jun 2018.

  1. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    A multi-tiered reset might be another idea - a threshold at 4000, 4500, and 5000 that players get swept down to. "Nightmare III, II, and I" if you will.
    BattleRascal and Rainbow Warrior like this.
  2. k406k

    k406k Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Or even each league could get reset down to the entry requirement for it...
  3. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    That's just an admittance that Infamy is a nearly useless number with a broad range of implication, and nothing specific, which makes using it as the primary Matchmaking indicator questionnable at best. Make infamy better.
  4. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    This will make it almost impossible to get to next league. Take ACE1 for instance, a player work so hard to get to 3500 only to face NM players that got beaten up by other nightmare players. So that player would take about a year to get to NM. Plus, too much infamy losses from the pool each reset so making it even more tougher to get to another league. A player that's dangling around 2-3 hundreds. ACE1 players are already having tough time every reset now. Don't make it any worse.
  5. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I would say reset players over 4000 to 4000, players over 4500 to 4500 and players over 5000 to 5000.
    Epekka likes this.
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Another season, another nightmare reset, and another batch of unfair matches for Ace players. There have been some excellent solutions proposed in this thread... just waiting for the Devs to do something about it.
  7. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Actually what Infamy system measure is the Time Spent on BB in comparison to others.

    And about competition in any game does the under 19 plays against adults?
    Put Gear Score in place of age you will see how real competition should be.
    Natural Talent and Hard work are what determines the real competition not discrimination of weapons.
  8. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Sort of... while it is true Infamy is not a measure of skill, the reality of Battle Bay is that the value of items > skill. That's undeniable. My issue with NML reset is that it temporarily destroys the Infamy stasis built up by differentials in player items and skills, for, apparently, keeping it interesting for high level NML players to allow them to seal club for a few days every couple of weeks.

    Not sure I follow... BB is one of many competitions (virtual or not) where age doesn't matter.
  9. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    I am not saying age matter here lol.
    Gear score do matter. What i think competition should be between similar gearscore range. Like a board for gear score range 8000-9000. Get it?
  10. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Gear score matchmaking in Infamy battles will never happen. Essentially it would remove any incentive to improve/upgrade your weapons. I want this game to continue to be updated by the developers, so anything that will decrease their revenue would not be good for the health of the game.
    I love the events, the gear score matchmaking is great(because my normal load-out typically matches me with players 1000 to 2000 lower in infamy) So when I play against people with equal weapon strength, I feel like I am seal clubbing.
    The current infamy system, while still slightly flawed, is the best indicator of how good a player is(combination of gear score and talent).
    Aether_Zero likes this.
  11. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    I deny! Skill plays an incredibly important role. During events I'm paired with people with similar gear score and captain level. These people are anywhere from 800 to 2k infamy below me.

    A few days ago, I was ranked 14 in local (US). I was only one in top 20 with captain level of 47, gear score 8k... Most others were captain level 50 with gear score 10k+.
    Skill and strategy play a huge role in this game.

    I don't want to downplay how much gear helps, obviously you can't be running uncommon weapons and rolling in nightmare. But take note, a few months ago there was a nightmare dude (I can't remember his name) rolling in RARE T5 gear. When facing T5 epic and T3 legendary all over the place, this guy was holding his own.

    Skill and gear in equal measures add up to success.
  12. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    You still didn't get it. Let the matchmaking be on infamy, only leaderboard should be based on gearscore range. Like a competition within particular range of gear score.
    Eg.player x had 7142 gear score and player 6 has 7455 gear score. Now both of them will be put on the leader board for 7k-8k gear score season.
    Now competition is who will gain more infamy in comparison to other one. Its just a rough ldea. Also with gear score manipulation it is not actually possible So Nevermind
  13. sea31

    sea31 Member

    31 May 2018
    Infamy is more than slightly flawed - it's a lazy mechanic from every angle, at least in the way that it's currently implemented. I just played two games in a row where one speeder in each game kamikazi'd and dealt a whopping 0 total damage. We both received the same infamy 'punishment'. How is that an indicator of talent? Everyone on the team carried their weight but got nailed because someone played like an idiot. Infamy is an individual metric but it's created off of team performance, and those teams never have the same makeup at that - that's a giant, whopping flaw. Yes, there's the argument that it evens out over time, but that assumes that everyone is playing the same number of games, which will never happen.

    We have stats. Why isn't infamy based on a multitude of factors? Yes, wins should be a part of that count. But why not include things like shot accuracy, damage/healing dealt, kills, assists, etc? Those are the actual markers of talent. I wouldn't throw gear score anywhere near any of this - gear score assumes that everyone uses each weapon with the same level of talent/accuracy...which is definitely not a thing.
    BattleRascal likes this.
  14. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Nope, I don't want to be stuck in a gearscore rank. I don't want to be stuck trouncing the competition with inferior skill. Let me be free to face the masters.

    It sucks facing the top ten on ladder, but those few times I've killed them, epic!
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  15. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Then why this thread exist. At NM reset everyone get a taste of tough competition, a enemy they can't beat without pushing their limits.
  16. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    You know, I misread your previous post thinking you were suggesting we be locked into fighting in a gear score range. I realize you suggest that we would be fighting regular infamy range and that rank and prizes would be based on gear score range. That's an interesting proposition...
    Last edited: 28 Aug 2018
    BattleRascal and DragonLegend like this.
  17. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I agree... Infamy adjustment after the match should vary based on contribution... even if it's just a point here and there

    A different mechanism should be setup for trying your skills against tougher opponents against outside of ranked matches... Infamy reset is not that.

    I didn't say skill wasn't important. I said items > skill.... unless you can convince me that an MK1 with common items can defeat a 10k GS MK7.
  18. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I guess we will just have to disagree about the meaning of the term "slightly". What you are describing to me in the kamikaze example is a "slight" flaw in my opinion. YES, those type of battles suck, it's frustrating to lose when you have a guy that Rambos or is a Floater, but this is a TINY % of your battles played, and the odds of the other team having a Rambo, or a Floater, is just as high as your team having them. The overall metric of infamy over the course of thousands of individual battles is well measured under the current system. Every idea I've ever seen posted on these forums to change the infamy system comes with it's own flaws, which are probably worse than the system that exists.

    An example under the current system which I think would prove it's accuracy:
    Take 5 players with 7000 gear scores at 3000 infamy and put them against 5 players with 7000 gear scores at 2000 infamy.
    The 5 players at 3000 infamy, with the same gear scores will win probably 95% of the battles. The only difference between the two teams is the skill, which is represented in the 1000 difference in infamy.

    This can somewhat be seen in the EVENT matchmaking. The game has done a decent job at putting players with similar gear scores into the same battle. At the end of each battle, if you click on each players profile and look at their infamy, you can typically see the reason why one team won or lost. Sometimes the matches are even, but other times you get one team with much higher infamy players and they win the event battle easily.
  19. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    There is more to this than just skill. Higher Infamy players tend to have more and better items to choose from, so their 7000 Gear Score is usually a more optimal configuration for the event. Lower Infamy players tend to play with what they have.
  20. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I'll be honest with you.. that statement still bothers me hours later. Seal Clubbing is not fun for the seals, and I can guarantee you one thing: Nightmare reset will be the reason I quit Battle Bay if it is not changed soon.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.

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