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Segregation of Nightmare League

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by nikeej, 7 Jun 2018.


League above Nightmare

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. nikeej

    nikeej Active Member

    28 Jul 2017
    As the new rivalry started along this week , I am seeing more and more MK7 in NM League.

    Bearing this in mind, I would say it is high time to form a second tier for NM league. (I understand there has been threads regarding this , but i am not a fan of necro-ing old threads , and the old threads are considered outdated with implementation of light element of gear score into MM)

    Why should we consider on such action?
    1. We have approximate 1500 - 2000 (Correct me if i am wrong) players in the nightmare league. As captain level progress , it is starting to littered with MK7 across the league. This would further cause a chain reaction towards the progression of players in Ace 1 trying to reach nightmare, which will push MK6 towards the lower leagues and further push lower MK level boats to lower leagues which will impact on new players.

    2. Its general consensus that the rewards for 1st to 3rd place are immense. Yet it is always dominated but a few certain players till they get bored and quit battlebay. I am sure we have a pretty few examples of players so far. Don't get me wrong , it is not about P2W vs F2P, but more towards a progression of game play. Having 2k or so players in NM league makes NM common.
    Lower rung nightmare players would not be incentive-sized to push further in game play , which spells lesser purchases, which spells lower revenue. (I am F2P btw)

    3. With an implementation of a Second Tier NM , new tiered weapons or captain levels (additional talents available for this league only) can be create as incentives and to further gameplay. I know some of you will bitch about why cater to only the minority. Well you ain't gonna frequently MM with the minority anyway , so it will not affect you anyways.

    Taking a page from American Marauder , https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/rovio-devs-the-ultra-league.10586/ , with the implementation of Legendary Perks , it is not far fetched for an additional league.
  2. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    I believe we are getting closer to 2500-3000 nightmare players.

    I do agree that there needs to be more progression at the top and not just new perks/items.
  3. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    Without even reading your post, I suggested yes just seeing the thread name. Because it is needed. Right now I face at least 3 mk7 in battles which is wrong. I know that even our team gets 3 mk7 to make it fair. But, my question is , when there is lot more mk6 than mk7, why do we still get matched with mk7. The segregation of the league is a must . :rolleyes:
  4. nikeej

    nikeej Active Member

    28 Jul 2017
    I am thinking of Captain Skill or Special Attributes for Ships can be added for those who are in the "New League" , and every rivalry can unlock a Captain Skill/Special Attribute if you are still in the league. However should you fall out of the league , the Captain Skill/Special Attribute would be grey out/disable till you reach back in to the league.

    This will encourage more competitive game play and in due process hopefully eliminating some seal clubbers.
  5. nikeej

    nikeej Active Member

    28 Jul 2017
    Its the same for me . Its like puberty all over the NM league, MK6's become MK7's in the abundance.
  6. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    That sounds nice, but you have to be careful to not install too much power creep too quickly. These unique Legendary perks are already a small power creep. The Legendary achievements were a big one.

    If this is done right and carefully, I'm all for it. I won't turn down new stuff in this game.
  7. nikeej

    nikeej Active Member

    28 Jul 2017
    Well if I meet someone in the Bay with this kind of "extras" and pawn my ass off, I be motivated to get my ass into that league.
  8. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    The only real reason to create a new higher nightmare division would be to give extra rewards to those of us who can reach it.

    Those of you saying that you're seeing too many mk7's in your matches would still be matched against those same players of course, except now they'd have a different league title.
  9. nikeej

    nikeej Active Member

    28 Jul 2017
    Assuming the current MK7’s are unmotivated and just wading in the current shallow NM pond. A new league would give them an incentive to swim towards that bigger pond.

    Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.
  10. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    idk, facing Mk7s is not that bad. I mean, they just have slightly higher stats... Mk6s can still do good
  11. nikeej

    nikeej Active Member

    28 Jul 2017
    Yes, MK7 is not too bad to handle. It usually aint a problem, but I noticed an influx of them right after the season starts. Sooner or later, there will be more and more MK7, which will suppress weaker mk7 and mk6, resulting in more Mk6 from entering NM, which chains down to the mk5 and so on.

    It will be a domino effect and the people who suffers are the beginners.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  12. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    As of now , there are 2124 nighmare players. And I guess each season nearly 50 new players are entering Nightmare league. We need a new segregation for the top 1000 or so. :rolleyes:
  13. nikeej

    nikeej Active Member

    28 Jul 2017
    Wow, i admire your tenacity . Looking at the data posted, we can hypothesis that either

    a) those at the bottom are seal clubbing.
    b) they got to nightmare by luck
    C) they are being suppressed by bigger boats.

    Which all these domino towards the lower leagues.
  14. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Everyone is reset to 4000 at the start of NML, and those players will be matched with each other. Someone's gotta lose. I know, I was there myself and I'm back down in the low-to-mid 3K range again.
  15. nikeej

    nikeej Active Member

    28 Jul 2017
    Yes, the notion of infamy reset is received. However, assume 10% drops out and 10% enter NM, it be status quo. The league is bloated to 2100 players.

    Where do players at level 50 look forward to? What happens when I reach level 50? Should I quit?
    NM minimum infamy was raised during global launch. It's been a year. The core of BB was a global rank ladder curated, followed by guild quest and followed by TDM.

    I reckon it is time to look back towards the core and improve on it.

    The reason I am advocating all these is BB is the only mobile game that I spent nearly a year on (my longest game till date)
    I am in the mid 40 of captain level and it seems to me that level 50 is when I die. I am seeking immortality or eternity for this game.
    Sachin Shekhar likes this.
  16. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Yep, I only try just enough to keep my spot in nightmare because there's no point unless you really want to break top 50 for some 500k extra gold.
    League rewards are just bad in general. That's why guild quests are the first priority over infamy.
    TVNPryde likes this.
  17. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    So, Let me ask you a question.

    Why did you say guild quest are the top priority? Is it because u get good rewards from it than the nightmare league? Or u like questing ( Highly unlikely)?

    Well, u try to get good items and perks so that u can achieve a higher infamy and try to get past your previous best.

    So, round it goes and gets back to infamy. In my opinion u play the game so u can try to beat ur previous highest infamy. This way u can motivate urself to play more. ;)
    Medullaoblongata likes this.
  18. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Because everybody in NML gets the same reward except for the Top 50 and cracking that Top 50 is extremely difficult and the increase in rewards is not worth the time and effort.

    But why?
    EyeOfDoom likes this.
  19. Ænima

    Ænima Active Member

    7 Jun 2018
    While I would like to see this (aka a 5k reset every 2wks for those above), I can't believe it would happen before they introduce the next "expansion" of items and ships.

    Once we have MK8 ships and T6 items it would make sense to add another tier above NM.
    Sachin Shekhar likes this.
  20. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I think it's time for level 60, mk8s and a higher league

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