Hello Battle Bay community and developers,
As per discussions on meta from last nitemare league I have compiled a list of fixes to help parity on the bay and to Ballance defender compared to other boats on the bay. These fixes dont all come from me. I have suggestions from porthos, sylas, weeze, ysl...etc. great players who play different boats.
1) fix defender attributes.
Can do thru buffing turret, radius, speed, etc. My simplest suggestion here is 10 percent turret buff, 10 percent radius buff, and .2 speed buff. Thanks YSL and myself for this buff idea. (Edit) add 10 to 20 more defense pts to every defender boat. And more hp. For every boat to keep up with stronger weapons.
2) fix defenders shot box size or reduce defender boat size by 10 percent.
Everyone knows defender is the easiest boat to hit on the bay. Torps love it. This is like shooting fish in a barrell. A size reduction would make it more fair. Seriously. Why does this boat need side fins and need to be so tall? Also. The hit box for defender is currently larger then the dimension of the boat. We get hit by items all the time that never touched us. This idea was from Weeze.
2b) new idea from Eye of Doom in another thread.... Add a blue slot to all defenders. Would allow defenders now to go dbl big shield. Or finally add lube or rudder. Thanks Eye of doom for this idea.
2c)editted. This idea came from this forum. A player mentioned lowering the global cooldown for Defender on all weapons equipped. Right now global cool down is 2 seconds every boat. Either get rid completely global cool down for defender. Or reduce it by 1 sec. This would in affect give defender a buff.
3) Give defender an immunity to all fire and frost. This idea comes from Porthos and Sylas. 25 to 50 percent reduction for all fire and frost effects due to higher defense points. The more defense perks added the higher the immunity. We all know defense points and defense perks are unused. This would give a reason to use them. And ballances out the new meta of using flare on everything. Now flare makes bandage not work almost half a match. Immunity for defender makes good sense.
Now to more controversial suggestions.
4) give defender a 4th weapons slot. That can only be a single red weapon. If none of the above happen. Its time to add a weapon.
Now for real ballancing controversy

5) nerf enforcers and nerf shooters.
Nerf enforcer speed and shooter speed down .2. And reduce defense pts by 5 for enforcer. And reduction of 15 defense pts for shooter.
A developer recently told me. Enforcer is now the most Op boat in the game. Think about it. It got buffed to now being the Op boat.
The enforcer buffs went too far. Especially now with all the weapons and tesla nerfs that crushed Speeders.
Enforcers rule the bay.
As for shooters. Not a single nerf to any weapon has affected them. They can fire thru any weapon non stop and never worry about cool down. So with that said now. Why do shooters need such high defense points? Or to have that level of speed?
This reduction to both these 2 boats should be highly considered.
Recently in other forums I posted about losing a full health 1vs 1 against a shooter. He had 10k health. I had 18k. He won. We both only missed 1 shot. My ships attributes and cooldown issues killed me. This is the new normal. Its imballanced.
Same with when i go against an enforcer 1vs1. Enforcer has 6k health. And can kill my 18k health defender in a straight fire fight? Happens. All the time. Imballanced.
I wrap this up with the same Challenge I have issued all nitemare players. Play defender for 2 weeks and win nitemare league. None believe it can happen. I spoke to Benjen. Renamed Noat. Currently number 10 nitemare. He has Legendary T5 grenade, Legendary T4 ex cannon. And Epic T5 ex cannon. He said he cant win nitemare league.
So if our very best defender doesnt have a chance with Legendary T5 wrapons? What chance does the rest of us defenders have?
I say it tongue in cheek but to point out fact meta.
All other boats on the Bay have won Nitemare league in last 3 months. Speeder, enforcer, fixer, shooter. With Epic Maxed weapons.
So Defenders with maxed Legendaries arent winning it. Think about the imballance.
I write this thread for community discussion. We all see an imballance. Only currently 3 players top 200 from defender only. Same as the last 3 months.
Something needs to be done. Whether doing all of the above suggestions or just some of them.
Special thanks to Porthos, Ysl, Weeze and Sylas for helping come up with positive suggestions to fix defender.
And a real request for all Developers to play Defender for the next 4 weeks. And really start to understand the boats limitations. And imballance issues. Let us see u on the bay Dmg Don, Miika and Grim Repair playing defenders.
Once u feel our pain. Maybe these suggestions will make sense.
All other players. Take my challenge.
Pull out your Defender boats. Dont let it die. To have a diverse bay. We must have ballance.
We arent there. But we can Fix this together.
Save the Defender boat.
@The Grim Repair @Miika @Dmg donClick to expand...