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Patch Notes v. 3.2 "Hitting the rapid!"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 4 Sep 2018.

  1. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    They already are, ive seen three who were pay to play nightmare. the game just is annoying to play now
  2. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    More agility doesn’t mean anything. There is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to agility. Speeders were already quite agile, the ability to swivel on the spot doesn’t change much for them in terms of being evasive. For Shooters it’s huge buff though.
  3. Stam

    Stam New Member

    18 May 2017
    The agility is a joke now. Hated the event and hate this. It has ruined the game. I don’t play enforcer but I’m betting they’re pissed.
    On the plus side nothing funnier than seeing two ships trying to circle each other and just wiggling all over the place.

    On more serious note, devs, this needs some serious tuning. If that don’t happen droves will leave this game. What were you thinking...
    Opa9000, Smag, ShipCrusherCz and 3 others like this.
  4. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    People just need to quit this game en-masse, the devs just simply do not listen to the people who have played this game tens of thousands of times. We all almost unanimously agree on what items are OP which have been nerfed too hard and simple pragmatic solutions, they just do not listen. It's sad because this was the best game I've ever played and they progressively ruined it
  5. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Exactly. I say this as a defender who has the most to gain from this insane buff, it makes the game less dynamic which is ALWAYS bad
  6. MilleniumPelican

    MilleniumPelican New Member

    6 Aug 2017
    • Autopilot: REMOVE. It's unwanted, unneeded, and just bad. Code bloat. If you don't know where the action is and can't get your boat there, this is not the game for you. This game does not need this much automation to substitute for skill. Sticky targets at most, with no AI. Please stop trying to remove skill from the game. This game is good because it's challenging. Not everyone is going to be good at this game, and that's OK. That's why we play it.
      • At least let us remove the unwanted Auto button from the HUD. I will never use it. Ever. It's in the way, covering up valuable screen real estate, possibly obscuring a mine I might otherwise be able to avoid.
    • On what planet is camera-relative steering more intuitive than "push forward to go forward, pull backwards to go backwards, push left to go left, and right to go right"?!? This is how we drive cars. And boats. And EVERYTHING. This should be opt-in with reverse enabled by default. Personally, I think it should also be removed, but that's JMO. It might work for some people, but really, if the regular controls aren't intuitive, then maybe this is not the game for you. Try Bejeweled or Candy Crush.
    • Agility: Again, and it's been said by many, let us adjust our agility!!! My shooter is no longer the stable gun platform it was meant to be. The turret target lock cannot keep up with the ship agility, so my turret is now so squirrely and loose that I have to let go of the stick to take a shot while turning. This is an unacceptable adjustment and seriously detracts from gameplay.
    • EDITED TO ADD: I can handle the ship steering, though I'd still like it nerfed a bit. My issue is the target lock not being locked any more. Too much drift. Turret management in this game is a big skill point. Being able to keep out of someone's sights, being able to maneuver your boat so you get them in yours, etc.
    Last edited: 4 Sep 2018
  7. DirtyRickyGrimes

    DirtyRickyGrimes Member

    6 Jun 2017
    Rovio loves to just destroy us emotionally like that. Don't worry though, just play for over a year to have the devs make updates for newbies - who aren't even playing the game because you still can't fleet with 5 guildmates in battle, and the playlist selection is still the worst out of any MOBA or shooting style deathmatch game. But don't address imbalance options, or the fact that MK6s and MK7's with multiple legendaries are anywhere from 200 infamy up to 4000.
  8. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    A few screenshots since the update went live. Speeders still have the same average contribution as they did pre update.

    Attached Files:

  9. VantaBlack

    VantaBlack Active Member

    27 Nov 2017
    Are you guys serious? What the actual crap caused you to think getting rid of gear lube and rudder would be a good idea? Now people have almost no customization in terms of blue items. SHOULD'VE MERGED GEAR LUBE AND RUDDER TO MAKE A VIABLE ITEM. Now speeder will suck even more than it did before compared to enforcer because it can't do what it's meant to do - starve the enemies turret. Heck, I'm not even a speeder but I feel bad for them. I don't understand how the devs wouldn't even try to merge the items before PERMANENTLY DELETING them. And I would be shocked if the idea never came to mind.

    The rewards these people are getting for having rudder perks are just effing stupid - like 1800 coins for getting rid of a legendary rudder perk? What about those poor souls who were supposedly smarter and sold those before this update? As if the transfer to any other blue item did free wasn't enough. As for the transfer from gear lube/rudder to any blue item why is the option to get 6 alone t1 items instead of a tier 5 one not available?

    As for the game to be 'faster paced' because everyone has max turret and turning agility that's just false. This doesn't change anything in terms of when you will spot the enemy first in a match, it's still based on ship speed *cough* *cough* turbo *cough*. You're just catering to shooters and defenders who get OUT-SKILLED by speeders who are doing what the ship was designed to do. And that's coming from someone who mainly uses shooter and defender (97% of my battles are with those ships)

    As for tesla shield many would consider the change to be a positive. I actually view it as a negative because if the devs think that that's actually what needed to be done to deal with double bubble game infestations then it makes me want to laugh. Speeders use the item too. There was no need to nerf the tesla shield directly, just LIMIT the number of them to use or take a slot point away from enforcer (which doesn't seem so insane seeing how strong the ship is thanks to the constant whining of its users)

    I truly care about the wellbeing and fairness of the game and this is update is just wrong.
    kyozen, Ultrah, Opa9000 and 7 others like this.
  10. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    As an Enfo main (side is shooter) I actually like the maxed out agility and turret speed.
    Had about 10 games with it so far, and actually enjoying it. Making the boats harder to control is a good thing IMO, makes people focus more on what's going on.
    And I'm sorry, but if you have 10k+ games and can't adapt to it, then maybe you should find another game. I dont play because it's easy, I enjoy the challenge.
  11. matt

    matt New Member

    8 May 2017
    Hate the new ability, I didn’t play the special event with maxed out movement it made the boat un-steerable and gave m motion sickness, now I can only play 1 or 2 games before I have to turn it off, if this don’t get fixed soon I may cancel my vip subs as I won’t be playing as much or enjoy the game anymore
    Smag, ShipCrusherCz and lumo like this.
  12. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Omg thank you lol, im thinking the same as you :)
    Aether_Zero likes this.
  13. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Have you tried adjusting your options for camera control? Turn off the camera to ship tether, it will help a lot.
    lumo likes this.
  14. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    TBH this update is catering to the noobs who lacked skill to dodge, hide behind waves etc. The game is going backwards in terms of skill level instead of elevating skills they are decreasing the skill caps.
    VantaBlack, kyozen, Ultrah and 8 others like this.
  15. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Some of you might not remember (or even have been playing) the v2.4 update in late June 2017, when the Repair Bolt was introduced.

    It was initially a two-slot item, and it was panned for being a waste of slot points - "Who would pick Bolt over Pulse?" people wondered, even with the 50% reduction in self-healing.

    Mid-July, it was reduced to a 1-slot item, received a bonus to its repair amount, and its popularity exploded. We're now seeing Pulse + 2 Bolt becoming a powerhouse Mk5 loadout, and I've even seen a few 3-Bolt Fixers running around, bless their selfless (and somewhat suicidal) hearts.

    TL;DR - Just because an item is lousy in its initial state doesn't mean it will be lousy forever. ;)
  16. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    It isn't the developers who are ruining the game, it's the cheaters. They have been forced to level the playing field to make things more fair because of the dishonorable players who are taking advantage of the in game mechanics. This also proves that they are listening, the majority of complaints pre-update come from players being matched against op opponents. The agility update was an effort to give all ships at any given level the same manueverability. Albeit the stats might be a bit high for "SOME" players but the concept and idea is sound.
  17. Soublaiiiik

    Soublaiiiik New Member

    14 Jun 2018
    I put autopilot and took me directly there that the torbidos were coming does 't want an autopilot
  18. Te rompi el tuje

    Te rompi el tuje Member

    23 May 2017
    As you can see, they did not realize that when they did the event with extra agility, a large percentage of players were angry with that.
    This is no longer Battle Bay.
  19. EyesTv

    EyesTv Member

    26 Oct 2017
    Play BB
    Is it me or the new weapon does not work?
  20. matt

    matt New Member

    8 May 2017
    Yes I’ve done that already, but thanks anyway.

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