...CHOOCHOO the update is coming TOMORROW!
What’s New
Midfight Movies - Abandoned multiplex deep down underground. But who left the lights on?
Watch the new map teaser
“We tried to build a nice ‘fast-action-map’ with a spacious feeling. Nothing in this map is far-far-away, except the surface of the earth. Visually we pushed to up the ante a bit and bring a fresh new environment with more colourful lights and overall eye-candy! As usual, we tried to scatter around some easter-eggs and messages for battlers to discover. The Kimmy’s Kiosk menu is interesting in particular. Gear up, get your tickets and enjoy the show!”
- Yours truly FURIOSA! & DMG Don -
The map will be introduced right away to the normal rotation with a minimum infamy of 350.
Ever felt the Bay needs more variation? Wait no more! Events are here! Ever changing new event game modes will hit the Bay starting with 5v5 Team Deathmatch! In special events, you don’t have to worry about your infamy. Matchmaking will use your overall power level, so feel free to try out ships and items that you haven’t mastered. This is about having fun, right?
- Quick overview of our first event: 5v5 Team Deathmatch
Tired of dying and to just watch the fun from beyond the grave? In Team Deathmatch you simply respawn and you’re back to battle in no time! First team to sink 10 ships wins! After all, revenge is sweet
In every event you can earn unique event rewards.
You can battle right away in an event by selecting the BATTLE button:
When you click the battle button you get to choose between Event mode, Normal ranked play and Custom battles.
Every event will have changing rewards for you to “grind” towards. Events will change over time with different game modes, rewards and event mechanics!
For example, to play in our first event, Team Deathmatch, you will be needing tickets, which you gain over time. Everyone starts off with 5 tickets!
Event overview screen:
Main event screen:
Special and unique event perks - all the way up to legendary!
From the events you will win special event perks that have new and unique combinations of boosts. For example, a torpedo damage perk that can also set your target on fire! Oh, and did we already mention you can even get them as legendary? We are aware though that some may be so powerful that you can only fit one at a time.
New perks in game!
View attachment 15303
New lighting on maps
Improved lighting & shading for all the maps. The world just got a bit more colourful and vivid.
Battle Sounds!
Battles are fast paced and intense! Now we have improved sounds to help you stay alert and focused. For instance, listen to the capturing indicator or hear the mortars whistling above!
- Added projectile fly-by sfx
- Added high-arc projectile sfx
- Added ship hit sfx
- Added ship burning, frozen & stunned sfx
- Added capturing sfx
- New battle start sfx
- Improved in-battle-medals sfx
User Interface
- Added "Watch replay" button when clicking a chat message if a replay link is detected in the content
- Changed trophy multiplier for protector guild quest to be equal to damage multiplier
- Reduced XP requirements for Captain levels 11 - 19
- This will cause some players to instantly gain a captain level after the update
- Fixed notifications not working properly on Android 8 / Oreo
- Fixed various issues with ads
- Fixed back button crashing in matchmaking screen when going to next battle
- Fixed multiple crashes related to private chats
- Fixed grenades not doing any damage when hitting friendly shipwreck
- Fixed “nice shot” highlight triggering from hitting teammates
- Fixed one rock missing collisions in Foundry
- Fixed end screen showing wrong battle score in some very rare occasions
- Fixed misspelled "rivalry" to "rivalry" in few places
- Fixed explosive cannon splash damage not breaking tesla stun
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