Dear Battlers!
Welcome to our latest update sizzling hot right from your crew forge. We've wanted to add some more excitement around the ship and item meta - so proud to present to you an entirely new slot colour: teal!
Along with the Defender's little (or bigger?) brother >> The Guardian ship << we'd like to see you smash those tides in the bay high across the horizon. He's a tough cookie who can shield team mates, brave any attack and use his mighty
debuff away spray so you can sink those ships!
What will be your favourite fleet? Let's see those Guardians of the battle sea roll out and show who's true boss of the bay!
- New ship: Guardian
- New slot color: Teal
- New teal items: Defense Wall, Defense Aura, Cleanse Pulse, Bolster Armor
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All about that boat
How will the Guardian be introduced?
You guessed right - in an event! 7 days of pure action starting soon!
What's the Guardian like?
Bigger is better! The Guardian is like a tanky bruiser, protecting the team and can be used for brave assault tactics or standing your ground!
Can I buy the Guardian with gold?
YES, you can!

There will be NO ship pieces needed for this one. You can acquire the Guardian at the same price as a Defender ship.
New items:
- Blocks incoming airborne projectiles in front of the user
- Moves so it's always at the front of the ship. Turning the ship will turn the wall
- Has hitpoints and duration like tesla shield
- Applies a buff to allies around the user that redirects 50% of their damage taken to you at a reduced rate
- Reduces the duration of debuffs (fire, frost, tesla stun) on
teammates around the user
- Reduces damage taken by the ship for a short duration
Hybrid slot colors:
Defender now has a blue and teal hybrid slot. Defender can now be fitted with a teal or blue item in their hybrid slot.
- Achievements have moved to the same screen as quests
- Controls for autopilot, target, and cancel buttons can now be hidden from customize-controls menu
- Decimal values are now properly displayed for items with smaller level up values
- Fixed inconsistencies between color orders for ships
- Level numbers added to item talent training for clearer visibility of item talent level
- Ship pieces values visually shared between Reaper and Interceptor is fixed
- Fixed invisible ships in events
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