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DevReply reported issues QnA post 4.0

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Nov 2018.

  1. gor.030

    gor.030 New Member

    12 Feb 2018
    Hi there, I have severe issues with the ship parts not registering properly:

    A) After the Reaper event my earned ship parts set back to the level of before event, unfortunately no screen shots on this.

    B) Just now I wanted to exchange my 98 ship coins into ship parts. I had 2585 ship parts before trading in my 98 ship coins. 4 x 65 = 260 ship coins I got (*sigh*) but ended with only 2650 ship parts. So there are 3x 65 coins missing. :-/ (pls see attached screens)

    C) Also I E countered some tremendous matchmaking issues, esp. at beginning of Torp event.
    Pls have a look into this. Thank you.

    Issues like A and B are really annoying, since I put a lot of effort into collecting the parts.


    Attached Files:

    Mohammad AbuHammad likes this.
  2. gor.030

    gor.030 New Member

    12 Feb 2018
    CCAA3CBC-CB4D-4530-91DE-D550FBE6B15D.jpeg 44329482-5712-4A6C-959B-182A040BED08.png UPDATE: I actually found screenshots that prove my ship part status I mentioned in A):
    As you can see, I had initially 2765, to which 700 were added. Thus B) should have started with 3465.
  3. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This happened to me yesterday... target was stuck above the enemy, and I couldn't get it to reset. It's fairly rare but obviously happening to other players.
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  4. Hellcat_17

    Hellcat_17 Active Member

    17 Nov 2018
    Sweet leaf had a shot on deer general dix when he was on nitro he gets hit you hear the hit from his point of view but no damage registers. It's near the end of the match and he is burning from a flare gun. I have watched it 5 times to be sure and clear.
  5. Mohammad AbuHammad

    Mohammad AbuHammad New Member

    30 May 2018
    These numbers aren't 100% exact , but around the right values , I am trying to save the 10k ship parts so I can buy one of these new ships , but every time a new LTM starts I lose my old saved parts from previous events , are you aware of this / is it fixable , are they gone for ever ?

    Attached Files:

  6. T rx

    T rx New Member

    15 May 2018
  7. nickatorit

    nickatorit Member

    28 Feb 2018
    I really agree that it is amazing how fast it eat battery, but what is even weirder if you are just out of game/action and just chatting it is still going significantly down, I am not playing only in chat etc and phone start to be warm like I am 30 minutes in game.. or charging.. There is some glitch/bug in game which is causing it.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  8. DrLuigiPhd

    DrLuigiPhd Active Member

    23 May 2017
    I have several that I’ve noticed on my defender playing in this current Gatling gun event:
    Defenders depression angle seems restricted making it difficult to shoot close/short targets.

    After respawning in events, Gatling gun is “remembering” how many shots you had left in the mag when you died. This means you don’t start your new life ready to rock and roll if you died with some still left in the gun.

    Suggestion: make Gatling gun start automatically reloading after 3 sec of not using or make it slowly acquire ammo back if you aren’t using it so that it’s ready to go next time you need it.

    Or just fix it so you spawn with full ammo.

    Also, make it shoot faster. And zoom back out faster after using it. UI still seems clunky on a gun you currently are running an exclusive event on
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  9. Chris Tyler

    Chris Tyler New Member

    17 Aug 2018
    No issue for me
  10. Chris Tyler

    Chris Tyler New Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Can u guys put back chances of getting legendary equipment for events ???
  11. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Legendaries as event rewards created a huge power shift by giving lower level players access to high tier weapons. The only way pieces will return as event rewards is if they scale them to either your gs or ranked league.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  12. +JQ85+

    +JQ85+ New Member

    23 Nov 2018
    What about missing ship pieces? I keep losing my ship pieces. I had 1910 and then I opened 5 boxes and I got 65x5=325. So my ship pieces should be 2235, but instead I only have 2040.
    Please fix it rovio. Many thanks.
    gor.030 likes this.
  13. Chris Tyler

    Chris Tyler New Member

    17 Aug 2018
    The chances of getting a legendary was like 5 % so i dont see the problem . whats the qualifications of ranked and gs to get legendary
  14. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    The chance of legendary was 100% for those willing to grind for it regardless of level. Every tenth box gave a legendary piece. Low level players running around with legendaries threw off the whole balance of matchmaking.
    I believe this is the reason they got rid of these rewards.
    What I meant by gs and ranked progress is to have that limit what pieces are available to you as event rewards. For example a player in Challenger would only have access to buy common, uncommon, and rare. And so on only giving access to items one tier above their current position.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Tbh it was a bad move for those of us in higher leagues. What is it with the devs not giving us a little bit of a boost? We've slogged pretty hard through the last 1-1.5 years, we're what they call the "loyal playerbase", are we not? Do we not deserve the level of rewards that allow US to compete with opponents on OUR level?

    Way I see it, Rovio "balanced" the events for early game players. Which, if we look at it, is perfectly fine. Ain't no fun fighting players at 800 infamy with levelled leggies. But let's face it, it has brought endgame progression down to a crawl.
    ShipCrusherCz, Reorge and JoshW like this.
  16. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    I completely agree, it is near impossible to level leggies in any kind of timely manner. Scaled rewards is the simplest and most obvious solution ( why isn't this a thing yet Rovio? ) Higher level players get higher tier rewards... Problem solved lol.

    I would also like to add as a mid level player getting leggies was a terrible move for me. I gained a lot of infamy and my other gear lagged way behind which I believe is why my infamy was stagnant for so long. I didn't start gaining infamy again until my epic shields caught up to my legendary weapons. Now I'm faced with the problem of my leveled shields outpacing my legendaries since I can't upgrade them and I can't do the damage required to keep progressing.
    Gear is all a balancing act if you want a steady upward trend in infamy and now that my access to legendary pieces is cut off my balance is all out of whack.
    Last edited: 24 Nov 2018
  17. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Yeah, man, I mean, every game does this! Even Rovio does it in Ranked with the Leagues system, why can't we have it here? I agree that it will bring an element of infamy in an otherwise infamy-independent gamemode, but I don't really see the problem here.
    JoshW likes this.
  18. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    *I edited my last post *
    Especially when those infamy independent game modes give rewards that directly effect the regular infamy mode.
  19. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    the 3v3 game felt solid.. no disconnections whatsoever.

    going forward the 5v5 event and normal.. disconnections disconnections disconnection on LTE.. and don’t forget ipad air crashing every single ***king game.
    Reorge likes this.
  20. Chris Tyler

    Chris Tyler New Member

    17 Aug 2018
    My gear score is 5553 on shooter . my infamy is 700

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