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What does a legendary item actually cost? - CAD, USD

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Captain Gilligan, 2 Jul 2017.

  1. Scrublordmasternub

    Scrublordmasternub New Member

    28 May 2017
    I feel that the legendary piece drop percentage has been changed from what it was. Initially when I first started playing in my aspiration to acquire legendary items I researched and saw that other than the Epic container scrapping epic items was the only way to acquire what I was after. I essentially scrapped every epic I came across. And guess I got lucky. Within spending 160$ & opening 4 containers. I had acquired my first legendary weapon
    Captain Gilligan likes this.
  2. Scrublordmasternub

    Scrublordmasternub New Member

    28 May 2017
    The funny thing is that you are more likely to have duplicates of Epix before you even get a legendary item. For example in my journey to acquiring my first legendary I scrapped three epic which I had acquired consecutively. I shouldn't have scrapped the sniper rifles. I should have focused leveling them and evolving them. At the time I was unaware but evolving Epix is easier than acquiring a duplicate of a but nevertheless people assume legendary items are the best. When evolved yes... But tier 3 evolved epics are better than a level 10 legendary.. and far easier to come by.. Im just ranting for the sake of ranting pardon me.. but once I learned that the chances of getting duplicate legendaries is slim to none I regretted scrapping all the epics I scrapped..
  3. Shooter@Bay

    Shooter@Bay Active Member

    10 Jul 2017
    I think now the chance is like 3 pieces per two containers.
    One user above scrapped 60 epics and got one legendary piece.
    Data is quite insignificant, but now 4 containers may give you 6-7 pieces (irrespective of color!)
  4. Shooter@Bay

    Shooter@Bay Active Member

    10 Jul 2017
    Upgrading epics is far easier than upgrading legendaries.
    If we don't consider the perks, talents and sugar required, then level 1 legendary is equivalent to level 35 epic and level 50 rare.
    Level 10 legendary is equivalent to level 41 epic. Level 50 epic is equivalent to level 23 legendary.
    - Oskar - and Captain Gilligan like this.

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