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What I have found about events so far..

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by SupremeCalamitas, 26 Jul 2018.

  1. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    After you attacked my upbringing, I responded agreeing with you and by using the word "learned" instead of the gramattically correct word "taught" to show deference to the almighty, all-powerful All-Seer.

    I did not see any insult, your greatness. But, alas, I am only a baby seal to your righteous club.
  2. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    yeah, tagged CaffeinatedChris and he's online, strange
    maybe they're waiting? worse things might come from him (or even me, if he'll be able to trigger me somehow, not likely to happen) or it's not important in their oppinion
  3. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
  4. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    it's 23:12 here, I woke up like 13 hours ago and English is not my mother tongue (my passive use of English is good, yet my active use of English is kinda bad, that's because I live in post-communistic country and teachers were/are still bad), do you have anything against me, or my rather "bad" English? you all-knowing Grammar-Nazi
    this changed from normal discussion to kind of "Flame war", mainly due to your sarcasm and arrogance
    I just said that your parents did not taught you, how to talk with someone, that's imho obvious
    Last edited: 28 Jul 2018
  5. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    threats, where?
    I don't see any, FYI looks like your Caps Lock is broken:)
  6. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Yes, All-Seer. It is obvious.

    All your criticisms of how awful the developers are doing is spoken in your mother tongue - the language of absolute truth.

    I apologize. I was wrong to question your feelings and emotions by asking for any evidence at all to support your truth.
  7. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    I critized devs? yes, for the events issues, but that's all, you, the all-knowing Grammar-Nazi blamed them for getting matched with people like Banderas
    my mother tongue is Czech, google it and try to learn, then I will make fun of you because your Czech would be simply awfull
    and which "missing" evidence do you mean? the "useless" t1L's gear score or the lvl 40 epic's gear score? you somehow "forgot" to show it, interesting..
    or the "lvl 40 epic is stronger because it has four perk slots", yet no proof that everyone has the perks nor that the base damage of lvl 40 epic is higher than base damage of all levels of t1 leggy?
    Last edited: 28 Jul 2018
  8. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I'll try to use simple English, All-Seer.

    I brought up the example of Banderas to show that it's normal to be matched with stronger opponents. That there was nothing wrong with it; there was nothing wrong with the game or system; that it is a part of life.

    I humbly suggested that increased coin rewards to make up for the increased difficulty in matches would solve the issues that other say they face with experimenters, but the game works just fine for me.

    But, you, as the all-seer obviously are free to take everything I say not only out of context, but also to completely rearrange the wording to fit the whatever meaning you want - regardless of how erroneous.

    As prophet, you are beyond reproach. Praise be to you.
  9. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    no need to use your "simple English", Grammar-Nazi, becuase I understand your comments perfectly, but I don't agree with things, that are said in them
    I said to you, that there is a difference: Banderas his using his best setup and ship, these exploiters are intentionally using some of their normal items but under leveled ship, do you see the difference?
    I sometimes meet normal mk4/5 ships with better items than mine, I think it's fair, but it's not fair to use some of your normal items on under leveled ship
    show me where I changed wording? and I take everything out of context, interesting, then what do you do? you take everything out of context, too
    and I (and other people) suggested leveling up all ships at once, that would be much better, don't you think?
  10. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    @xArrogance to finish this
    this started as normall discussion, you stated something, so did I
    but we both had truth, t1L has higher base damage (not at lvl 1) and higher damage without perks than lvl 40 epic, lvl 40 epic has higher damag with four (not with three, that's logical) perks attached
    but you, instead of giving normal arguments and proofs became arrogant and sarcastic af, and that caused the problems
    then you started to judge me because of my language, lol, that's even better than Nicolas and his weighting oppinions based on infamy, it's kinda like judging people due to coulour of their skin, hair, eyes etc.
    you said that I use threats, but you somehow "forgot" to give a proof
    now I see no point in continuing with this pointless, kinda one sided "Flame war" so I am not going to respond to you anymore
  11. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    There is nothing wrong with using underleveled ships to experiment - since your training is not likely geared towards the ship and items that you're experimenting with.

    You are free to upgrade your ships at any point, but forcing upgrades would mean that people could not experiment because they could not compete with other ships at their level taking advantage of all of the proper crew and item bonuses. This would restrict the variety that developers have encouraged.

    But, I think there is too much of a cultural difference between us for you to understand. We welcome adversity; we see it as a challenge to be overcome; we do not whine and complain; we transcend. So, I'm done trying to explain my point of view .. I'll take some Czech advice "Vyhni se opilému, jakož i bláznu" and just avoid you.
  12. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I'm sure this was a compliment. My bad.
  13. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Weapons are properly weighted with or without perks attached now. So, why does it matter? It doesn't.

    Have you showed your personal replays of people using L10 legendaries to "seal club?" No. So, again, have you shown anything to prove anything you say is fact? No.
  14. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    my last response:
    cultural difference? where are you from?
    they definitely don't have the right crew training when they are able to achieve same speeds as normal players, but rhey don't have turbo, 10000000000% sure that there's no crew training involved
    and experimenting could be somehow made possible, it would be easier than endless matchmaking and gear score adjustements
    and what you used, that's insult af, I am not drunk nor crazy, so...
    btw I stayed, unlike you, calm and as friendly as it was possible, I limited my sarcasm, unlike you
  15. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Is this a feeling or do you have actual evidence to back up this statement?

    Like this ...
    Seems pretty slow to me ...
  16. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    seems like you don't understood, what I said
    I am not going to respond to you BS, get it?

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