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Please fix Balancing

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by "Scooby", 10 Aug 2017.

  1. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I think the reason that it might not obey statistical properties is that 10 humans playing isn't just a probability event. There is other stuff to consider, such that people on a losing streak tend to get annoyed and play worse.

    Besides, I haven't seen a streak of 10 (win or lose) in a long time. It's rare for me to get a streak of 5. I think you're exaggerating. Winning or losing 10 in a row is definitely not happening repeatedly for every player in the game.
  2. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    It's psychology. Humans like finding patterns in things, even when they don't exist, or at least they attribute it to the wrong thing. You tend to not notice the mundane, normal things. But when something you perceive you be out of the ordinary, your mind notices that. But, because of random chance and variability, these patterns happen and are normal. Each game is completely independent of itself in terms of match making. It is also probable that you play more brashly or recklessly when you lose because of the frustration. When you win, you feel more calm and collected and therefore you make more sound decisions. That is, until hubris and overconfidence takes over and makes you as reckless as if you lost.

    Copy+paste. how useful:)
  3. LameAdmins

    LameAdmins New Member

    26 May 2017
    balance the game :D haha what a joke. play the game 1 year and u will see the logic problems of admins.
    Last edited: 13 Aug 2017
  4. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    That user name fits with the comment. Anyway, in before comment is deleted :)
  5. murius

    murius New Member

    1 Aug 2017
    I think what they were trying to say is - if you are @3k infamy and always play a defender mk6 but decide to bring out your speeder mk3-4 - your boat isn't good enough to compete at that level and maybe your weapons. But because infamy isn't per ship you still have to compete at that level.
  6. guykakin

    guykakin Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Of course money has to be made. so sell skins and badges. Or charge $10 for the game and then keep everything as grind to win. there are other games that make money using these models
  7. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Who would pay $10 to download a game?

    Most pay2win players lol

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