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[UNOFFICIAL GUIDE]: My Personal tips to help you through rough waters (i think) :)

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by yellowocean, 16 Oct 2017.

  1. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
  2. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    i'm pretty busy at the moment but i'll try to finish all the boats before the year ends... in the meantime... Tirth has been coming out with some awesome weapon specific guides, please check those out :) i'll try to add some videos. for those who want to contribute awesome videos on enforcer gameplay, please feel free to post it in this thread as those familiar with me know that enforcer is the most challenging boat for me... my weapon inventory does not have many items suited for enforcer play and/or not up to nightmare standards yet in terms of level/strength.
    Swag and Rainbow Warrior like this.
  3. •R• RøbinHøød

    •R• RøbinHøød New Member

    5 Dec 2017
    What am I doing wrong then? I never have enough sugar for training. The amount of gold I get out weighs my sugar. I’m an active player(on 4-6 times daily).
  4. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    This one here has a ton of value. What I've noticed is that if I die then of course I am at leisure to observe every mistake the rest of my team mates make. And some of them are whoppers no doubt. Then, of course, there are the folks who deliberately throw the match or the floaters.

    None of that, however, will make my own game play better. Watching the replays (or often times not even needing to), it's easy to spot my own errros which are frequently the same thing. I'm too aggressive... way too aggressive for a guppy M2 in a bay of M4's. My instincts are to "knife fight" but being the underpowered shrimp that I am, I am slowly learning that timing is the key. Just getting distracted with something shiny is just a short tip to Davy Jones' locker. I still do it way too often, but slowly I'm learning to at least wait till worthwhile targets if I'm going to sacrifice myself.

    I also find it worthwhile to remind myself after I played that virtuouso performance and slaughtered the unfriends that only a few battles ago I was sunk within seconds of the engagement. Some times it goes great. Other times, not so much.
    Tmfh67401 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  5. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    i'm guessing you're using a speeder or enforcer?
  6. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    yes, timing and patience is very important... only experience can teach you to read situations and correctly determine the right time to push or pull back. being in situations where you are the underdog is when you will truly test your mettle and improve your gameplay so just keep grinding and your gameplay will surely improve. :)
  7. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    4-5 matches per day? that's actually quite low... in my opinion, if you want to maximize your potential progress you should max out your daily star capacity (75 stars), you should be able to finish all your quests and not miss out on the weekly rewards. i usually max out my sugar cap in 2 - 3 days. i average about 800 battles per league season (14 days) so that's just under 60 battles per day
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I safely max out my rewards from the four weekly chests by playing an hour a day, maybe not every day. I grind A LOT when I get the time. I learned that I don't have to shoot when all my weapons are cooled down. I just have to wait for a better target to appear. Helped my gameplay a lot as a speeder mk5, nowadays I do an easy 6k ish damage in each battle. Reached Ace last season, but need to work on my tesla bolt first, I think. Rare t1 just doesn't cut it anymore.
    Last edited: 9 Dec 2017
  9. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    get your stun to at least 10 secs and you're in business :)
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  10. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Shooter right now... largely because I've been M1 and M2.

    I've looked at the enforcer and frankly, just don't get it. It seems like an unholy fusion of a gimped shooter and gimped speeder. I suspect I'll gravitate towards the speeder but even at M3 the speeder looks like it needs more "oomph" before being worthwhile. I'm guessing it'll be at M4 when I swap over.

    For now I'm piloting a shooter because it's the only boat that had any punch. The 2-hits require big weapons or crits but I'm acutely aware that they happen. I've gained in infamy yet again and the routine mix is M5, M4, and me. Most of those M5's and 4's have a good selection of purple weapons. I have 1200 some odd HP. I try to treat it like ANY hit is half of my HP because it can be. Even if it's not, it's routine that someone hits me for 1/4 of my HP. And, of course, I am the lovely, juicy, low-HP target of every unfriend in sight :)

    Honestly, from a matchmaking standpoint I think the system could use some tweaks. I, myself, don't mind being matched with higher level opponents but in the 700 range I could sort of hold my own. Now that I'm up near 1000 I'm an absolute drag on the team and that bugs me. Even when I play well I'm clocking in 2500 damage against numbers like 6000 or so for the heavy hitters. When I don't play really well, my damage is sub 1000 because I got creamed early. Just experientially I feel like my progress should've been capped at around 700-ish given my current gear. That's still plenty high enough to make me stretch to survive. But I could also still participate meaningfully in the battle. At the 1000 point infamy range, every win I have I was carried by my team mates.

    As I said, I enjoy being the scrappy little underdog and I even enjoy having to do it in knife fighting range. As you said, it... uh... encourages learning to read a situation (I think of it as "play like the scared little guppy you are"). But still, should a battle of 50% M5's and 50% M4's have a M2 in it... even a well-handled one? Even worse, I'm relatively new so I think it's very debatable how "well handled" my speeder is :)

    My only conclusion is that there are a lot of people deliberately losing battles because I am utterly clueless how you can have 800 infamy in a M5 or 400 infamy in a M4.
    Last edited: 9 Dec 2017
  11. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Yes, i totally agree with you that the match making system really needs some tweaking... no player should have to face a boat more than 2 levels up or below (mk1 vs mk3 max). if we have a bigger player base, maybe it should only be 1 boat level difference (mk1 vs. mk2 max). i do have a baby account and at 300 infamy and mk1, i was getting battles against mk4s and mk5s. So if i was a newbie, either i'd be totally motivated to keep grinding OR i'd be totally frustrated and quit the game entirely. the latter would be the most likely scenario for a lot players.

    for matchups where you are the lowest level boat or the lowest infamy, your role will always be that of support.

    As to the conclusion of players deliberately losing battles, i can't really see any benefit in that, more likely, these players just don't play that much or don't have what it takes to climb the infamy ladder.

    just keep grinding, keep upgrading your items and pray to the RNG Gods that they'll give you items that you need :)

    Good luck!
  12. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I've speculated that they are star farming by deliberately going down to low levels (maybe while AFK and floating for the losses) so they could maximize their actual play time and crush opponents for 3 star wins.

    If it isn't something obscure like that and it is truly just a lack of skill... well.... I'm blown away.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  13. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    there really isn't that much to gain from stars... the star crate only guarantees uncommon items and u rarely get epics and legendary pieces from them. my conclusion is those boats are being used for quests (secondary accounts), or just plain noobs
  14. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    The "noob" explanation might hold more water if it weren't for the fact that I'm a noob. Yesterday I figured out that torpedo's + walls = bad. I just got my 1000 battle achievement. Although as I've thought about this more I pondered some random pay-to-win player who just wants to go pot some boats in this funny little battle game. If that theoretical person wasn't really driven to get better and they'd paid for their gear it would all make a lot more sense.

    In the end, however, it doesn't really matter to me. What bothers me most is that I feel like such a drag on my team. Yes, that'll fix itself as I grind away but I wish the match-making system put me in a somewhat lower bracket. Being in a sea of mixed M3's and 4's seemed like a hard stretch. Being in a sea of M4's and M5's with the (from my perspective) uber guns they mount is simply making my team lose. Sure, I'm learning. It just bothers me that I'm learning at the expense of everyone else. Tomorrow probably I get my M3 LOL. One day I might see a purple weapon.
  15. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    As a general note to this thread, I'm pleased to report that the infamy system has reconsidered and dropped me down to 700-800 range. It's possible that I just had a fluke of "good luck" with team mates able to carry my dead weight. It almost seems like when I broke past 850 or so the teams became substantially better... more coordinated action, more situational awareness. It's possible that I was just artificially carried up for a bit until the gods of war reconsidered.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  16. Sandra baldwin

    Sandra baldwin Member

    18 Nov 2017
    Ok ty good info

    PILIPINO AKO! Member

    30 May 2017
    Thanks for sharing tips
  18. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    DEVELOPERS. Please look into yellow oceans account. In VIP today he admitted that the account is has been bought and traded to the player you already banned Riptide. Remember the same riptide who bragged on these forums about selling an account. Please look thru today's VIP and also to private messages he typed to other players in game chat regarding he is riptide. And has come back only to help get other players banned.
    According the the game code of conduct. And account cannot be traded, or sold. Clear violation.
    The game is in jeopardy if this person isn't banned soon.
    @grim repair
    Massive fraud going on with a.i. yellow Ocean account.
    Devs feel free to send me private message and I can send 1000 percent proof of what I am saying.
    Also this player is using vpn blockers and changing country of origin to hide his actions.
    Tmfh67401 likes this.
  19. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    @The Grim Repair is how you tag a mod, m8. All done for ya:)
    Tmfh67401 and *JAWS* like this.
  20. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Ahahaha ridiculous..
    Babablacksheep likes this.

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