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  2. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by HAPPY SITHSHA, 25 Feb 2018.

  1. Icey

    Icey Member

    3 Nov 2018
    Hardcore TDM suggestion: During the 10 sec respawn wait we should have the power to swap around weapons from our previous ships.
    Nikkie! and R4Z0R like this.

    HAPPY SITHSHA Well-Known Member

    24 Feb 2018
    A Place that u could never imagine :P
    It would be nice tho:oops:
    Nikkie! likes this.
  3. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    +1 YES!!! PLEEZ
  4. Sreg

    Sreg Active Member

    17 Nov 2017
    I want this mode. "Fast and Slow"! In this mode, the time to reload the weapon is reduced by 2 times, And to change the weapon, it will take 10 seconds of time!
    HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
  5. GigaBeard

    GigaBeard Member

    11 Feb 2018
    I'm sure this has been suggested many, many times, but perhaps if enough of us bring it up... Please bring back the Event rewards as they were a few iterations ago. As they are now I'm losing interest.
    • You should be able to save up coins earned from event to event until there is a group of perks you want to try for. Having them expire means I have to play way too much or don't care and won't play the event. How and when we spend coins should be our choice. If needed set a limit to the number of coins to something like 2400. Expiring the coins leaves a bad taste.
    • I'm fine with getting ship pieces, but there needs to be more. I do appreciate having the choice between the 2 ships - since one I use, one I don't.
    • Bring back the options to spend coins on Materials (parts and power cells), as well as Item Pieces. Sometimes that's what I need most.
    • The 60 coins for what amounts to a common perk is a joke, please remove or lower the cost or increase the chances of getting something decent.
    • Other types of events that add unique gameplay - like capture the flag was. Maybe the option to play in non-hardcore team death matches...
    Give your players more options and a feeling of control. This will increases loyalty and enjoyment of the game.

    Thank you for considering these ideas. Battle Bay is an awesome game!!
  6. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
  7. GrizzlyMoose

    GrizzlyMoose Active Member

    19 Dec 2017
    While this is a unique idea, actually asking players for input, the question could be asked:

    "Have the developers hit a creative brick wall?"

    There have been numerous ideas presented in the past, most of which were rejected.

    Even now when suggestions are made on Discord (which we were all directed towards for communication with the developers) are no longer being addressed.....(I've stopped looking)

    Now they are sending us back to forums for ideas.

    This is a great game,

    I don't necessarily think you need to reinvent the "wheel" by coming up with new events, just tweak the game and address the real issues.

    1 matchmaking (multiple fixer battles are lopsided and have created a new level of frustration in the Bay that has the potential to make players stop playing)
    2 fleet infamy required (if I can be matched with and against 5k and 900k players in events allow us to fleet) (This also has the potential to have veteran players teach noobies and battles should become more skill based and not the mindless mayhem that these events have become)
    3. Nerf Duplicates weapons ( for spamming)
    4 additional communication options especially while fleeted
    5 provide players with an actual reward agenda. (In events we are all seeking coins. How are they assigned? I know you think some will try to take advantage of knowing how to score, but that is wrong. Again this comes down to fair play and playing a game that you know what the rules are. These are possible examples
    1 kill 1 coin
    1 coin per player% of overall damage or possibly amount of damage points .
    1 coin per win
    -1 coin for death or second death
    -2 for third death

    I truly hope you find a solution to turn things around and make Battle Bay the hottest game ever.

    I recall installing it and playing it initially, but the wave action really threw me for a loop so I uninstalled it. Maybe that is something that could be introduced slowly to noobies.
  8. klinsmannsingh

    klinsmannsingh New Member

    28 Feb 2019
    Here are some of my ideas...

    • Trophy system can be developed further. Examples are 100 long-shots or 50 nice-shots or 10 quad-kill can be traded with box containing random items like parts, cells, gold, sugar or even weapon.
    • Many people say that custom battle is useless. I choose to think otherwise. I used to play numerous customs with my guild mates each with special (and interesting) custom rules like mortar-only, grenade-only, gun-only, common-only, defender-only-no-turbo-allowed, speeder-battle-but-player-who-step-outside-the-capture-area-deemed-loser...so many potentials. Many were skeptical at first but after trying them out they couldn't get enough. You know what.. this could very well be an idea for the next event.
  9. SilverFox

    SilverFox New Member

    28 Feb 2019
    Hi Everyone.

    I would like to see an event where small objectives or quests are in place during battle, besides destroy the enemy.
    Name: TOTAL DESTRUCTION (open to name suggestions)
    For instance during battle there are objects on the water, rocks, walls, etc at random places of the different maps, that are required to be destroyed. You need to compete against other players who have to do same, at the end, the team that made more damage to the objects or destroy more objects wins.
    There could be the whole set of objects for both teams to be destroyed , or colored objects for specific teams (strategy comes here since there are players that need to defend their own objects from the enemy). The objects could be like floating boxes of BOUYS, also if the objects have some kind of movements (like a pendulum with a target) it would be more diffucult to hit them. Also if there is a fixer on the team, it could fix the object that suffered damage in case we have specific team objects. so AGAIN FIXER WILL BE THE FIRST TARGET as usual. :D
    I would be interesting to add a restriction to do damage to the object, for instance just could add damage to the score if you hit it with cannons or torps , since it will be easier to hit them with mortars from distance avoiding battle with the enemy that may be closer to the object. Sticky targets won't work here since it requires player ability to hit and destroy the objects.
    I would like to read your suggestions and opinions about this idea. Anything that you consider that may add fun to it write it.

    Last edited: 1 Mar 2019
  10. ShinkuMoon

    ShinkuMoon Member

    16 Dec 2017
    I have 4 game modes/events and their derivatives to share and apologise in advance in case someone posted similar content already. Sorry I really don't have enough time to go through all the wonderful ideas in this thread after daily 14 hours of work...

    1. Watch your aim

    All AOE weapons have team damage enabled but it will only be received when unfriends are also damaged by the instance (to prevent griefing). Teammates will receive 50% less from the damage and the performance rating will be negatively affected by how much team dmg you have done.

    Don't know how or why this will benefit the game overall but just thought it's a good time to mess up with friends. If not bringing it to an actual mode, please consider making it possible in customized matches.

    2. Cataclysm

    In this mode, every fixed seconds there will be a range of mortar/fire bomb, or napalm/mines which last forever dropped across the map that will damage both team.

    The dmg scale and type of each instance is the same as the weapon of the highest GS from each team. For example, team A has a ballpark mortar being the single highest item within the team while team B has a fire bomb launcher being most powerful in team B, then every time the cataclysm triggers, there will be multiple ballpark motar and fire bomb dropping across map as if the players dropped which will damage BOTH team.

    3. Valley fight

    Wayward Pains only. Probably easiest mode to implement

    4. Sniping fun

    Disable Wayward Pains and other small maps, double the cooldown of close-range weapons. Much shorter match timer.

    Alternatively, use the Midfight Movie map but place a boundray consist of enternal napalm and mines between the two end of the map.

    5. Flame on water

    As the derivative of 2. Napalm last forever but damage teammates too. Additionally, fire (in the form of naplam) will be starting to spread from the spawn of both team after 1 min of start and gradually taking over the entire map. However, repair plasma/pulse/defense wall can cleanse the everlasting flame, until the region gets occupied by fire again. The cleansing can repeat multiple times.


    Pretty sure there can be some extension from those ideas. Feel free to quote them in your creations - let's make the game fresh again!
    HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
  11. Cristian Gonzalez Morales

    Cristian Gonzalez Morales New Member

    28 Dec 2018
    [QUOTE = "HAPPY SITHSHA, post: 104840, miembro: 17475"] Hola chicos, quiero que esta característica se implemente en este juego: " EVENTOS" y nuevos "MODOS DE JUEGO".

    Creo que debería haber algunos eventos en la Bahía cada semana o cada 2 semanas. Y debería haber una competencia por el Campeonato todos los meses. Cada evento debería recompensarnos con algo nuevo (perlas, piezas de objetos, ventajas épicas, etc.,). Y También debería haber algunos nuevos modos de juego. Esto seguramente hará que Battle Bay se haga famoso. ¿Alguien podría tener alguna sugerencia para nuevos modos de juego o alguna idea para los tipos de EVENTOS? :guay::guay::guay:[/CITAR
    paes estas en lo correcto creo que de veria tener ese nuevo modo de evento
  12. Dracula Warrior

    Dracula Warrior New Member

    1 Feb 2019
    I have an idea for a new mode of event based on a modified version of rugby in Battle Bay. Two spawn points spawn balls and the team of players try to score a goal by putting it on the enemy base, like a goal. It would be like modified version of CTF in battle bay but in the rugby mode, players would be allowed to pass the ball using a special gun, and there would be no need for your flag to be on your base to score a goal.
    I hope my idea would be considered.
    Thank you.:)
  13. Sreg

    Sreg Active Member

    17 Nov 2017
    Appreciated today's event, and thought, otherwise if you make an event, where global CD will be 5 seconds, and weapons and objects will charge 2-3 times faster? :)
    HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
  14. KnownWatt

    KnownWatt Member

    26 May 2017
    Taipei, Taiwan.
    Add a split window, there are 2 cameras on the boat, one front and the other behind, you can see the front and rear landscape at the same time.
    Agile Vanguard likes this.
  15. Prescott Nivans

    Prescott Nivans New Member

    29 Sep 2018
    Hola amigos, deben de poner un evento donde uno pueda transmutar ranuras de un color en otro, un ejemplo transmutar 2 puntos de ranuras azules ha rojas en este caso al al barco si tenía 2 ranuras azules de 4 puntos ahora le quedan 2 ranuras azules de 2 puntos, esto se aplica en todos los barcos.
  16. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Make an event where the team gets the equivalent of an epic t5 pulse heal if they are all within a close vicinity of each other, if one member strays the healing for the entire team ceases.
    Call it C.U.C.K. Cooperative Unity Capture or Kill
  17. kermi_respect

    kermi_respect New Member

    22 Aug 2018
    with every victory he will make in the championship get points which they will be redeeming taking items for our weapons and stop the event from employing people as a result to have the world championship and become competitive the events are not often but give specific gifts
  18. Sreg

    Sreg Active Member

    17 Nov 2017
    Is it possible to launch an event where 20 players participate in a battle, (10 ty 10)? and since there are a lot of players, all weapons inflict 2 times less damage, without rebirth, and as a reward you will receive 2 times more leaked coins :)

    HAPPY SITHSHA Well-Known Member

    24 Feb 2018
    A Place that u could never imagine :P
    Hmm nice one;):)
  20. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    Fast paced event
    • Team elimination 5V5
    • All weapons +50% damage
    • All weapons cooldowns reduced by 20%
    • Yellow, green and teal effects are doubled.
    • 20% speed increase
    • GCD is 1 second
    • 20% Health decrease
    • Game timer is reduced to 3 minutes.
    As the name suggests, this event is designed to be a quick, adrenaline pumping game. This..will be crazy.
    Last edited: 12 Apr 2019

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