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Tesla Bolt has pretty much died off

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Joey who, 23 Jun 2018.

  1. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Events are not ranked gameplay. They are events that's it. Balancing is done or rather I say should be done considering ranked game plays not events. Because events does not affect your infamy.
  2. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    The thing is, Tesla Bolt wasn’t just for annoying the other team. It was also an important defensive item. Speeders only have two guns, and their whole purpose usually does involve being alone and outnumbered, so they need a way to survive.

    I understand that you don’t like being stunned, trust me, no one hates being stunned more than a Speeder. But Speeders still need a way to defend themselves, and they don’t really have it anymore. It wasn’t like losing a weapon, where if you don’t like it, there are 18 others to switch to. There is no replacement for Tesla Bolt.

    The only other defensive yellow item is Tesla Shield. But realistically, you can’t equip it until mk6, and unless you’ve got at least t4 Epic, it’s just gonna break and leave you vulnerable (also no protection against torps).

    Let me put it this way. If you don’t like being stunned for 10 seconds, because it stops you playing, then imagine that happens after every other shot. That’s what it’s like trying to play Speeder with all the long cooldowns. You take your two shots, and then you’re out the game, 14+ seconds on EC 16-20 seconds on Tesla Bolt, and there is nothing you can do in that time. No point trying to attack with all your stuff on cooldown. You might as well just park behind a rock and wait.

    That sucks. If you want to nerf Speeders then nerf Speeders, but don’t make them awesome for 5 seconds and then useless for 20. If you want to nerf stun then nerf stun, but don’t leave Speeders completely defenseless in the process.
  3. Claudius Maximus

    Claudius Maximus Active Member

    12 Mar 2018
    Change Tesla bolt interaction with shield: “break shield” instead of removing it. Alternatively ignore shield completely and stun within. Either would be a buff.

    Another idea would be to have the stun as unbreakable for the first 2.5seconds (or whatever global CD is) to give the stunner first opportunity to break stun or get out of dodge... that might be OP tho.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  4. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Changes to stun as far as stun resistance were absolutely just. Any changes happened afterwards made it 'just another speeder item that relies on team mates'. Out of 4 5 yellow item 2 aren't good enough or in other words reliable to use.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You hit the nail on the head.

    I, as of yesterday, am a 3.5k+ infamy speeder player. And I was wondering how to express myself as to the speeder's current status when I saw this post.

    Speeder is terrifyingly weak. With the TS stunning you every time you use it(let's face it, epic t4 so close to NML = one shot break) I feel like I cannot trust speeder anymore.

    I literally only use TS in two cases: When scouting at range and in emergencies. And if I don't use it, I simply cannot afford to take the risk of using binitro and getting hit from out of vision range by a sniper cannon. So I'm stuck with ONE build. My double blast. With each blast having a CD of 10.8s, the penalty for missing is massive.

    I have an endgame nitro. 4.3s(I believe) cooldown. But the times that I use it are limited too. One can never imagine how high the penalty is for simply nitro'ing and being shot immediately afterward.

    So what do I do? I slink around blind spots and manipulate vision, tracking cooldowns on two-three ships at a time, only using overboost unless pushed to use either of my other yellow items. The carefree style with which I loved to play speeder is gone. Now it's cold, hard strategy. Because, with just 4.7k HP, a single wrong decision is capable of killing me.

    If this is what I feel with THIS build, I cannot imagine the state of someone using EC flare with TB. It must be a disaster.

    While I like the pressure, I find myself moving more and more toward the enforcer. Duelling is a breeze, the handling is godlike, and omg the turret rotation. I never thought I'd say that it's easy to get to 3.6-3.7k infamy with this gear(I have barely 6k HP) but it is.

    Again another thing I never thought I'd say. Speeder has lost its charm. Sure I like to play smart once in a while, but tracking CDs of three shooters at once, in EVERY game, is not something I wish to do for the rest of my BB career.

    Wow that was long xD.
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  6. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I pulled out my Tesla bolt after this thread. Unfriends team were so confused once stunned. I stunned them and drove off and found another boat to attack.

    So tactically it was good to use for how little it's used in the bay.

    With the exceptions of the brutal 18 seconds reload. And the amount of times friends team break stun before I am ready...translation get shot in the back over n over til dead. Repeat...

    Serious thought....
    At developers @Pinecone @Miika
    Since this is no longer meta...and can be broken by friends team....why not split the time difference. 1 year ago to current nerf. Go to 15 seconds reload time?

    Last edited: 19 Jul 2018

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