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Sorry Rovio, but I can't finance online abuse.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Admiral DrkRealm, 13 Jul 2017.

  1. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Hi Miika.. I tried to send you this in a private message..but couldn't upload the screenshot there.
    We know you're working on the problems in chat and yes.. there's a report button..but in Drop Dead Gorge channel I think it's rarely used..( I stay out of there for obvious reasons and clicked on it by mistake).
    I've seen this person being abusive numerous times..but THIS is just disgusting and probably criminal.
    I don't want this thread to become a witch hunt with everyone posting screenshots..the report button is there (Please use it people)..maybe I'll get banned from the forum for posting this..but it will be worth it if you can do something about the person who made the comments.
    Keep up the good work.. here's the pic..

    Attached Files:

  2. Ludirk

    Ludirk New Member

    16 Jun 2017
    Perhaps some kind of chat moderation needs to be considered? It's only been getting worse with the amount of abusive language and looking out for sex in an obviously kid friendly game, and, while I know that sifting through reports and such is quite time consuming and tedious, perhaps a middleman in the process might help weed out the undesirables more quickly.
    Biffter likes this.
  3. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    Even screened player moderators who give warning and bans of a few hours would help....
    Biffter likes this.
  4. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Has any progress been made in this problem Devs?
    As Ludirk said..the abuse and people trawling for girls has gotten worse..go to any channel and within minutes you'll see it.
    Happily there are a few who don't tolerate it and report these people who continuously do it.
    I've said in an earlier post..is it possible that any reports about people trawling for girls/boys be made PRIORITY..even if only a few reports.
    Most can put up with the petty fighting and the censored swearing..BUT trawling should be clamped down on..and ASAP IMO.
    Totoro likes this.
  5. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    They could have "volunteer" moderators monitoring the rooms. Pay them in Pearls for incentive. Spam a notice once every 30 minutes about the rules, that any violations of the chat rules, are grounds for an instant ban.
  6. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    So..nearly a month since OP and barely any reply to this thread by Devs.
    Are you doing..or even thinking of doing ANYTHING to stem the problems in chat?
    Are we just going to have to put up with it?
    Yes there's a report button..but from what I can tell..you might as well just get rid of it.. you say people ARE being banned??..is that like 1 person in every thousand reports?
    I'm starting to believe that you're not really interested in the f2p players..whether they choose not to spend..or simply cannot afford to..As long as you get income from them all watching ads.. I guess we'll have to put up with this..and worse all day..everyday..

    Attached Files:

    Totoro and Captain Gilligan like this.
  7. Captain Gilligan

    Captain Gilligan Well-Known Member

    16 Jun 2017
    Freelance Motion Designer
    Gilligan's Island
    Idk about anyone else. But I would love to moderate a global chat for absolutely nothing in return. Keeping a games chat clean and clear of trouble is all the reward I would need :)
  8. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    All top reported players are getting banned regularly.
    Totoro likes this.
  9. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I said it before and I can say it again. The statement above only show you're doing something. It's far from enough. You are not doing anything to mitigate/prevent the abusiveness. Once in a blue moon you're banning an account just to say you're doing something only make Rovio looks more pathetic.
    Biffter likes this.
  10. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Been following this thread, personally I think it should be implemented like how other games are implemented. Allow to mute / block the user from messages and seeing their posts in chats (all of them), that way you don't see his comments or take any abuse from them. Reduces the amount of reporting by eliminating the problem from the front end, and leaves the control to the user.

    It's up to them to deal with the situation their own way.
    ThatOnion likes this.
  11. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    i saw some russian guy saying stuff like that but less heavy before.
    P.S. he said he was russian btw

    I want to be carful how I word this, but I never see any amaricans on chat saying stuff like this about people from other contries.
  12. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I think it's the best Rovio can do. With the limited amount of developers on their end, there will be thousands of reports that will continue to pile up.
  13. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    You are not really reading what I said. Regularly, as in tens of people per day, every day.

    We are not processing reports individually but on per-player basis based on how many unique reports they have gotten. This makes it pretty easy to ban the worst offenders. But's it's a whack-a-mole, and not every people get reported multiple times and we can't act based on only a single report because like you said there are thousands and thousands of them, and some people abuse the system with false reports. (Which bring us even more banning to do...)
    Flying Bananasaur and Miathan like this.
  14. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    OK, so the once in a blue moon is an exaggerated statement but I can't believe you didn't get the message. The quickest solution right now is to have moderators so they can build the cases for you. Unless you guys regularly watching the chatroom, you have very little idea of the abusiveness that are going on in there.
    Biffter, Captain Gilligan and Wishaal like this.
  15. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Aren't they making more than enough money with battle bay? They can easily hire 1 or 2 people to moderate the ingame chats.
    Biffter and Miathan like this.
  16. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    They don't need to

    Players will volunteer to moderate for free, but it's not exactly a perfect solution cause players who don't work for rovio might abuse their powers.

    Mute function will not save the kids who are innocent enough to send noods to some stranger in the net (You think they end up getting into trouble with these guys cause they couldn't block them out? Even if we had a mute option I doubt kids would know whom to block and who not to, who's harrassing them and who's legit trying to help them.)

    Players getting annoyed is not the main problem, kids getting abused is the problem, we need a separate category called "sex offense" for reports which take up top priority and shows up on top of the list.

    We might be able to save some little girl's life from getting ruined if we make reports on sex offenders show up on top over reports of "This guy said a word that offends me".
    Biffter, Captain Gilligan and Wishaal like this.
  17. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Admins, listen to this guy, unlike most of us, this guy sees the ugly big picture.
    Biffter and Captain Gilligan like this.
  18. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    For me, one of the main reasons for the temporary slipping of the chat into a swamp is missing of authority!
    Visible authority!
    Sometimes a situation simply reassures itself through the appearance of the police.
    As in the real life so online.
    The red font of a moderator makes everyone clear:
    I'm here, I watch your behaviour and I urge compliance with the rules!
    In case of violating the chat rules, the "punishment" should be made public, so everyone sees that the compliance of the chat rules are monitored and punished and reporting can have a result.
    To avoid confusion with possible data protection rights,
    it would be enough to post every half or full hour a corresponding message, which shows how many players was banned in the last 24 hours because of offence against the chat rules.

    This is not a big effort!
    But makes clear that the chat is not a right-free space where everyone can write anything with impunity.
    Biffter, Captain Gilligan and Wishaal like this.
  19. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Very specific measures you'd like to see, very realistic, and most important, very effective.
    Biffter likes this.
  20. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    There is a problem with @Cyberfisch statement though. If you're not on Rovio payroll, you privileges as moderator are very limited. There are laws against such moderators and the company can be sue because those moderators are not consider Rovio employees. Everything else, I agree with what he said.

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