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Simple solution for Infamy, Suicide team mates and Donuts maker!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by V__, 4 Jul 2018.

  1. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    There should be a penalty system, if you floated, then you should not be able to play for 5 minutes. And this together with minimum Infamy for every ship maybe.
  2. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    It is just a first step my idea, it has to be worked out further. I hope someone can help me out here.
  3. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Speeders will be punished hard here. 2 weapons naturally do less damage. As yellow items will not be considered in equation. This idea favours shooters and defenders. So not in favour at all. There are many dynamics to game that help your team win like killing of weak targets real quick, stunning opposing team mates, blocking shots, distraction, blocking paths,etc.

    KINGIVANOV Well-Known Member

    28 Nov 2017
    Over here.
    Could it be training?
  5. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    Training to get worse effects?
  6. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018
    Or we can take the idea from those battle royale games as well, the longer you live, the more points you will get.

    So, the final point will be: Total damage + [Healing x 0.5 (If you are a fixer)] + survival time point + in match achievements point + Kill or Assist = FINAL POINT.
    (Yellow boat tends to get more assists and more kills so it will be fair for them, if they survived long enough, Great!)

    Damage wont be much important since you can get higher score by survive longer, do more nice shots, more assist or more skill. The problem is we have to figured out the exact points for each action so it will be more fair and reasonable.

    I hate the current system, like you working in a company with an intern, the intern has no skill, didnt make any value for shizzle, wasting your time teaching them AND STILL GET THE SAME AMOUT OF MONEY AS YOU DO, THE ONE WHO MAKES THE MOST VALUE AND HAVE SOME GODLIKE SKILLZZ~. That is not acceptable, just like our current system, better performance, better skill must result better rewards. You didnt do good, oh man, you r screwed! That's your fault, not mine.
  7. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Tonight I had a battle with my Mk5 Speeder and did over 10.000 damage with just two weapons. The mk5 Shooters did much less!

    But maybe we should treat every boat different in the equation. I am open for suggestions. But I think a score of 50% team effort and 50% personal effort will be the best stimulans to do the utmost best we can together as a team and as a single player as well.

    Best wishes,
  8. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    This game is pretty much a perfect example of just how instrumental a ship like a Speeder can be in deciding a game, without getting any recognition on the contribution page.


    I got the most kills on my team. My first kill (the first kill) was a well timed attack on a Fixer, which reduced the unfriends healing by half for the rest of the game. That was a critical moment for my team, and I didn’t just finish him off, I swooped in and took him down singlehandedly from about 90% health.

    I set up the next two kills for my teammates, and used my stun to stop the other Fixer from healing up.

    Then when the rest of my team died, and left me alone in a 2v1. I was able to finish off the Enforcer (the other teams’ star player) while his teammate was stunned, and then win a 1v1 against the remaining Shooter, who was almost full health. Landing the killing blow with 1 second left on the clock.

    And after all that, what do I get? Last place and 1 star! Just because I technically did less damage. Though if you watch the game, you’ll notice that almost none of my damage is repaired. The 20k healing that the unfriends did was almost all damage from the Shooters, that didn’t amount to anything. Yet they got the lion’s share of the rewards for it.

    Please feel free to watch the game. I’m not saying it is my best, but no one can say that my contribution wasn’t a major component of the victory.


    This game actually isn’t unusual. I’m rarely the top damager on my team, and TBH, I don’t want to be. If I get top damage, it means the Shooters aren’t doing their job. My job is making sure stuff dies, and I’m pretty good at it. I could show you hundreds of games where I’m 4th-5th in the ranking with 3-4 of the kills. I’m also often the one to get the important first kill, and to remove Fixers.

    That’s actually an important role, that helps my teams win games. I tip the odds in their favour, and make sure their damage is quickly converted into a numerical advantage.

    However, under the OP’s proposed system, I would always be receiving the lowest rewards when we win, and the highest penalties when we lose.

    That would make my situation untenable. If I’m constantly losing more than I gain, then I’d have to have to abandon my ship, along with a strategy that’s actually good for winning games (just not good for earning stars).

    That’s why this system is flawed: winning should be all that matters, regardless of how you go about it. If you take the focus off winning and put it onto measurable contribution, then you will end up with a dysfunctional system, that rewards bad play, and punishes good.
    Last edited: 6 Jul 2018
    Rainbow Warrior and Shadow Moon! like this.
  9. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I haven't spent the time to figure out how the star system works ...

    but, here's a guess based on percentages ..

    Let's say it's based on the mean (or average) damage (including hidden fire assist damage) of all 10 players .. you get two stars for doing 30% more than that average, one star for being plus/minus 30% of that average, 30% or more below and you get zero stars .. then add one star to each member of the winning team.

    However, it does seem easier to get more stars if your damage per kill is higher.. Earlier today, I had a one-star, 10k quad kill match and a three-star, 20k zero kill match. So, something like that may be included in the calculation, which would make sense if you're promoting team play.

    I see enfos and speeders snipers hide all match and just snipe kills, or players in general waste a shot to get the kill on someone that's going to burn out in another second. So not rewarding that type of play in general might be a good policy .. even if taking out a low health fixer can be extremely valuable.
  10. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think either system can encourage undesirable behaviour. For example I’ve seen people abandon their team to go kill a floater. I’ve also seen people focusing on a big Defender all game, when their damage would have been more useful elsewhere, to get the unfriends’ numbers down faster.

    Both of those are bad plays that can cost a team the game, yet the perpetrators will often get top damage and star rewards as a result.

    Campers also frequently receive good damage results, because they’re often the last ship, and get a load of extra damage when they’re ultimately forced to go down swinging 3v1. But that damage comes too late, because half of it is dealt after the game is already lost.
    Last edited: 6 Jul 2018
  11. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    I know why fixers get low rewards.

    Devs wanted to punish selfish fixers, but unfortunately it had to affect every fixer. Been like that for some time
  12. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    True.. And people hiding behind cover, spamming fire bombs vs a team with a fixer - basically swapping damage and fire assist bonuses for fixing points - while not doing all that much to win.

    I wasn't arguing for or against either way .. just saying, if true, I'd understand why.

    But, sorry for going off-topic .. like Miika said a while back on floaters - If you never float, then floaters are beneficial to you because they're more likely to be on the other team .. meaning higher infamy for you.
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  13. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I think there is not a system which is 100% perfect. Unless we all play with the same ships and setups, but I dont think most people who want that. Although I am all for it and want to see if the Nightmare players are so much more skilled than the rest of us. Some definately are, but I have seen some in the events with a smaller boat and they weren't so good, but they had the biggest weapons. That is what made the difference, they killed others in 1 or 2 shots.
  14. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Believe me reaching Nightmare League requires huge amount of skill, yes gear helps you climb, but good will be the T5E explosive if it lands in water. As you get up boats get faster, people learn how to dodge shots and other mechanics of the game like maps, opposition team composition, usage of minimap etc.
    You need better gear to sustain in NML but skill will always be a primary factor in any case.
    What's Up Player likes this.
  15. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    True, but I wonder how the score boards will be if everybody has the same boats and setup. Would be a great idea for an event.
  16. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    This is my favorite post I've read today, such a fun read lol.

    Alright, so healing should count towards contribution, yes, so should dodging shots and providing crowd control (not just for damage boosting purposes). Using any item effectively should account for the same contribution. Dodged shots would just be, for example, shots that would've landed if you didn't nitro/tesla shield/make a sharp turn. Self healing? Dude, if someone is taking that much damage for you, they're saving that hp for you.

    There should be no exception to which items give contribution and which don't. Damage isn't everything just because it's the only thing that sinks unfriends. I've been carried by outstanding fixers in games where I played shooter, and there's just no way I would've done as much damage without them than with. They're the real MVPs, yet I almost always place higher than them.

    How about those speeders that did less than 5k damage but had the entire enemy team shooting at them for half the battle? They deserve a medal, but instead they get like 1 or 2 stars at best.

    Even if damage is worth more than anything else, can we make it less of a steep difference?
    wreck your day likes this.
  17. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Also don't report me if you see me doing donuts in my rudder speeder! I just do that in the beginning of the match to rally my team and let them all know that I wanna be with my team and not suicide owo this is if I don't feel like scouting (enemy has an enfo or 2 and we have no fixer, I'll pass on early scouting for fear of getting countered into oblivion).
  18. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Actually there is no "last place". The position you are on the list does not grant you anything and could just as well be randomized. The list is sorted by stars and then damage purely for readability reasons. You might have gotten more contribution than the two players "over" you.
    Rainbow Warrior and PastelPiku like this.
  19. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    I've noticed sometimes the order seems random even relative to how many stars they got, ie someone with 1 star above someone with 2 stars. I might be confusing this with coins, though. Is this intentional?
  20. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    The sorting is currently bugged because of the coins. Will be fixed in the next update. But this is purely cosmetic issue because as I said the order of the list actually means nothing.

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