An oversimplified and generic example:
Mk1 boat = 100 gear score
Mk2 boat = 200 gear score
Grey item at lvl 1 = 1 gear score
Green item at lvl 1= 15 gear score
Boat gear score + items gear score = Total gear score
Gear scores 0-300 are more likely to match with one another, 301-600, and etc.
Crew research would likely need scoring as well or some other way to balance it with matchmaking.
You could include perks and in the scoring as well or leave those out as wild cards but this way the gear you're using determines your matchmaking. Infamy could still play a part in this system with a little tweaking but the progression here is that the more you win and use your resource winnings to upgrade your boat/gear the faster you'll be put in higher rankings with similar gear. Now battling has more of a skill cap instead of time/gear cap. The more your skill has you winning the quicker you get to the others at your skill level.
If people want to use a boat they never do with a setup they haven't leveled they won't have to worry about their 2000 infamy ranking putting their mk2 defender in with mk5 and mk6 boats. Their gear score will have them against similarly geared boats.
We'll see less mk3 boats in mk5 territory due to them trying to complete guild quests while undergeared because of infamy matchmaking.
If someone wants to put a lvl 20 legendary on a mk1 they can do that but that legendary is going to put them in a higher class than they should be if that boat were equipped as expected. The power of the weapon balances with the weakness of the boat, making them a 'glass cannon', instead of simply making the whole setup overpowered.
Infamy becomes more of a point of pride and a show of your skill instead of a tool to be manipulated so that you can play the game the way you want or abuse it for a goal. I, personally, couldn't care less about my infamy ranking right now beyond what boats it's putting me with. I wouldn't think twice about tanking it so that I could play an undergeared boat that I want to play. Infamy should be better than that. Infamy (competition) shouldn't stop me from playing certain parts of the game.
For example, I just unlocked my mk5 shooter. I'm excited about it but, sadly, I'm kinda stuck playing it all the time because I've put most of my resources into it to stay competitive. I can't really pull my mk3 fixer out with its lvl 1 healing items at infamy 1600 and expect to actually contribute to the team in the way that I should be able to... so I rarely play that boat and that makes me sad. When I get frustrated I like to switch up my gameplay instead of quitting for a while but that's really not an option for me in this game without intentionally sabotaging my rank. Changing to a gear score based matchmaking system I think would make the game more balanced and allow better options to play the whole game.
And for the devs... more freedom to play all my boats will make me want to upgrade all of them (instead of only focusing on my best geared one) which will lead to more potential in micro transactions. Because... ya know... now I'm focusing on making 3 better instead of just 1, with the other 4 getting the scraps.
Those are my thoughts atm

Anything else that I didn't touch on and could use explaining?
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