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So, are you spending any money on this game any more?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Flipscuba, 7 Mar 2019.


Are you investing money in this game

  1. Nah

    22 vote(s)
  2. Yep

    5 vote(s)
  1. Flipscuba

    Flipscuba Well-Known Member

    22 Aug 2017
    Just curious, with how infuriated the user base seems to be, and the complete lack of engagement of the employees, are any of you actually spending money on what seems to be a dying game? I'm not, about the only things I was paying for was VIP and an occasional pearl diver, but that's done.
  2. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I've been a VIP subscriber since not long after global launch. I've bought occasional pearl divers and bought multiple special offers of the 10 x Super Crates for $99.

    I didn't renew my VIP about a week ago (because it doesn't have anything to offer anymore, I don't watch ads, and the extra gold and sugar after battle don't really mean much when you can't get epic powercells to upgrade anything).
    I haven't bought a special offer in ages, because my inventory is full of epic dupes already and I can't do anything with them, so buying the 10xEpic Container deals is just basically $99 for about 110 epic powercells.
    Waiting for future updates to see if I open my wallet again for this game.
  3. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Never have, probably never will. No way I’m spending 50 dollars on an extra Swift Torpedo much less $100 for crates full of totally randomized items and cells.

    But that’s just me. I know some people don’t care about the price.
    Su-57, Nikkie! and Flipscuba like this.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Easy answer... I won't spend any more money until the following are all addressed:
    • Matchmaking: Need fair battles 90%+ of the time. Fair does NOT mean 2800 Infamy difference in ranked, or 2800 difference in GS in Event and casual.
    • Fix foundational progression discrepancies in the League system, Infamy, and battle rewards. If the entire player base isn't contributing to Infamy, then get rid of Infamy and Leagues so we can move toward a Gear Score based system, FWIW. Doing that lays bare the fact that the progression system is a clusterf&@# that needs to be re-done.
    • Advertising. Lack of players is the primary root cause of the foundational progression issues.
    • Progression buffs. All I've seen is nerfs for 6 months... nerfs ensure I spend less.
    • And most importantly dev participation in the community
    There are foundational issues in this game 100% caused by the actions of the Rovio BB team starting 9/2018. It's up to them to resolve the issues. Solutions to the above have been discussed ad nauseam in these forums during that timeframe, and before.
    = Peachy =, Su-57, benguin8 and 3 others like this.
  5. Flynndawg

    Flynndawg Well-Known Member

    22 Jun 2017
    i assume because the population is so low that they can't break up the matchmaking infamy differences without the wait times sky rocketing =(
    Su-57, Ash KOT and Flipscuba like this.
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Sure they can... just hold one match type at a time
  7. Flynndawg

    Flynndawg Well-Known Member

    22 Jun 2017
    What does that even mean
  8. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Back in the day there was just ranked with a bigger player base. Then they introduced events, so players were split between two match types, then they made events perpetual with no tangible rewards and players started leaving the game, so they introduced a third match type, casual. All that was good, but only if the player base was larger... so instead all they've done is exacerbate the problems of a lower player base by splitting the queues into as many as 3 at a time, so matchmaking is now a disaster.

    Holding one match type at a time at least combines the 3 queues to make it better. I don't like it, but I also don't like the travesty that is called matchmaking at this state in the game, and I like the current state of Infamy even less.
    = Peachy = and RACK STAR like this.
  9. Flynndawg

    Flynndawg Well-Known Member

    22 Jun 2017
    Ahh ok. Wonder if that would cause players who don’t like a particular mode to stop playing for days at a time while the match type limited.

    For example I don’t do events, I only play ranked. So if at times there was no ranked mode I would probably stop playing.

    At the very least they should get rid of casual. That mode is pointless.
    TVNPryde likes this.
  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    That's where we disagree... I like events because they are different than 5v5 elimination so I play them. I like casual because ranked is broken for everyone outside of NML. Because of this, if casual was removed I'd likely stop playing.
    Ultrah likes this.
  11. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I only play ranked too. Event is pointless to me since I can never get 800 coins in 2-3 days. Casual is just pointless period.

    If casual is removed, then ranked MM should improve right? One of the reason ranked MM is this bad is because of the fan base split into 3 modes. I support removing of casual 100%.
  12. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Only because you are NML. For everyone outside of NML ranked is a pile of crap, so removing arguably the only good mode in the game (casual) will revert the game to the dark ages where gaps between events had no one online.
  13. Mimmel

    Mimmel Member

    15 Aug 2017
    Even though I also think we don't have enough players to have 3 battle modes, casual is helpful for guild quests. I hate to see that some people bring weaker ships or weaker weapons to ranked coz of guild quests. Now they can play in casual. In that sense, I believe the quality of ranked is improved? Maybe ok not having casual during event and if event is over, then we have casual. Even though I don't play ranked during event as I tend to lose. It would be even nicer if we have no star hoarder quests, then.
    I personally haven't faced so bad match making. But have seen some from guild mates. I think the penalty system needs to be redesigned as it looks totally nonsense. I wonder how devs see this. As we don't see any devs presence at all, we can't know anything what will happen.
    Last edited: 8 Mar 2019
  14. DarkImmortal

    DarkImmortal Active Member

    20 Jul 2017
    Yeah I am paying VIP for me and 24 guildmates every month
    benguin8 likes this.
  15. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Let me know when a spot opens up!
  16. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    I spend on special offer and also Vip.

    But I learned the hard way.

    1. Buying special offer DOESN'T guarantee you to get the items u want. RNG suck.
    2. You will most of the time scrap most of the items u get due to the stupid inventory limit (i already make a post but it went quiet).

    Sorry BB Dev, but this is mho.
    Su-57 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  17. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Can I join if you have an opening :)
    envylife likes this.
  18. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Haha, yea it's basically gambling, which is why they have to legally post the odds. 5x chance to get a Grenade is fairly meaningless.

    Normally you have a 1 in 41 chance to get a Grenade, but now you get a 5 in 41 chance to get it, a 2.4% chance to a 12% chance. But realistically that still means there is an 88% chance you will NOT get a Grenade. While you do get 10 tries at a Grenade with the special deal, if it hits, it'll be a rare. How do you increase the odds? Buy more, and more, and more. That's how Rovio makes money... artificial scarcity pandering to the gambler inside us all. I'm amazed this is legal at all to be honest.
  19. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    I agree.

    No more gambling for me.
    Su-57 likes this.
  20. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    I would say get rid of Ranked . there is no point of it when Infamy is not based on individual performance. you can sink 3-4 unfriendly by your self but still lose -24 infamy because your team can't stay together and stay alive . at the moment Infamy basically shows how much stupid team one player is getting lol . i mean there are lots of players who used to be 3500+ infamy and playing this game for more then year now they have less then 1000 infamy . they are not bad players at all its just Infamy system don't represent someone's performance .

    I fleet with a player in event and in all battle his dmg was half then dmg i made if i was doing 25-30k dmg he was doing 10-15k . our gear score is same but he recently gain more infamy then me . also dropped again but he gain more then 300 infamy so its not completely showing how good someone play but how good team a player get .
    Sewah likes this.

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