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Thats right, im enjoying the agility boost, i was a rudder head prior!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Valkhadin, 4 Sep 2018.

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  1. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Experience doesn't always equal skill
    Can't tell if you meant this as a good or bad thing?
    Valkhadin likes this.
  2. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Drained my phone battery twice today between the forums and playing in game lol.
  3. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017

    Then the answer to this is buffing defenders turret and/or rudder, not making it so everyone's attributes are maxed out fundamentally transforming the game. Try debating like an adult without injecting your little personal shots at people.
    ShipCrusherCz and PallabKumarS like this.
  4. Valkhadin

    Valkhadin Active Member

    1 Nov 2017
    Personal shots? Seriously? Wow, the emotions of this update are astounding. Thank you for the advice, i will try to be more grown up with my next reply
  5. Valkhadin

    Valkhadin Active Member

    1 Nov 2017
    Wait, were you saying i was taking a personal shot at defenders, good sir? I may need you to high light, my obscenity for me, as i cannot find it. Good day!
  6. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    I don't believe a defender buff was the purpose of the course of action taken by the developers, it's more of a by-product. Their intention was to make battles a little more fast paced as opposed to the slugish feeling during pre-update battles. They also wanted to do away with gear lube and rudder because they wanted agity to be a base componant of the in game experience rather than it being an unlockable feature. Now that being said they may have scaled the agility a little too high for some people and could be easily fixed by dialing it down a notch. Another by-product is the increased probability of receiving shields from item piece combinations. Shields are a base item used on almost every ship but we were getting gear lube after gear lube that most players didn't want or use. The increase in shield drop rate was neccesary due to the increased damage potential from the influx of new event and burn perks. Higher hp means more intense battles instead of being dropped to half health from a random lucky shot. Just my 2 cents on the matter :)
    Uerguy, StrictSalmon307 and Valkhadin like this.
  7. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I can’t wait to see you pull this off. Why don’t we have a 1v1, and you can show me how you’re going to win against a ship with superior firepower and HP by... how did you put it? ‘Nitroing to dodge shots’ and just ‘nitroing into cover’

    Bring whatever Speeder you have.
  8. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Wouldn't be quite fair since speeder isn't my main and I don't have the right gear for it. I have spectated plenty of speeders post update and have seen this is possible. By knowing your enemy's loadout and watching when they fire you can predict when they will fire next and what weapon it's most likely to be.
  9. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    I can tell you how...

    Look I actually use double nitro and you need to turn around all the time when using it.

    But with new update, u stay in place so...
  10. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    I mean this is bad for my eyes, I got them glasses.
  11. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    One problem, no matter what I do I still get killed by snipers :(
  12. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Work on your joystick placement ;)
  13. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    You don't understand speeders. We need to turn... Way more than any other ship does and that was preupdate. Going in circles just can't cut it. Already lose 300 infamy from pay to wins targeting me
    ShipCrusherCz, Hokuse and BasedCarpen like this.
  14. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    Hmm... My fingers too big.
  15. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    You can still turn just dont move the joystick below the horizontal diameter of the steering circle. "Spinning" is meant to be done behind cover to change direction, and now you waste less time doing that.
  16. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Well I have all the gear, and I’ve played thousands upon thousands of games in Speeder, and I can promise you that just because you can predict a shot, doesn’t mean you can avoid it.

    I wish I could just Nitro into cover every time I knew there was big EC hit or a Sniper crit coming my way, but you can’t. Nitro needs to cooldown, and it doesn’t work while the Global Cooldown is cycling from other items. So if you take a shot (for example) that’s 2.5 seconds where you can’t Nitro. And that’s also when you’re most likely to be hit by someone returning fire.

    You are right that it would be unfair, but Shooter vs Speeder is also quite unfair. Shooters usually have enough firepower to destroy a Speeder in one cycle of their weapons. Speeder has two shots, then they need to retreat because of cooldown. For me, to get all my items back to fighting capability takes from 14-20 seconds, where I’m pretty vulnerable. Shooter doesn’t have that, by the time they’ve fired their 5th weapon, the first one is ready to go again.

    What this means is that Speeders (even before the update) had to be incredibly careful, using cover, making the shooter miss, and trying to whittle them down.

    But that’s actually not fair at all. You need to play 10 times better just to break even. That’s why Speeder has been considered one of the worst boats in recent months, and many players literally jumped ship to Enforcer, because Speeder is just too disadvantaged.

    That doesn’t mean you can’t win in a Speeder. But winning being ‘possible’ is not the same as the game being balanced.

    Now things are even harder. Speed is even less of a defense, because turrets track instantly. So you’re basically stuck trying to use cover to trade blows with a superior ship (who can also use cover). And it’s just not a winning situation. It wasn’t winning before the update, and it certainly hasn’t improved.
    Last edited: 5 Sep 2018
  17. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I'm also liking the new buff. The drama is ridiculous though. Speeder bunch threatening to leave because shooters are op, Shooter bunch doing the same thing because no one's getting hit by their firebomb spam anymore and mix of morons who are leaving thanks to new controls but can't even be bothered fixing it in settings. I mean... wtf?
    And regarding speeder, I've been playing it since the update and it's the most fun I've ever had playing speeder. It's just that speeder had it too good by simply circling with overboost on while other ships struggle to catch up. Now that they have to put some effort into it, it's end of the world.
    JoshW and Valkhadin like this.
  18. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    What do you mean struggle?

    I'm always facing people with tier 2 legendaries and it doesn't help that the other team always targets me first. So its hell for me and my eyes.
  19. Valkhadin

    Valkhadin Active Member

    1 Nov 2017
    Bb-stats.com ,seriously guys, take the facts over your own "feels"
  20. XQT

    XQT Member

    28 Jun 2018
    Great update for defenders. The defender's max agility and turret is balance. Not too sensitive, still maneuverable, not dizzying.
    JoshW likes this.
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