When you compare all 5 ships, at every MK levels, Enforcer MK5 seems to have the most imbalance slot points distribution. IMO, the red slots are fine with 3RRR from MK5 to MK7. The problem with Enforcer MK5 is the yellow and blue slot points distribution: 4YY and 2BB at MK5.
First problem, the yellow slots. Almost every Enforcer MK5 I have seen was equipped with an Overboost. That means at least 1 yellow slot point is wasted when you use an Overboost. If you want to fully utilize the 4YY, your Enforcer will be as slow as a Defender. In my case, I’m using an Overboost and a Tesla Bolt, that means 2 yellow slot points are wasted.
Second problem, the blue slots. With 2BB we’re seeing mostly Turbo+Standard Shield and Turbo+Bandage combo. With a base HP of 2110, using the Turbo+Bandage combo will usually end up having less than 3k HP, you need Overboost to get yourself into hiding spots quickly or run away from danger, which leads us back to the first problem with yellow slot points.
These are the problems I think making Enforcer MK5 imbalance and many players chose Speeder over Enforcer at MK5. I believe if the slot points were to be redistributed to 3RRR 3YY 3BB we will see more Enforcer MK5 on the bay

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