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They should rename the Events in 'Seal Clubbers Paradise'

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Flint, 20 Jul 2018.

  1. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Using lower end ships is not always the same as Seal Clubbing, but if you fit a mk1 or mk2 with 2 legendary cannons and leaving the blue slots empty to lower the Gear Score is.

    Nothing wrong with trying other ships!
    HAPPY SITHSHA and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  2. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Good idea!
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  3. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    wreck your day likes this.
  4. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    hmmm...so would matching with some implementation of DPS as opposed to GS work better?
  5. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    maybe he meant that it would be better if gs was affected by dps or any of it's equivalent (heal per sec, health, speed and agility buffs etc.)? it would be imho better to implement crew training and also perks (remove perks' gs and make them increase the gs of the item based on the increase/decrease of stat based on perks' effects) in gs somehow (dps etc. are probably best for this) as it would make it harder to exploit the system
  6. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    You’d also need to factor in the ‘odds of hitting’ as not all weapons have the same chance of hitting enemy. DPS means nothing if you miss. Compare a mine to a sniper for example.
  7. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    in the same way does GS mean nothing if you miss as well? just to clarify, not tryna be an asshole or anythng like that :)
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  8. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    no you just have a natural ability for it ;)
    Shadow Moon!, ShipCrusherCz and R4Z0R like this.
  9. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    at least im good at something xD
    ShipCrusherCz and Cricketmad like this.
  10. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    I have a feeling that gear score incorporates the chance of hitting. (But that’s just my opinion, I don’t know that for sure)

    The reason I think that is that there isn’t the big difference is gear score between similarly levelled up items. Whereas dps has big differences.

    My personal opinion would be that devs should identify why matchmaking allows some OP builds through, and then to fix those loopholes (ie adjust the gear scores).

    Devs have asked for people to post battle results pages, and to describe why they thought the matchmaking was unfair. That narrative is vital, as without it they can’t easily understand why a game is unfair from the pure numbers that they have. It will also allow them to identify the genuine issues, from those that were tough but fair.
    Shadow Moon! and Flint like this.
  11. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Make posts
    In your bed, computer, and screen
    but youre mk6
  12. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Make posts
    In your bed, computer, and screen
  13. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Well you have to have a generic number because DPS doesn't apply to Nitro, for example, so Gear Score suits just fine.

    Common sense says Gear Score was supposed to emulate item production, but they seem to have forgot to adjust it by Training. Similarly they applied a standard Gear Score number to perks without taking into account their effect on the item. Players are using a Legendary L1 because its Gear Score is less than an equivalent high-level Rare/Epic.

    They just need to fix Gear Score so that it actually works... those are unacceptable oversights which make EventMatchmaker(tm) a garbage-in/garbage-out system.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  14. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    You are not subject to matchmaking by gear score (in events), you are subject to matchmaking by power score. And power includes training. We just don’t get to see the power figure.
  15. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Then Power Score isn't calculated correctly. If I jump in an MK2 and add a single T5 Epic item or Legendary L10 with 4 perks, I get matched with MK6 boats with 4000 Gear Score higher.

    Instead of fixing Gear Score, they are trying to manipulate other things to make up for it. It's the wrong way to solve the problem they created.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  16. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    EventMatchmaker(tm) isn't a thing in BattleBay ... or in anything from what I can tell.

    But, since it's such a garbage system, it should be easy for you to sit down and make a better one. Start an excel spreadshert and assign a gear score to each item - each level of each rarity and include perks.

    Here's your first hint:

    If you're planning to use dps as the main factor for weapons, higher dps weapons (e.g., mines, big torps, big berta) have lower hit rates than a sniper (with crit damage that doesn't show up in the dps calculation) or a blast cannon with fire perks (that also doesn't show up in the dps calculation).
  17. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    I agree that there are flaws in the gear scores, especially around perks. Also, when events have reduced cooldowns, items with long cooldowns outperform their gear score too. And when small maps are used, these suit some boats/builds more than others too.

    Whilst everyone seems to think that fixing gear scores on perks is an easy task (myself included), I must conclude that this is not actually the case as devs would have fixed it by now if it was easy. There must be a complicating factor that we aren’t aware of. Or maybe it has been fixed in the last update but we won’t see the effects until the next event is run. Who knows...

    As I’ve said in other posts, Devs are looking at player reports of ‘unfair event matchmaking’ and trying to determine the myth from reality, so that they can create an improved system.

    But I do believe that Devs will fix the issues and arrive at a system so that players can experiment and still get a ‘fair to all’ match. At some point, I will want to learn to use other boats, and events are the perfect place to do that. I hope that the ability to experiment still exists at that time, and that we ‘don’t throw baby out with the bath water ‘ in trying to find a solution.
  18. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I do believe the Devs are working on an improved system and I hoped more people would send in their screenshots, but not that many visit the forum. I ask people to do so, but many complain, but don't seem to care about helping the Devs out with it and some say 'they don't do anything about it anyway'.

    I wanted to sent in more screenshots, but with my mk2 account I got killed so quickly by well known Seal Clubbers, that I just stopped playing the Event. I can only play 10 battles a day most days, because of the problems I told you before. So, it is hard for me to do much more than now. So, others should do their bit and send in the screenshots as well.

    Would including captain level into the eqaution not be the easiest solution some asked. But then you cannot try out you mk3 ship, which you have not used before, because you face probably mk6 or mk7, whatever is your highest mk ship.
    YerJokinArnYer likes this.
  19. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I'd be glad to go over details with the Devs, but because they don't appear interested in discussing Matchmaking with the players, it gives us the impression they don't care as much as we do. There has been this idea, backed up by various Dev comments on this forum, that they want to keep the algorithms secret to avoid exploit, but a good algorithm lacks exploit. Is there an exploit in the Elo rating system, which this is loosely based off of? Absolutely not.

    The idea behind EventMatchmaker(tm) is to allow an MK6 to take an MK2 into a fair battle. I really like this idea, and it can work, but there is an exploit that everyone knows about. The initial reaction by the Devs was not to fix Gear Score, but to put in some misdirected logic to make entirely unfair battles in one way or another. I've listed some of these mismatches in various threads, and the Dev response I ever saw to one of my assertions was incorrect, so I think they are misguided and lost. If any of them want to discuss stats and details I'd be glad to do it in private.

    Oh it's a thing... just may not be what they call it. :)
  20. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I don't know why they keep things secret, makes it so much harder for player to come up with idea how to improve the system or see where the faults are. And if they just shared more with us in general, that would be nice as well. Now it is mostly a discussion amongst players and we never know which ideas will be implemented in the game or not.

    So many topics have been brought to the table here, but very few make it to the game. And it they do, it is mostly very different of what was suggested here. Like Infamy, it never changed, whereas it says very little in general of how one is doing. You get jugded as a team, but as you get random teams, I get random results. A type of score for 50% team effort and 50% personal effort for example would make a big difference I think.

    If they would interact more, I think they would gain more. But that is just my opinion.

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