New items aren't really necessary outside of maybe a handful across Blue, Yellow, Greens, maybe another 2 slotter each to add some variation.
You can't really compare Clash Royale and Battle bay as they are fundamentally very different. Battlebay is a third person shooter that likes to call itself a moba even though i would say its got more in common with world of tanks than any moba. while Clash Royale is essentially a real time action card game, that probably has more in common MOBAs than Battlebay does, due to its towers and lanes, and multiple minions.
Card games need new cards over time as card game metas essentially get solved. As in if you never added new cards, you will end up with a small pool decks that counter and get countered by eachother. New cards shake this up. Since most card games are turn based and not real time like clash royale, think Hearthstone, there is no skill barrier in actually playing and activating your cards, as in your skill isn't determined by whether you can place a card on the board, but by how you use it.
Third Person shooters operate differently. There is a skill barrier with activating most abilities. Sure you know that you want to shoot that guy across the map, but you can't just press a button and they take x amount of damage. You have to get in range, then account for their movement so you can adjust your aim, and finally taking your shot, all the while also concentrating on what else is going on in the battlefield. Now while a third person shooter also have solved metas so to speak, there is so much more mechanical skill involved on top of the strategical skill. And cause of this mechanical skill (i.e landing your shots and having good movement), good players with bad and off meta gear can do well against bad players with meta top tier gear just cause their mechanical skills can be so much higher than their opponents. In card games good players with bad decks can also do well against bad players with good decks, but its more to do with the fundamental understanding of how the deck and cards work so to make make good plays and punish bad plays. There is normally no time pressure and their is no skill involved in actually placing a card into the playing area (I'm talking about just actually putting the card down, not positioning and such where there is skill involved depending on the situation), where there is in a game like Battle Bay. Plus most card games have a certain amount of randomness to them, but thats another conversation entirely.
Clash Royale is a strange beast as it mixes alot of different things together seemlessly and is part of the reason why it's so popular, but there are also many external factors too as to why its succesful that have nothing to do with gameplay. But with it's huge success comes the wealth, big development teams, etc, so the game will get much more support and development.
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