Hey everyone, today I will be sharing most of the tips and tricks out there, to optimize your leveling up, and getting better at Speeder experience.
As you may know, the Speeder is one of the very powerful ships in battle bay, if handled well. The Speeder has, and will only ever have, 2 weapon slots. This means that you will only have a limited amount of weapons that you can put on your speeder, but with all the yellow slots and slot points you get, you can use these two weapons and yellow slots, to your advantage. At Mk1, you only have 2 slots, and 2 slot points, so stick a cannon on your speeder, and any other 1 slot point weapon of your choice. You also start off with 2 yellow slots, and 1 blue slot. For the yellow slots, you only have 2 slot points, so I suggest putting a nitrous, and the overboost, to maximize the fact that it is pretty hard to hit you. For your blue slot, the only choice, would obviously be the standard shield, because you will be the ship, with the lowest health.
The next thing we will go over, is the actual tips and tricks that will make you a better Speeder. First of all, you need to master the speed of this boat, because you could easily get lost from your team, and get targeted down, and killed very quickly. It is important to stay with your team, and not be the one to initiate or start fights, because this also causes the enemies to focus you. The best thing to remember, is that you are the assassin of the team, and you should be the one who can support all his teammates, by getting into position, with your overboost, and hitting them hard. Sometimes, they will shoot back at you, or turn their focus to you, because they know just how deadly Speeders are, so this is the time, that you would use your nitrous. You would use your nitrous to dodge cannon shots, and mortar shots, so it is important to learn how to effectively use the overboost and nitrous to your advantage, given the fact that you only have 2 weapons. When the speeder reaches Mk4, this is when it gets an extra slot point for the red slots, so the good weapons for that, is the explosive cannon, blast cannon, carronade, grenade launcher, cannon, and missile launcher.
The fact that the Speeder has so much speed, is a good thing for you aiming your turret, because you shouldn't always be aiming your turret from the side. The Speeder is so fast and turns so well, that it is a very good idea to "aim with your ship", and this is because, the Speeder is so fast, it is actually faster to aim with your ship, and it also makes it very hard to hit you because you are always moving around, and you're all over the place. A VERY important thing to know if you are new to Speeder, is to shoot at someone, and THEN stun him. It is so useless to stun someone, and then shoot them, because you take away the stun you just gave them, and that immediately means they will shoot back at you. At Mk3, I think that is the only point you should put a big shield on the Speeder, because it has 1 slot, and gets 2 slot points, but that is the only Mk that you put the big shield on the Speeder. After Mk4, the tesla shield, and the tesla bolt, become really strong, when leveled up well. The Speeder is a very good boat for getting behind enemy lines and taking them by surprise, distracting them, and even staying with his team and doing good damage, so if your playstyle is similar to any one of these, then Speeder is a good boat for you! ;D
Remember, the Speeder is a hard ship to master, and it takes a lot of practice, but it is one of the most fun ships, and it is very rewarding to learn how to use it early on. I hope you enjoyed reading these tips and loadouts for Speeder, and I hope you learnt something from this thread. I will be making 2 other threads on tips for Shooter, and Fixer, so follow me if you want to see when those are coming out. Bye Bye
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