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This game is a collapsing vacuum chamber

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Jackyepic, 27 Apr 2018.

  1. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I meant to say that, if any "manipulation" were occurring other than the ELo algo, we'd have to wait longer.

    However, I think fairer matches are gonna be tough to achieve. I mean, how's a computer gonna judge if the person in the mk6 ship playing mk5s is simply a noob, or a pro on a bad day?
  2. Jackyepic

    Jackyepic Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Behind the railgun
    Match making is not gonna work if you weight the "person" instead of the infamy. This is a valid point.

    Humans are never reliable when we use them as standards.

    What we need is more free infamy in the bay. This will take a long time. But think of it as an ecosystem. Things will go back to normal if you treat it good.
    In the current situation, the things in the lower infamy end are way too "dense". Players are stuffed into small space. They cannot flow freely. They get bounced back and forth. They don't control their own infamy flow.

    This is a disaster since infamy is the thing computer uses to weigh you.

    The aim is to let the ones that do not actually belong to the lower end flow freely in the ladder. In a boiler you apply heat, but in the bay you apply infamy. When there is more infamy in the bay, the better low end guys will very automatically gain them and escape from there.

    It sounds simple. But I am sure it isn't that simple when it comes into practice.
    Last edited: 28 Apr 2018
    TheAntiSnipe and kencold like this.
  3. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    There are a lot of people in Nightmare now that the reset take away too much infamy from the pool. There need to be a second division in Nightmare and reset should be around 5K. Most people will argue that the new players pump infamy in. Well, the new players will gain infamy too so those infamy have to come from somewhere. Infamy flows upward and disappears when it gets to nightmare. How are the lower end players going to gain infamy? The number of nightmare players increasing because of P2W and long time players so the middle and lower classes will suffer more if the system is not changing.
  4. k406k

    k406k Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    How about this for a solution:

    Instead of a flat 24 infamy(∆) for winning we replace the system with an alternative. We are already used to getting more rewards for different types of wins, why not extend this to infamy as well?

    For instance:
    28 ∆ - for a win via capture
    26 ∆ - for winning via 5 kills
    24 ∆ - for winning via more kills

    If your team looses you get a flat 24 ∆ loss.


    This would provide slight inflation to the value of a win, offsetting both the infamy reset in nightmare league, and allowing for (in the threads term) air into the compressed system of infamy rankings.
  5. Jackyepic

    Jackyepic Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Behind the railgun
    Actually a pretty good idea to weigh infamy inflation against the performance of the team.
    The Otherguy and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  6. CoolDownHSNA

    CoolDownHSNA Well-Known Member

    10 Mar 2018
    LOL i love it how these are the types of threads that always get the most replies. It is why I rarely reply here, but today I am fed up with whiners. The system is completely fair. Facing MK5’s and 6’s as a MK2 or a MK3 is a problem for me to, but it does not mean that it is unfair matchmaking. A fair match is a 50/50 chance. If you are faced with a MK6, maybe they are not as skilled as you. Gear score is not taken into account, so it is either

    i. Infamy

    ii. Win rate or noobiness (is that a word??)

    Just stop whining about unfair things guys! In every single game, there will be something OP, and something under – balanced. Something will be unfair in every game! It is just the way they all work!
    The Otherguy and A55A51N like this.
  7. kencold

    kencold New Member

    27 Apr 2018
    Structural Engineer
    why gear score is not taken into account anyway?
    so yea, in the end of the day for 100 battles we will get 50 wins out. Thus, Dominator Quest, Star Hoarder quests can be won if you spend enough time regardless of your skill level or how skilled you are. Same thing goes to other kind of Quests
    Thanks for being clear.
    Last edited: 28 Apr 2018
  8. Jackyepic

    Jackyepic Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Behind the railgun
    Just to make it sure. This is not a thread for complaining. If you think the matchmaking is fair, I have no say. But that's not the point of this thread. This thread is to point out a game-breaking failure, that lies way deeper than the match making system.
    kencold likes this.
  9. Jackyepic

    Jackyepic Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Behind the railgun
    Gear score is just a number with no meaning. With better gear doesn't mean you are a better player. Not to mention Rovio just randomly uses some numbers as the gear score. You're telling me a cannon is as dangerous as a railgun?
    CoolDownHSNA and A55A51N like this.
  10. kencold

    kencold New Member

    27 Apr 2018
    Structural Engineer
    I think some of my posts derailed your thread so Im sorry for that.
    You said gearscore is random numbers? So why they did introduce them at the 1st place? how do you compare a level 1 epic railgun with a level 40 rare canon?
    All in all, I agree with your suggestions of how to push the stuck mk5 6 players out to where they belong. Great thought
  11. Jackyepic

    Jackyepic Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Behind the railgun
    This is a bit off-topic so I will make it short. All perks of the same rarity offer the same gear score. All items of the same rarity and level offer the same gear score. You can have an epic T5 railgun (or big berta), which has the same gear score as an epic T5 standard mortar (a better comparison I think). But obviously you want to dodge to railgun (or big berta), which can 1-shot you over a long distance, rather than the standard mortar. The same goes to items of other colours.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I have an epic t4 turbo, and can relate;)
    The Otherguy, CoolDownHSNA and R4Z0R like this.
  13. k406k

    k406k Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    An alternative economic imfamy (∆) system might be to 'mirror' the wins with the losses. For instance:

    +25 ∆ - for winning via capture
    +24 ∆ - for winning via 5 kills
    +23 ∆ - for winning via more kills
    -23 ∆ - for loosing via less kills
    -24 ∆ - for loosing via 5 losses
    -25 ∆ - for loosing via capture

    This would still provide a very slight inflation in the economic system to provide relief on the downward pressure on the nightmare level infamy reset, but still provide parity in infamy ranking for the players at the mid-low end of the closed economic system.

    Having said this it is still difficult to discuss this without looking at the game metadata, to answer some questions like:

    1) what is the average infamy gains/loss for a agrregrated player over the course of a season
    2) how does this average change according to ship type and mk1 through mk7
    3) volume - how many games are played in an average 24 hour window
    4) at what point, on average, in their infamy career do players begin matching with mk5 ships. And did this change after the NML infamy reset

    There are other pertinent questions that can be gleaned from this discussion, but the main point is that in a closed economic system that removes 'wealth' from the top and doesn't reinvest it into the cycle of economic activity at around a similar percentage, provides for a tightening of value and less opportunity for mobility in that scenario.
    Jackyepic and StrictSalmon307 like this.
  14. Rokstrmahesh

    Rokstrmahesh Active Member

    29 May 2017
    This game is deteriorating.
    People keep grinding quests up to the board 5, wins the competition and get rewards.
    upgrading unused weapons, forcing to buy boosts this quest thing literally killing people time it's way better before when users trying to have fun and mastering their skills and actually enjoying the game. Quests only benefit Rovio, More gameplay - more ad viewing - more money. More boosts - Using real money - more money in rovio's wallet.
    You greedy developers, try to make gameplay fun and we automatically spend money if satisfied.
    kencold likes this.
  15. k406k

    k406k Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    How about providing something like a creative solution , or better yet... I dunno... try reading what this thread is about before posting another "I hate this, but can't be bothered to think about the issue" post
  16. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I enjoy the ruthlessly competitive gameplay and the rewards of the game. I ran with a guild called Yagerbombers for a while until exams came and I was unable to compete at their caliber and I asked for a transfer to the mini guild. What I see is, the guilds that stand at the top of the game(not at the pinnacle, I've only been in a top 100 class guild) never force members to use weapons they don't use even at the hardest boards, and guilds like YagerBombers have quotas for boost provision that don't overwhelm the average F2P. And we wrecked everyone we met either way;)

    The grim picture you are painting has never been my experience in any guild since the new "all weapons allowed" update. And I've been around. Changed about 5-7 guilds since then, since I was a mercenary(and am a mercenary right now as well;)).

    And the way you're putting it sounds like the game is flourishing! People are working hard, there's competition, there's stuff being bought, so obviously many people are satisfied with progress as it is!

    I agree the game is geitting kinda stale, but the guild thing is not an issue at all! It's just competition!
  17. kencold

    kencold New Member

    27 Apr 2018
    Structural Engineer
    Thanks for your voice. Us normal players/non-serious gamers just want to have fun with game now find it's very frustrated. Lots of well known members on here are playing at the very top level of the game so they will find that there is nothing wrong or nothing to be improved, which is laughable. The reality is opposite and i like the ideas of the OP. Battle Bay has no ranking at all in the general Games category for Google Play. The number speaks for itself. There are many areas that can be improved, if the devs are happy with just the community of die hard players and ignore the ordinary ones then It is not ok at all...
    Jackyepic likes this.
  18. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    Im at 3k infamy... Sometimes I do go against 3.5k and up, with some nightmares that dropped down a little. But it's not a "disaster," it's playable and creates different games so that the teams aren't the same every time. So it's not bad at 3k, just saying.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  19. Jackyepic

    Jackyepic Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Behind the railgun
    Actually if you mirror the win-loss infamy gain-loss, there would not be an inflation. There need to be a net gain of infamy in the process.

    Still, your points are great. There are a lot of things that need to be considered by Rovio. If they had a system developer like you, then things may have gone better.
  20. Jackyepic

    Jackyepic Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Behind the railgun
    I have stayed at 3000-3500 for a long time. It's not yet a disaster, but more of a nuisance to me.

    When I first entered Ace I, the waters are quite peaceful. The MK5s are competitive and you won't see defenders with 10k health charging into you.

    Now the lower Ace I is flooded with MK6s, with an unspeakable amount of stupidity (possibly just desperation in disguise) flowing there.

    I'm not saying it is unplayable. But it is definitely deteriorating. We're no longer individual battleships that can battle freely. We're just tiny boats unable to escape from the evergrowing whirlwind of chaos.
    Last edited: 30 Apr 2018
    #CK likes this.

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