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The adventures of Joey and I

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Paccdaddy, 17 Jul 2017.

  1. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    @Wishaal carrying me
    Screenshot_2017-07-18-05-09-04.png Screenshot_2017-07-18-05-09-12.png Screenshot_2017-07-18-05-09-26.png

    Our adventure was 3 games (100% victories xD)
    Paccdaddy and Wishaal like this.
  2. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Yup, thanks to @Joeyaa for the fleet. I reached a new pr thanks to him. I honeatly have no idea why he still is below 2600 infamy because he sure knows what he is doing. If you're around his range, be sure to fleet up with him.

    Or fleet up with me, I'm just a humble mk4 shooter. My player code: #KLWJMCSY (that's right, my ingame name is Dinoguardian)
  3. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Well I was at 1845 this morning but now am at 1580 because extremely bad teammates.Those were 1 star or 2 star loses.If I was still at 1845 I'd fleet with y'all.Add me if you feel like talking.Player tag #PGQFQPGK
  4. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    It's a bad day for me too..... Don't know everyone is targeting me first, no matter how far I am (2-3 Big Bertha) at same time.
    Plus, as a cherry on top, I am getting bad teammates.
    CrazyFixer likes this.

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