Thought I'd share this, as it was quite strange. Even though I actually played my ass off during the game... another missed opportunity to draw.
I got left in a 2v1 during this game, but I was pretty good for hp, so I thought I'd try to pull a draw out of it. I focused on the lower mk ship (Rollydu... who unfortunatly turned out to be rocking double shields). I took a lot of damage but eventually managed to seperate the two ships by kiting them around a rock. I got Rollydu down to so little health, I couldn't believe he was still alive, but I was also just one hit away from death... I managed to shake off the mk4 (who was now sailing the wrong way around the rock. It was so intense waiting for my gun to cycle, knowing that the next hit wins! (Or in my case draws). The cycle completed, I hit fire, but it was a fraction of a second too late, my ship blew up.
It wasn't until a couple of games later, I noticed I'd picked up an achievement: "Death from beyond". If you look closely at the game, the kills don't tally (on either side). I'm not entirely sure how that happens, but it seems we must have blown each other up at exactly the same time.
I must have been nanoseconds away from killing him first, and speeding off for the draw. But instead I got my usual -23

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