Ok. Perfect thread to talk about the lesser rarity Tesla shield. Tesla shields are basically useless in Nightmare league if you have a Rare or worst. don't use it even if you think that 1200 HP Rare max Tesla shield is decent cover, it's not (I have Dr Buzzkill maxed). Weapons at Nightmare are far beyond this damage range which includes: railgun, explosive cannon, sniper cannon(crit), blast cannon, missiles. Basically almost every developed weapon that is fired at you, will be left self-stunned, which is worst than nothing at all. As a speeder or enforcer, in danger situations you want to pretty much over boost or nitro out of there as quick as possible. Getting stunned for 4 secs after your shield gets omitted doesn't allow you to do that, and 4 secs is a long time in the danger zone.
Getting back to the Tesla Shield, it's one of the odd items that is severely gimped at lower rarities. Let me demonstrate:
Here is the chart from BattleBayItems(thanks ckim), as you can see a rare Tesla shield is about half the HP as the legendary. An uncommon is about 25% and common barely 10%. the graph doesn't resembles other items, here's another yellow item Nitro:
Such a huge contrast. Not sure why Rovio designed it like this, it's completely wacky. Maybe it's another bug, and it shows completely imbalance of item and fairness. Imagine every item scaled like the Tesla Shield. So you wonder why players like Orpheus and Bunta circle around foes in Nightmare and survive, here's the answer.
So what I'm trying to say us what my post started with. Don't use the lower rarity Tesla shield it sucks compared to epics and legendaries and it's a fraction of what those are capable of.
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