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Regarding Hardcore TDM...

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Redneck Messiah, 3 Jan 2019.


Is hardcore TDM a good thing for ranked?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    This topic is a case in point. As of this moment, more than three quarters of respondents have, explicitly, indicated that they think TDM is ‘not good’ for ranked play...
    I said: ‘many people have a problem with TDM being ranked’. The vote clearly shows that. For you to claim you have ‘no idea’ what I’m talking about, you would need to, literally, be blind. :confused:

    I think any discussion about peoples’ internal thought process is, by definition, conjecture. Strategic viability, on the other hand, can at least be demonstrated to some extent. It also stands to reason that some ships benefit more from the ability to respawn than others (namely those that aren’t usually capable of rapid repositioning), which is a balance consideration. When there is little penalty for agression, ships with more weapons get more of a buff, than ships that waste slots on defensive items.

    I don’t know. I’ve seen a lot of evidence to the contrary! :D

    My concern is that if the ‘aggressive’ strategy proves to be the winning strategy, which I think is likely (based on my experience of the current TDM), then only ships with higher DPS capabilities will be viable for gaining infamy.
    Last edited: 7 Jan 2019
  2. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    Lots of player gonna uninstall the Battle Bay after update 4.2 because i also spent my all resources on one ship and i used to swap items from one ship to another i wana play another ship . TDM events are fun but i enjoyed them because i don't need to worries about my rank . i play ranked battle less because sometimes there are some players who suicide and i feel like infamy don't represent my performance and only few battle when i see team work . most of the time people play like individuals . so i wanted infamy system which some how based on individual performance but not what update 4.2 is gonna bring . i don't have second ship .

    there is something stupid about this game . even if you are P2W player you are not gonna get the item you want . its always gonna be a Random item . even if you got the copies of your favorite item material gonna cost a lot . even if you the material and sugar everything but maybe you don't have enough Power cells , something you can't buy from shop . every step of this game is designed to make more and more $$$$$ i know there are some creative artist behind it who worked on nice visual details but somebody in Ravio only interested in $$$$$$ and they give you very less virtual material for every $ you spend .
    Last edited: 7 Jan 2019
  3. Greatgambler440

    Greatgambler440 Active Member

    8 Nov 2017
    Best way is to split normal battle into three modes:
    Normal elimination as it is now.
    And hardcore tdm with two or more ship whatever it is I dont care because i will always play casual.
    Hellcat_17 and Su-57 like this.
  4. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I speak as a speeder player, and a yellow boat user. @ViscountSniffit 's concerns are 100% valid. I share them in fact. You can defend yellow boats all you want, but in the face of hyper-aggressive tactics adopted by shooters and the like(basically ALL the high burst boats), speeders, enfos, reapers and fixers will be blown away like leaves before a storm. Heck, I had to farm up shooter gear to be able to grind events, and I'd say I'm not too shabby as a speeder, OR an enforcer for that matter.

    There's simply so much a tesla shield can hold up to.
    There's simply so many bullets you can dodge before being caught up in a literal RAIN of mortar, excannon, firebomb and torp fire in the midst of a minefield that they placed.
    There's simply so many people you can stun, or frost, before being annihilated.

    I personally think that, if HTDMs are conducted in the same way as today's TDMs, lowered rewards are the least of our concerns, we're looking at the EXTINCTION of an entire playstyle that focuses on assassination, gurreilla warfare and hardcore tactical combat.

    However, I personally believe that HTDM will NOT be released in this manner. It'll be relatively well-balanced, with limiters placed on spam and bezerk tactics. Mindsets will also play a major role, and as many have said before me,

    But at the end of the day, everything depends on HOW the update works in practice. We'll just have to wait and see.

    Edit: Corrected a mistake
  5. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    By three quarters you mean 22 people ryt. Well they are just speculating. Many didn't bother voting or they are reserving their judgements for when they try the thing.
    Don't know what you two are talking about, I am a Beast in TDM, both with Speeder and Enfo. Why because i am way harder to hit then my shooter or defender companions. You said yourself @TheAntiSnipe that you do No-death TDM in speeder. Damage is important but so its doing little less dmg and not dying.
    Also I have been in some really strategic tdm matches where low hp teammates keeps running so others can kill the full hp enemy who is rampaging blindly.
    Let me change the statement, People are greedy.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You said it yourself, that HAS to be how rewards should be rated. Deaths NEED to have a direct negative impact on the end-of-match scorecard. Or else yellow boat players WILL end up with the short end of the stick.
    And hell yeah I play deathless on speeder in TDM for most of my games, but you and I have to agree that expectations of this much skill in the early-mid game(where there are the most Ranked pushers) is not really realistic lol :)
    I believe that HTDM has potential, both gamechanging and gamebreaking :p However, as I said in the same message, I'm gonna hold off until the update releases for my critique.
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  7. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Statistically speaking, the result is actually more significant than you might first think. While the sample size is admittedly small, the difference in votes is huge. So huge, in fact, that it can tolerate an equally huge margin for error.

    You could make a case for sample bias, but for an almost 80:20 split to be unrepresentative, the margin for error would need to be so big, that even this small sample should easily be enough to represent a population many thousands of times bigger, and to very high degree of confidence.

    RACK STAR Member

    17 Oct 2018
    Reality is....the 2 boats system for ranked deathmatch is causing the most commotion and player hate. Dumbest idea ever. And no one has 2 sets of turbos and full shields to arm them both unless spent tons of $$$.

    Second, is how to give rewards for damage, winning and not dying. So far deathmatch has been a bunch of players charging forward and dying non stop. Could that end once it affects infamy? Maybe.

    Why developers chose this direction....they want more money.

    Hopefully it is a good update. But could it end the game? Because players quit....yeah, very likely.

    We shall see this month.

    SAME DIFF3R3NC3 Well-Known Member

    26 Apr 2017
    Don’t forget, in the new HTDM you don’t get unlimited respawns. You get as many life’s as you have useful boats (which by most members, isn’t much). So it’s more like an extended team elimination than TDM.
  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I hope that is speculation, because that would be hands down the dumbest idea put forth in this game.
  11. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    I've seen some valid points on both sides of this debate and I commend you all for keeping it so civil!

    In preparation for the update I started playing events as though they were infamy battles. A healthy mix of conservative play and brutish damage dealing when necessary.

    I think with infamy on the line the mindsets of players will change and we will see entirely different battles than we see in today's TDM matches.

    Damage dealing ships with high burst potential will need to play more conservatively in order to have a bigger influence on the outcome of the battle. More than likely their weapons will now be split between two ships giving defensive players a bit of an edge allowing them to take a few more hits in the early game.

    These are just my initial thoughts and will hold my in depth analysis for when we can actually play the mode (and possibly after any changes that are made to it).

    SAME DIFF3R3NC3 Well-Known Member

    26 Apr 2017
    Yes, I’m just speculating off the teaser Video where it says, when your boat is destroyed, you respawn in a different ship that you own. I’m assuming your lives are tied to how many boats you load, hence the Hardcore designation.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  13. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    What you say is all accurate, but there have been plenty of complaints about TDM, particularly how it is scored because the goal of TDM is kills and your team gives the other team points when you die, so you should be rated appropriately when you die 4 times, for example.

    What happened is the Devs conflated the time spent in TDM to mean that players like TDM more when it's just as simple as this: Event TDM has both less risk and greater overall rewards than ranked elimination. The player's desire for greater progression will always drive behavior in a game like this, and the devs are solely responsible for making ranked the red-headed step-child of the bay. The perpetual events also give players the suicider mindset which further frustrates attempts for players to go into ranked because their teammates are now playing like idiots... and part.

    In other words, there are many threads about all this dating back months, so it's not a surprise players generally don't appreciate TDM for ranked.
    RACK STAR and Redneck Messiah like this.
  14. GraveDragon

    GraveDragon Active Member

    25 Oct 2018
    To be honest, I am ok with the TDM being ranked. I usually don't mind infamy. My primary goal as of now is to build my ship and weapons. Therefore, I am satisfied with the normal matches coming to the events. I have only been playing the events for the majority and it would be much easier to reach 900 coins in a normal match as the matches will be quick. (unless the devs increase the coin reach, which would suck). Wouldn't you guys agree?
    Would be nice if the devs bring back the option to purchase item pieces in the upcoming events.
    Last edited: 8 Jan 2019
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  15. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Rovio is removing elimination entirely from the game (the current ranked mode). They may re-introduce it in events, but as of now that's not the plan.
  16. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    Rip skill Launch Day-2019
    Hellcat_17 likes this.
  17. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    I believe casual is still regular elimination.
  18. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    This is true...

    TheAntiSnipe and JoshW like this.
  19. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    From Discord:

    Question: Will the team elimination gamemode for ranked still be available? Or will hardcore deathmatch completly replace it?
    Zeus: It will likely replace it at least to start, it's possible we rotate the mode for seasons or something else entirely. We still haven't decided.
  20. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Key word here is ranked. It's confirmed in the original sneak "peak" thread that team elimination will still remain in the casual mode.

    envylife likes this.

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