Here's my point, since maybe I've been restating other people's arguments too much:
- Friendly coloring will reduce confusion.
There isn't any confusion, any mine planted there that seems foreign should be avoided. Take your own risk.
- No enemy coloring means enemy mines won't be any more visible than they are now.
Because there is a difference, enemy mines would be too obvious.
- I think most mine damage is blind/accidental (the subjective part of the argument).
It is indeed accidental, the whole idea of a mine is to catch someone like bear trap. So in otherwords, by coloring you're compromising the whole idea of the trap, for reasons above.
- If most mine damage is accidental, then changing mine colors would only decrease friendly difficulty in getting around the map.
Same as above, the whole idea of a mine is to make it difficult to get around.
- The flipside is that enemies would be more likely to avoid mines that they see. I think that's worth it, since most mine damage is accidental anyway (again, subjective).
And this is why I said it will nerf the mine entirely. People will start avoiding it more clearly, making mines less effective.
- My opinion is backed up by my own experiences and the fact that most of the people who commented on this thread avoid all mines regardless of the source.
Your opinion is your opinion, and each one of us have different opinions and experiences. It's not hard facts, and that's why we're having a debate. Those people are only a fraction of majority of players in the game, even this thread is still small. But hey, everyone can have their own opinions. But don't scream at me just because I agree to disagree.
I don't know how I can say it any clearer. So far, only
@ekagreen and
@Bennunator have admitted to running into a mine because they really thought it was friendly. It's possible that they represent a much larger sum of people, but I'm not sure about that.
How many people we talking about here? 10? 20? That's clearly not the whole community. Are they soft launch players, high infamy, global release, high level, lots of experience? Click to expand...