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Please don't use builds like this, just don't alright?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Wishaal, 26 Sep 2017.

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  1. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    If u wana know how that's done feel free to message me direct but it's starting to get off topic if we continue on that subject
  2. SlAyEr

    SlAyEr Active Member

    12 Jun 2017
    Everybody have their opinion.
    So why worry?
    Let them voice it. U voice urs. But don't ruin the forums with false allegations. If u have any proof, please do mention it before pointing out anyone!:p
    Sewah likes this.
  3. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    As for defenders... I have seen some "incredibly stupid" loadouts.

    If you use a build like this, you're just a "disgrace" to all other fixers

    But I do have the right to discuss "dumb" loadouts. If they want to use it, that's fine. But most of the time people don't even know their build is "stupid".

    And yeah make no mistake you calling them out to them trying "educate them" on what's a good build and what's not.

    You were implying that they were silly and clueless and you were implying that their builds are stupid. You are free to give your opinion yes, but there's no need to throw your poop onto others just because you feel otherwise.

    I appreciate your thinking and I'm sure your heart was in the right place trying to help people but your way of thinking around it doesn't feel right to me and you sure as hell worded it in a bad way.

    Also, I said "If he has any issues with getting negative opinions about the stuff he threw out there for everybody to read and give opinions about them he must remove himself from public forums as social media is not for him."

    I didn't say you ought to quit, I said social media is not for you IF you can't take any negative comments.

    Again I repeat I have 0 hatred for you, I only have annoyance against your words and thoughts and maybe your manner of thinking. I'm sorry if you felt I hate you.
    Griffinx37 and Ian like this.
  4. SlAyEr

    SlAyEr Active Member

    12 Jun 2017
    Rite everyone is free to try any weapon combo they like. That's what this game is for.. multiple weapons multiple ships so multiple weapon combos!
  5. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    For some reason I always seem to attract alot of salt.
    I admit, Maybe I didn't choose the best words... But cmon guys, aren't you guys being a little bit harsh on me?

    As for the builds, if you have questions about Why it's a bad build ask me about it and I'll be happy to explain in detail.
  6. SlAyEr

    SlAyEr Active Member

    12 Jun 2017
    Voicing opinion is gud! But if player's build work for them, we r no one to question it.
    Advising is gud but implementation depends epends on the player whether he\she wants to implement it or not :p
  7. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Did it ever occur to you that you always seem to attract salt cause you always seem to word everything wrong?.

    If you know you are doing something wrong then at the very least please try to correct it the next time. How many times has this happened already?.

    And lastly, you don't seem to understand something, they either play the build they play cause they don't have a choice (Fudge you rng) or because it works for them.

    Maybe it takes longer to get a hang of. Maybe it requires very specific skills as a player but as long as the devs allow it, no build is a build that you shouldn't play.

    And no, nobody should care if YOU or ANYBODY think it's a bad build including me.
  8. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Did it ever occur to you that You're the person bringing in the salt? It's always the same people involved in the sea of salt.

    Don't tell me you are using 1 of those builds I listed in my comment. Please tell me you are not using an mk5 ship with infamy lower than 2000.
    Last edited: 28 Sep 2017
  9. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    I use an mk4 shooter and I'm above 2k infamy and I use mortars, cannons, turbo and shield, sorry to disappoint you. I maybe the person who's giving you the salt now but I'm sure you agree that I'm not the one always bringing the salt.

    The only common factor in all the salt you are getting is you yourself.
  10. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Well, as much as I hate to admit, you're a good player if you can reach that infamy with mk4.

    I agree, it's not always you who brings the salt (but you gotta admit that you do bring in salt pretty often)

    And I agree, it's me receiving the salt most of the time, trust me, too much salt isn't healthy.

    (luckily, it seems that you're out of salt for now)
  11. SlAyEr

    SlAyEr Active Member

    12 Jun 2017
    Why argue?
    Either kill or get killed!
  12. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Isn't the post we are all commenting on a result of saltiness?
  13. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    I don't throw poop on the same people. I throw poop on whoever I believe has a wrong way of voicing their opinions or claim that other's opinions are wrong from their point of you.

    If I flamed you once too often then it's probably cause you did of then 2 or both. Don't take it personally, it's not just you, I throw poop on all such people and have nothing against them personally.

    I've talked off so many people that I honestly have no idea when I talked you off, as far as I know this is the forst and only time I've given you my piece of poop.
  14. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think that people have a tendency to make choices based on emotional experience, rather than reason.

    For example, I've had a few games where I've been the last player left in the game, against 1-2 unfriends. I've managed to run away, but now I'm on 2hp, and the unfriends have started capturing... Every time it happens, I think: "if only I had a bandage right now".

    Of course, if I had taken a bandage, it would mean I'd have to ditch another blue item, so I might not have survived in the first place... but people don't always stop to think about that. What they take away, is that they needed a bandage and didn't have one.

    Perhaps that's why you see so many people taking bandages that would never heal them back as many hp as just starting with a shield.
  15. Zeus

    Zeus Developer

    4 Apr 2017
    QA Lead
    Helsinki, Finland
    Locking thread. Please keep feedback constructive.
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