Well now when you pointed my vote out, I'd like to explain why I voted so.
As you all know, Shooters are pretty strong at any ship mk, tbh, it is the most powerful at all marks. Ships like Speeder depend on their supporting items, even when left alive alone. Stun (and tesla shield at higher ranks) is/are a must as you won't survive with only two guns against these damage dealer beasts. You can't say Speeder is overpowered and imo two nerfs in a row was too harash. Never mentioning lower mk Speeders as they sure are underpowered (before mk 3 only one gun as others has 2-3). Then again, yes I know speed must cost you something, like a gun or two, but you can't say for example hp and speed nerfs BOTH were needed. Sure take some hp out for exchange of speed but do not take our overboost times. (To devs: Yes, I am still annoyed about that nerf!

Why I voted Speeder needs buff? -- To get some attention that we speeders WITHOUT epic shields worth of thousands of hp points are really vulnerable and we would like to get some more hp. Especially Speeders mk 5 and below. Mk 6 (as I am) sure, 4,5k is quite okay but still dying with one big torp t5 legend. If you're going to keep Speeders as they are now, please nerf those big legend guns dealing over 4,5k damage as it ain't fair!
Hmm, almost forgot. Yes, I do think Enforcer needs buff more than Speeder. Maybe more basic speed just to be able to do enfo-dancing again. Now overboost is too short for that. But the point was to draw attention to Speeders too as Enfo is taking quite much attention already
And what comes to Fixers -- Yes, too low self heal at rare stuff but with epic t4+ (means legends t1+ too of course), it is too high to give even 75% back. Those Fixers are almost immortal so I find Fixers now fine when they have epics in their fixing gear. (Just FYI, I am thinking to build Fixer someday when I have rare t5 or better stuff build for it but at the moment I can't even upgrade that stuff over t2 so I can't test Fixer properly

What Shooter did to become the Queens and Kings of the bay? -- Complained about Speeders of course. --> Our turn

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