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Please look into the matchmaking

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Mr squiqqle, 24 Jul 2017.

  1. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    You let the top 5 match of against the next 5 in level who are online. If they keep winning then let them keep winning.

    You don't give us the 5 party feature cause 5 people will keep winning? If you care so much about being fair and crap you should make the game ftp for everybody or sonerhing. Do you even realize that the game is dying?.

    All you guys keep giving us are nerfs, buffs, new items and ship levels. Since the global launch it's been excessively difficult for players to climb infamy from below.

    It took me a month just to get out of warrior and I'll say climbing infamy is much easier at my current level than it is back when I was little.

    I keep pestering my friends to all make an account and play and successfully managed to make them play.

    They all played for a month and then quit cause they can't go any further up, theu keep getting hit with higher level ships, lame teammates and hard to fight against ship class combinations.

    A majority of your lower infamy crowd is quitting the damn game and you guys don't want to give the game the one feature that can save them all, the one feature they can use to get a team full of decent players that theu trust with a ship combination that they are comfortable with so they can get their bums away from the huge pile of low skilled high level ships with rare weapons, cause you are afraid the top 5 will have too much fun?.

    You guys really need to get your game together literally, I'm sorry for losing it and throwing poop at you but it seems you people are completely oblivious to what this game really needs right now

    If the top 5 keeps winning then let them keep winning, I'm sure we all want the 5 fleet feature so badly that we're cool with that.

    SCOOTY PUFF Jr Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I would hope so too, I honestly didn't think that comment would be taken any other way than a laugh
  3. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    So if this thread topic is now new features, the main problem would be the player base and the splitting the pool. Any new ideas must address this problem first. I agree custom matches would be nice, but the implications of the idea may have some undesirable or unexpected consequences
  4. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    I worry about that too. But the question is player retention. And it doesn't seem like the game would suffer badly from simply allowing 5v5 premades in friendly matches as a start; I think it would be quite the opposite. I know so many VIPs that desire a new outlet, especially with fleeting.
  5. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    That's the big question. If you can answer this question correctly, then you might as well hand in an application right away.
  6. WaveMaker

    WaveMaker Active Member

    20 Jul 2017
    As far as game developers go, I dunno what would be more satisfying I’m not a developer. Nothing will ever be perfect but here is what I see if you are willing to listen. The guild has little relevance to the game because you can only roll with one of them in a battle at a time. There are no rewards for the guilds so really it's just another place to have a private chat (without spammers which is nice) (or boast about infamy I suppose) with people you talk to more often. During battle coordinated attacks are barely possible since there are only simple button one word commands (voice chat similar to xbox and the game halo would be a better method IMHO). Finding ways to remove AFK players that ruin a match for the rest of the team IE fleeting in larger sizes reduces this opportunity. <- In my mind at least. Looking into ways to improve and create even matched games though more logic rules, infamy, weapons, ship and captain levels should all contribute. Consider a tutorial for those just getting started so far it’s just “sink or swim” pun intended. How about a race to destroy targets for extra points?? (but only similar ships could race due to speed barriers.

    Sure more maps, ships, weapons or new textures, tournaments, contests would be cool but creating/developing features that bring teams together (voice chat) builds stickiness that players keep coming back for. Now I have no idea if these ideas will work but as a player without them I find the game lack luster in the team department.

    Hopefully, I didn’t step on all of your toes this is just what I see and ways I think it could potentially improve the team aspect. You guys make a great game.

    Last edited: 7 Aug 2017
  7. battlebaymembers

    battlebaymembers New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    tbh , this game is really fun but seriously we need new features instead of playing the same game mode over and over again. ;);)
  8. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Making 5on5 work is tricky if you insist on staying within the current ´rules´.

    Here is an example of how it could work:
    - Tournament mode (perhaps 48hours, i.e. a weekend)
    - Everyone in equal gear/mk/talents [Either everything unlocked, or x amount of points to spend to built a setup].
    - People sign up in teams of 5 & have to play all games together (Perhaps allow a few more players on each team, so you can sub when required)
    - Every team starts at equal rating, over time some teams gain rating, while others drop down.
    - Matchmaking tries to match teams evenly, but when it fails it takes rating into account when scoring (I.e. the top team slaying 5 noobs is not worth much, but the noob team slaying the top team is worth alot).

    After 48hours you gain some reward based on your final position and a few weeks later the next tournament opens.
    The main challenge with an idea like the above is that it violates the freemium design model --- So how do we make it drain money from players?
    - Restrict players to 1 ship pr tournament [with x pearls required to unlock others].
    - Or perhaps come to realize that by creating fun gameplay people are also more included to spend money on your game :)
  9. Mariam

    Mariam New Member

    4 Jul 2017
    Why don't you make guild vs guild matches? It would be fair because guilds would choose who to fight with
    Ravindra Singh likes this.
  10. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
  11. Ravindra Singh

    Ravindra Singh New Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Very true... this happens to all... this is there strategy
  12. Ravindra Singh

    Ravindra Singh New Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Yes.. whenever you earn 3 star... means trouble starts for you... they match with dumbo player and opposition with very good players... admin please dont do this ...this will make u loose players

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