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The shake and lag issue!!

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by MrSpy720, 13 Nov 2017.

  1. RowBotParrot

    RowBotParrot Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Sound Engineer
    The system was flakey before 2.6, then it was really bad..... v2.6.1 helped a lot, pretty stable.
    v2.7 with custom battles really broke this game......
    you can see the reconnections on the fly as the players jump on and off..... loads of work for the server..... worst part is that part of the game is truly useless.
    No points, no gold, no quest point..... pointless really.
    No one on my guild bothers with it..... what a waste of time and money and processing cycles on server.....
  2. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Connection issues never causes the game to crash. They manifest in ships moving erratically and warping, hits not registering and as reconnections, but never as crashes. In your case the reason for crashes are that you are playing the game using iPad 2 which is a very old device and especially problematic because the low amount of RAM it has. The game is not actually crashing but iOS is aggressively killing it free up memory. Because of this we have had issues with 512MB iOS devices from the day one. Now the latest update probably just pushed the memory consumption over the threshold on your device. Try rebooting your device as that frees up memory so iOS might be less eager to kill the game.

    Custom matches are not causing any kind of extra load on the servers. Our servers are never ever overloaded under any circumstances in a way that it would affect the game play. Sorry to hear you find the feature useless but plenty of people would disagree on that. They for example allow practicing and arranging tournaments like the Guild Wars tournament happening next weekend.
  3. RowBotParrot

    RowBotParrot Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Sound Engineer
    Custom matches are not causing any kind of extra load on the servers. Our servers are never ever overloaded under any circumstances in a way that it would affect the game play. Sorry to hear you find the feature useless but plenty of people would disagree on that. They for example allow practicing and arranging tournaments like the Guild Wars tournament happening next weekend.[/QUOTE]

    It could be true, but then i have periods where it will work well for ages...... then crash constantly..... so does the program load with a different size every time?
    Confused as to why support couldnt just tell me this from the start......... would have saved me endless emails ripping into you guys........
  4. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    No not really. But things like when have you rebooted your device the last time affects it on those devices which are very close to be at the memory consumption limit. v2.6.1 didn't contain anything else than few bug fixes compared to 2.6 which kinda proves that it's not only the game making the difference but environmental factors like that.

    The main reason is that there are literally tens of thousands of different unique device models combined over iOS and Android ecosystems and knowing how the game behaves on each one of them would be quite much to ask from any one. I just happened to know that because I've spend countless of hours personally optimizing the game using exactly the same device as you have (iPad 2) as my test case. I'd love to keep the game running perfectly on that one also but it starting to get exceedingly difficult as the game grows in features and content.
    The Grim Repair and Snapshot like this.
  5. RowBotParrot

    RowBotParrot Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Sound Engineer
    I hear you...... Thanks for being upfront :)))))
    Looks like I will have to upgrade as the game evolves......
    Really didn't want to spend more money on another ipad or android device but I guess its the price of evolution.
    Custom battles...... still not convinced..... will look into it again, but my first experience of it was a 6 hr session of crashing :((((
    Its overly complicated..... for some. Watched too many NOT hit the ready button en other players drop out..... drama :)
    I was expecting to play with my guild mates in the normal game.
    Only two questions were needed for fleet battles in game.
    How many can you fleet with from your guild.?
    Who are they?
    Then a team is entered into battle. Easier......

    Thanks for your insight
    The Grim Repair likes this.
  6. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    ... the life of a dev :)

    You guys also got unfairly criticized recently for not supporting 7 point touch on 3 point devices.... as if you'd inserted special code to not make freecam work on older touchscreens.

    That all being said it does seem to me that recently I've gotten more disconnects than normal (which is nearly zero historically). In fact, to my knowledge, up till the last ?two? weeks I'd never even knowingly seen that red exclamation mark and boats always seemed to move in "normal" fashion. I have a solid internet connection and play right next to the router usually. I've actually run line tests while I'm playing from my PC and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the line. The DSL statistics from the router report nothing either. Whatever is going on, appears limited to either my Ipad Air 2 or the game itself. It'd be interesting to run a video on a different iPad and see if the video streamed smoothly while the game was disconnecting me.

    I really do think something has changed but I wouldn't care to speculate on what. Next time I want to go check the internet weather report and see what's going on there.
    The Grim Repair likes this.
  7. b1zzyone

    b1zzyone New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I too had the shake 'n lag and mortar radius disappearing issue on the regular while using an outdated OnePlus One.
    Only when I upgraded to a higher spec phone, the issue never re-occurred.
  8. RowBotParrot

    RowBotParrot Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Sound Engineer
    Got the weekend off..... Should be able to play at least 100 battles minimum......
    When this game rocks I will play that or more in a day.
    How many have I played so far?
    About 2 today! The rest of the time I crash before it opens bay.
    All I'm saying is ...... it is very weird how bad my ping is avg 100...... now 200.... and custom battles are on at the same time.
    My Battle bay is effectively broken........
    Im told its the amount of RAM available on ipad 2....... even when this was an issue I could still get in for at least 30 secs-2mins before a crash,
    Now..... its just not loading at all.
    Help Rovio........ This is beyond a RAM problem.
    I watched the live tournament and was surprised it took 40 mins for Baewatch guys to start a battle........ smooth.
  9. gor.030

    gor.030 New Member

    12 Feb 2018
    I have this issue too. But on an iphone 6plus. And only since the update introducing the custom battles (2.6.1?). And since the newest update the app crashes even more: After clicking st that changes to another screen - luckily never in battles themsleves. But if i dont battle and do 5 - 10 clicks (changing views, changing between functions etc) the app crashes.

    So, do i understand you correctly that you say it is the device, not the app?
  10. LeoRS|GFBPA

    LeoRS|GFBPA New Member

    25 Nov 2017
    I think the problem in my case is internet Route. I Trying to solve with my internet provider. But i need the adress of the game to do tests, is this "rovio.com" or "battlebay.net" ?
  11. Chi

    Chi New Member

    15 Feb 2018
    I am also having the same problem along with every android user in my guild, i am seriously thinking of quitting. I cant even play 2 games without getting frustrated, it has nothing to do with winning or losing, win or lose my crosshair never locks, it floats a few inches above enemy boats or below, it wont stay on target,it is very subtle and very frustrating.

    I will be rushing a boat as a defender with not a wave in front of us and as i push at them my turret points over them and i am unable to shoot and hit because its like my turret is no longer calibrated or working..
  12. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    This is the new auto aim automatically aiming to the correct place so that your shot would hit due to rising and lowering water level. Could you post a video showing the aiming reticle being off in a way that it would actually make you miss your shots?

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    After the last problem with the update on tablets & other devices, my ship jolts back & forth while constant speed is slower due to this jolting effect & turning is harder especially for a speeder...... Now it's a slower. Lol
  14. LeoRS|GFBPA

    LeoRS|GFBPA New Member

    25 Nov 2017
    persist the same lag until the guild quests update. I need a help to test my conection to the battle bay server, where is ??? Whats is the server ip or a server close. Need test best internet route.
  15. Devendra328

    Devendra328 New Member

    1 Dec 2017
    The devs are assholes . They aren't going to reply on this thread. They have made this forum for their amusement:mad::mad::mad::mad:
    Last edited: 28 Feb 2018
    Ash2oush likes this.
  16. LeoRS|GFBPA

    LeoRS|GFBPA New Member

    25 Nov 2017
  17. Ash2oush

    Ash2oush New Member

    12 May 2017
    Me too but ill need my money back before

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