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Notes from a Fixer

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Principal Moo, 26 Jun 2017.

  1. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Yes! Thats what im tryna say! Selfish melfish! If speeders can get away with going Jack Sparrow with no more than memes, why judge fixers? You want us to quit fixing or something? I am an ace shooter and a master speeder, i play defender like a boss and I can enforce with the enforcer doing the enforcer dance, but I play fixer out of sympathy for the poor guys who go out of action in seconds because their team didnt follow. We are perfectly capable of doing most stuff and are capable of pulling ten times our weight in battle. If you still judge us based on a handful of us, well, see you on the unfriends side without a fixer on YOUR TEAM.
  2. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    So, you're really going to sit there and pretend that no other class receives any flak for playing badly or making stupid choices? You just came up with several examples of other classes making dumb decisions, and it is completely okay to call them out on it. This is a team game, your actions affect everyone. Whether you're a Fixer with Duct Tape, or a Defender with a Railgun, you're not immune to criticism.

    And this isn't really about controlling Fixers. The debate here isn't the difference between doing damage with this weapon or doing damage with that weapon. It's the difference between healing others or healing yourself. Since one of those options means I'm not getting healed, it's my business. I would say the same about any item in the game that directly affects teammates.

    Okay, that one line put everything else you said in question:
    "the poor guys who go out of action in seconds because their team didnt follow"

    No. No. No. If you die within seconds on a Fixer and then blame your team for not following you, then I don't want you anywhere near my team. You're not capable of pulling ten times your weight in battle, you're barely capable of pulling the equivalent of your weight in battle if you don't even know what roles are. I'm not judging you based on others, I'm judging you based on what you've said here on the forums about how you play. It sounds like you barely even play Fixer, and I don't believe for a second, with that statement, that you're a master of anything else.

    We're talking about players that don't want to heal other people, but still want to play the only class in the game capable of healing other people. You can't equate that with other classes, unless they're doing something that goes equally against what they're supposed to be doing. Defenders who hide in the back, Speeders that "flank" from the front, etc. Not bringing a support item on a non-support ship doesn't mean anything.
    Zangetsu and David Bonaparte like this.
  3. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    I don't hang around here too much, but it seems to me that a misplayed Fixer is just as infuriating as any other type of ship. Except that fixers require a vastly different mindset from the other types of ships. The mistakes that sometimes are workable for other types of ships do NOT go over well with a Fixer, such as the Rambo-ship. People expect Fixers to, well, fix, and not focus on shooting. They are like supports in more traditional MOBAS such as League, Dota, or Vainglory, in which their goal is to support, not kill. Fixers are fundamentally different from the other ships, so when someone f***s their role up, it is much more noticeable. Especially when they don't understand what a Fixer is supposed to do.

    If you bothered to read some of my earlier posts, you would have noticed that I make exceptions. Yes, obviously if a person only has a bottom tier healing pulse or box, then yeah, their much higher tier duct tape is more useful. Even if you don't buy an uncommon healing item to round out your collection.

    Is this an attempt to rationalize poor gameplay? Even the intentional misplays?

    And no, lots of people are completely retarded and will NOT change their behavior even if it loses them games. It is infinitely easier for 90% of people to blame their losses on everyone else. Everyone else on the team still has to work around them.
    Zangetsu likes this.
  4. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    "If healing is so important for people, they should take up fixing"

    You really sound like a horrible fixer. You probably did nothing but leech on good teams to get your infamy. Seriously, you make yourself sound like a fixer who doesn't even want to heal others.
    Zangetsu likes this.
  5. Cool Penguin

    Cool Penguin Member

    28 May 2017
    As a defender, formerly enforcer, I strongly second this. Though it's slowly growing into my greatest pet peeve.
    BR, the one spamming "Attack!" and no one listens.
  6. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    In my opinion, I think it's all style of gameplay. If you somehow figured out how to use tape effectively, good for you! I don't know your style and I won't hate on it. For example, I played with a fixer that played like a speeder. He rushed straight to the enemy and torpedoed them. And thanks to his tape and pulse, he came out without a scratch. A unconventional way to play fixer, but he pulled it off effectively and we won. I'm a more conventional fixer in which I run box and pulse, so I was surprised. Just because a ship does not take the expected role does not mean they cannot be a valuable and effective asset to the team.

    There's not much point in arguing right now anyway since the meta is about to change drastically. Right now, I'm more hyped about the new repair bolt than anything.
  7. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    I'm not a fixer, but I think that the repair bolt would so significantly weaker than repair box because of the long range. Only time will tell tough
  8. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Im trying to convince myself that Repair Bolt is so amazing that they had to nerf Pulse to keep us in check!

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