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Please don't use builds like this, just don't alright?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Wishaal, 26 Sep 2017.

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  1. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    So thumbs of cheekydevilGOD don't pain while typing?
    Wishaal likes this.
  2. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    The name itself says he is GOD, not human :D:D
    Wishaal likes this.
  3. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Its news to me god using a cellphone
    Babablacksheep and Wishaal like this.
  4. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    In my opinion I don't mind people's builds but it kinda messes with expectations, when I see a fixer I usually expect it to be able to heal me but if that fixer has all duct tapes then that might screw me... I think that we should be able to see our allies' weapons before a match starts this way arguments like this won't happen
    Shooter: "Fixer why didn't you heal me!"
    Fixer: "You knew I only had duct tapes..."
  5. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    U reserve the right to talk about ppl and their builds and "basicly " call the stupid then just don't be surprised when ppl come back with their opinions to your opinions. And again to those saying If we don't like what he has to say we can just move on...well if he don't like ppls loadout HE CAN JUST MOVE ON ASWELL. But he didn't dis he? So now he gets to deal with our comments on his posts :)
    ~~~~Lots of love~~~~
  6. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    He made a thread and titled it "Please don't use builds like this, just don't alright?" and YOU yes YOU clicked on it, its hard to ignore these setups if they affect your gameplay and I thinks it is obvious that this thread isn't for people who have knowledge about the game and know what they are doing its for people who don't realize their load outs might be affecting their own abilities and in return their team. It doesn't apply to those players who play their loadouts well. Some people change their load outs so they get to high infamy and then they try one of the load outs stated in this thread affecting people in higher infamies... so you can't say "Oh, they must be doing something right if they are at your infamy". I know this is RICH coming from someone of my infamy level, but I hate to see people fight over a misunderstanding...
  7. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    I stopped reading once u said it's hard to ignore these setups.... no it's not! I ignor them all day every day u wana know how? I worry about me and my boat not other ppls
  8. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Willing to bet this post was created out of activation with his team. He can correct me if I'm wrong :) if I'm wrong I'll stop any further comments
  9. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    That is great for you but other people want to win and that requires a team effort...
  10. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    aggravation* and it probably was, its aggravating when you lose because of something your team does we have all been mad due to poor decisions of teammates...
    Shadow Moon! and Babablacksheep like this.
  11. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    O my friend I do understand we ALL wana win....but ya know if ya haven't learned yet I'd like to let ya in on a little life secret that pertains to evwrything....life ain't always fair...but ya goda live with it anyway
  12. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    This is a game were every single player is allowed to make any loadout they wish in the boundaries of the game setup....so as it being THIER profile we can't do a thing about what they run. And this is just my personal opinion wich accounts for nothing but ifbya don't like that u can quit...if u hate the team set up or "dumb" teammates or stupid builds....no one makes u play this game
  13. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    This is the exact reason for creating thread like this(I mean in general) to tell players that certain play styles don't work. Some players believe or feel they can just slap anything into weapons slots and be good to go but there are skills required for example the thread A Selfish Fixer teaches players about a play style they might not have thought to try beforehand the whole point of these threads is to teach players and guide them to better play their boats... and if that means telling them about load outs that, historically, do not work then thats what it means at the end of the day like you said no one can force you to change your weapons, all we can do is tell you that what you are doing affects other players...
    Sewah and Shadow Moon! like this.
  14. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    You are right life isn't always fair but you have the right to voice your opinion... its up to others whether or not they want to listen no one forced you to comment on this thread but we can't control who is on our teams(you can fleet but thats only 1 person) all we can do is try to help all the players to play better and maybe then we can have well fought games.
  15. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Again I'm Willing to bet the exact reason for this thread was to moan and grown, bitch and complain with alittle QQ. If it was to help it would be listed in the section for information on ships and there loadout stating a bunch of really good options for each boat...not calling setups that ppl use idiotic, pointless, useless and or stupid....this is no helpful post it's a hate post.
  16. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    O but u can control who's on ur team...u haven't heard?
  17. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Last night I had 8 out of 10 players I wanted to play with on my team and the enemy team on dang near every single match I played
  18. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    Well you must have the best of luck then good for you...
    1. It was probably just a general mistake, think about the section thing and read carefully...
    The OP gives advise for alternatives so how is this just to hate on people, its not like op is down talking them and not giving them advise...
  19. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    I promise ya it wasn't luck...we did this many many times back to back matches for an hour or 2. Luck would have had it happen like what? Once every 10 games
  20. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Notice all the names that say REV in front of them? Ikillinpeace and KSA is also with us in those pics and i can send prolly 20 or 30 more just like it and that's only of recorded matches....
    Screenshot_20170927-182320.png Screenshot_20170927-182301.png Screenshot_20170927-182252.png Screenshot_20170927-182246.png
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